
I Have the Right to Remain Violent

@zhepha-blog / zhepha-blog.tumblr.com

Just your friendly neighborhood genderfluid asexual Who sometimes posts birbs

And he was the inspiration for Zorro who became the inspiration for Batman.


Actually, the first person to ever have their name associated with an original written work was Enheduanna, a Sumerian princess and priestess born in 2285 BC.

In other words, the FIRST AUTHOR IN HUMAN HISTORY was a woman.

#just thought you should know

I’d also like to add that the story often considered to be the ‘world’s first modern novel’, The Tale of Genji (源氏物語), was written by a Japanese noblewoman in the 11th century. 

And Frankenstein, written by 19 year old Mary Shelley, is often labeled as the first true science fiction story because the idea of the creature was based on/inspired by the experiments performed by Luigi Galvani. 

Source: Double majored in English Literature and Japanese History. 


The girlfriend experience

> Any man who has ever had a girlfriend can attest to this.
> This is just too good. Animation, adorableness, substance. I really hope there are more of these.

It’s too adorable not to reblog again.

This is my roommate and his boyfriend. All the freaking way.


dark therapist show me illegal coping mechanisms

that’s your drug dealer


can we please talk about how t'challa, a very masculine, badass, powerful character, admits he was wrong as soon as he realizes it?? he was really, tremendously wrong and he admits it and changes his behavior with like… no problem or ego or bullshit whatsoever? he doesn’t hang on to that masculine “i must be right all the time” thing. he doesn’t. that’s just so magical and pure. t'challa for president 2k16


teacher: go ahead and introduce yourselves student: my name is “michael” with a “b”, and i’ve been afraid of insects my entire— teacher:stop stop stop. where? student: hm? teacher:where’s the “b” ?? student: (voice shaking) THERES A BEE???


When one of my family members asks why I don’t have a boyfriend


Everybody has a gay cousin

Person 1: “ Everybody has a gay cousin”

Person 2: “ Bitch, I don’t have a gay cousin!…Wait. Oh shit, I am the gay- oh my god.”


*points to bedroom* This is where we frick frack.

*points to kitchen* This is where we snick snack.

*points to living room* This is where we kick back.

*points to bathroom* This is where we shit shat.

*points to couch* This is where we chit chat.

*points to computer* This is where we click clack.

*points to shelf* This is where we knick knack.

*points to sex dungeon* This is where we paddy-whack. 

What a truly awful website this is

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