sleepy panda

@bangtansoul /

☆ Nathalie | 28 | Dutch | cute animals | video games | films | nature | books | space | memes ☆

making a character in thirty questions but it becomes increasingly more personal

  1. what is their name?
  2. do they have a nickname?
  3. do they have other names?
  4. what is their age?
  5. what is their eye colour?
  6. hair colour?
  7. what languages can they speak?
  8. what is their favourite food?
  9. least favourite?
  10. who is someone they would die for?
  11. who is someone they would kill?
  12. do they have any family members?
  13. did they go to school?
  14. what was /would be their favourite class?
  15. who was their childhood friend?
  16. what is their clothing size?
  17. shoe size?
  18. height?
  19. gender orientation?
  20. sexual orientation?
  21. do they have a sworn enemy?
  22. do they have any tattoos?
  23. have they ever smoked?
  24. what is their mental state?
  25. what is their darkest secret?
  26. who is their sacred confidant?
  27. what is a lie they tell everyone?
  28. what is one lie they know is not true but continue to believe?
  29. if they were under different circumstances would they stray from their storyline?
  30. what makes them hurt?
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