



Barotrauma - Session 2

[This mission statement is intentionally left blank. On the manifest, there is simply a sticky note fixed to two hastily stapled pages. On the edge of the page is a note that says: "Prepare to maintain the Winterhalter."]

Pom as the CAPTAIN. Zwei as the ENGINEER. Starry as the MECHANIC. Eliza as the SECURITY OFFICER. Weet as the MEDIC. Jeno Ice as the ASSISTANT.



Volatile Variable Update

I've been posting for the past two days but they were a big joke so i didnt wanna make a post of it glad to be really moving forward though! - J

We have a Volatile Variable channel in the mspfa discord server, drop by to say hi or get sneak peeks!


fyi deviantart announced they're doing ai generation using uploaded creations on the site

All creations are automatically opted in to be used in the program, so if you want to opt out you have to do it manually one by one :/ :/ not even mentioning what this means with creators who have passed away with their creations on the site...

overall a real scum move. I only have a few old pieces up there so im just going to be deleting my stuff from the site. I feel so bad for artists with hundreds of art pieces on there having their stuff stolen like this...



I just deactivated my account after over 17 years due to this shit :( not taking any chances here.

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