be sure to leave out milk and cookies for brutus tonight
You can leave as many cookies as you want but he’ll only et two
this remains the funniest addition anyone’s made to one of my posts
the world is a mess but at least we still have cunnilingus and spicy curry
um. you probably should not mix these activities
cc: @petermorwood :)
This weekend I was told a story which, although I’m kind of ashamed to admit it, because holy shit is it ever obvious, is kind of blowing my mind.
A friend of a friend won a free consultation with Clinton Kelly of What Not To Wear, and she was very excited, because she has a plus-size body, and wanted some tips on how to make the most of her wardrobe in a fashion culture which deliberately puts her body at a disadvantage.
Her first question for him was this: how do celebrities make a plain white t-shirt and a pair of weekend jeans look chic? She always assumed it was because so many celebrities have, by nature or by design, very slender frames, and because they can afford very expensive clothing. But when she watched What Not To Wear, she noticed that women of all sizes ended up in cute clothes that really fit their bodies and looked great. She had tried to apply some guidelines from the show into her own wardrobe, but with only mixed success. So - what gives?
His answer was that everything you will ever see on a celebrity’s body, including their outfits when they’re out and about and they just get caught by a paparazzo, has been tailored, and the same goes for everything on What Not To Wear. Jeans, blazers, dresses - everything right down to plain t-shirts and camisoles. He pointed out that historically, up until the last few generations, the vast majority of people either made their own clothing or had their clothing made by tailors and seamstresses. You had your clothing made to accommodate the measurements of your individual body, and then you moved the fuck on. Nothing on the show or in People magazine is off the rack and unaltered. He said that what they do is ignore the actual size numbers on the tags, find something that fits an individual’s widest place, and then have it completely altered to fit. That’s how celebrities have jeans that magically fit them all over, and the rest of us chumps can’t ever find a pair that doesn’t gape here or ride up or slouch down or have about four yards of extra fabric here and there.
I knew that having dresses and blazers altered was probably something they were doing, but to me, having alterations done generally means having my jeans hemmed and then simply living with the fact that I will always be adjusting my clothing while I’m wearing it because I have curves from here to ya-ya, some things don’t fit right, and the world is just unfair that way. I didn’t think that having everything tailored was something that people did.
It’s so obvious, I can’t believe I didn’t know this. But no one ever told me. I was told about bikini season and dieting and targeting your “problem areas” and avoiding horizontal stripes. No one told me that Jennifer Aniston is out there wearing a bigger size of Ralph Lauren t-shirt and having it altered to fit her.
I sat there after I was told this story, and I really thought about how hard I have worked not to care about the number or the letter on the tag of my clothes, how hard I have tried to just love my body the way it is, and where I’ve succeeded and failed. I thought about all the times I’ve stood in a fitting room and stared up at the lights and bit my lip so hard it bled, just to keep myself from crying about how nothing fits the way it’s supposed to. No one told me that it wasn’t supposed to. I guess I just didn’t know. I was too busy thinking that I was the one that didn’t fit.
I thought about that, and about all the other girls and women out there whose proportions are “wrong,” who can’t find a good pair of work trousers, who can’t fill a sweater, who feel excluded and freakish and sad and frustrated because they have to go up a size, when really the size doesn’t mean anything and it never, ever did, and this is just another bullshit thing thrown in your path to make you feel shitty about yourself.
I thought about all of that, and then I thought that in elementary school, there should be a class for girls where they sit you down and tell you this stuff before you waste years of your life feeling like someone put you together wrong.
So, I have to take that and sit with it for a while. But in the meantime, I thought perhaps I should post this, because maybe my friend, her friend, and I are the only clueless people who did not realise this, but maybe we’re not. Maybe some of you have tried to embrace the arbitrary size you are, but still couldn’t find a cute pair of jeans, and didn’t know why.
This post is one of those things that I will reblog every time it appears on my dash. This is so important, and no one ever tells you about it.
I almost didn’t read this but then I did and I’m really glad that I did.
Super important
Tldr: The reason clothes never “looked right on you” is because models and celebrities always had their clothes tailored to fit them perfectly.
I love this post but it always frustrated me just a little because I can’t even afford to buy new clothes let alone get the clothes I have tailored. But then I remembered that a lot of things are easier to do than you think they will be, so here’s some resources on how to alter your own clothes!
Please read this, it’s an opportunity to learn about yourself, possibly a new skill and why it isn’t you, it’s the industry.
Will always reblog.
actually on the tube the announcement would be
[video description: a tiktok by cjlucasarellano. it shows a video of a person riding the london tube with the caption, "pov: you are in london." a voice on the train intercom announces, "this is a jamboree line train to glazed ham park, making all intermediate stops to queen’s lament, king’s titter, sophie’s choice, death’s waddle, wickham’s deceit, doddering fool, west ticklewood lane, east pickledown road, cocksburn, cockswallow, paddington’s cock, paddington swallows, jigglypuff, bulbusaur, milli vanilli circus, harrowing detriment, wankerloo bridge, clap these hams together, circle’s square, square’s circle, infinite rhombus, swirly oblong, dysentery, goat & moat, giraffe & dagger, capybara & trebuchet, crossing the rubicon never to return, scone." end description.]
First tweet: “I saw a piece of fabric? on the floor of my room so I went to pick it up but it was actually the moonlight that entered through the window lmao”
Quote RT: “1000 years ago this would have been a poem, not a tweet”
- Li Bai, 726 CE
I don't know what brand of black paint they're using but I think I'm experiencing feelings I've only read about in fanfiction
Golden High-Flow acrylics are incredible. I don't use brushes as big as this but they are so smooth.
This is incredible work, oh my lord.
Creator Sign-Ups Are Open!!!
It's time to sign up for FTH 2025!
Before you sign up, some reading material (if you're a returning creator, please give them another look, as we have changed a few things!)
- What to expect on the signup form
- A brief overview of this year's changes
- Which fandoms are on this year's list (but of course you can write in any fandoms you like)
- FTH 2025 Calendar
- List of Supported Nonprofits
We also wrote a little self-care reminder. The short version: we want to acknowledge that this year will be hard for many people for many reasons, and that stress can take a toll on creativity. Keep your own well-being in mind when planning your FTH offerings, and only offer what you really want and feel able to do. We'd truly rather have fewer sign-ups than have FTH deadlines cause you excessive stress at the end of the year.
For those of you that are wondering, please have one of the fiest pieces of radio comedy ever:
the first time i watched this i laughed so hard i nearly puked
Since I was 8 and found out about this for the first time my family has always followed up on someone saying “I don’t know,” with shouting “THIRD BASE”
to those of you who are moving here from tiktok, from someone whos used both tiktok and tumbr for years...
1. DO NOT censor your posts
dont censor sex, abuse, suicide, dont censor it. we dont have censors like tiktok does, you wont be banned for talking about these things and tagging them properly helps people avoid them (also, we dont have shadowbanning here)
2. we dont really have an algorithm
you follow who you follow, and you see posts from who you follow or what you search. the 'for you page' is basically useless here. this also brings me to my next two points
3. dont crosstag
we get it, on tiktok you have to crosstag for reach, but thats not really a thing here. just tag your posts properly (also posters often leave more info about the post in the tags!! and when you reblog stuff you can leave your own notes in the tags, kind of like the old "repost comments" on tiktok)
4. dont expect to go viral/be famous
"viral" isnt really a thing on here (at least not for the average blogger). your posts will probably get 2-10 likes and you wont get nearly as many followers than on tiktok. thats just how tumblr is
5. blocking is your best friend
tiktok is VERY discussion based, and while tumblr is much more discussion based than other social medias, its still not a good place for ragebait/discourse. dont interact, itll make your experience worse in the end, just block and move on
6. you cant go into someone elses house and start rearranging their furniture
this is tumblr, not tiktok. dont diss old tumblr users for how they use the site or try to change them, thats like going into someone elses house and trying to rearrange their furniture. we've been here longer and we're familiar with the site and its culture, either find your niche, adapt, or find a different app
Another important point
You need to actually reblog posts for this site to work as it should.
Liking posts only saves them in a spot that no one checks except for the user who liked them. Most people have their liked posts hidden.
Also, this site has a spam bot problem. One way we weed those out is to check the blog to see if it's actually being used to post legitimate content. If there is absolutely nothing on your blog you're getting blocked and some users may just straight up report you as spam as a precaution.
Not to mention that the posts you reblog will only be seen by you and whoever follows you. Tagging it "fyp" does absolutely nothing.
“average person eats 3 spiders a year” factoid actualy just statistical error. average person eats 0 spiders per year. Spiders Georg, who lives in cave & eats over 10,000 each day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted
An actual World Heritage Post
how does this post not have a million notes but anyone online can quote it
one week until ten years of Spiders Georg
Coolest thing about lord of the rings? The king of horses shows up. It appears he is no different from all other horses
King of the eagles shows up later. He can talk. Horse king couldn't talk.
He didn't want to talk to you.
Point of order.
King of Horses ran 450 fucking miles at almost entirely a gallop, without more than a few minutes rest, in 4 nights and basically was like "wait why are we stopping?" when Gandalf took him into the city and he ended up in a stable.
This was not his top speed, nor did it push any limits on his endurance.
King of horses is very different from other horses, actually.
He just doesn’t do much about his administrative duties
But he didn't need to - his rule was stable, after all.
Let’s Have Another Bullet Point Story, Courtesy of a Friend
- So I have a friend that used to be in the tumblers troupe at the renfaire as a contortionist
- We were chatting online and she told me to tell you all this story.
- I love Kat dearly
- but she forgets that she’s stupid strong and hypermobile
- so one day she throws her back out
- bad enough that she needed painkillers and couldn’t stand upright
- “But also I needed Tampons and like. A Burrito, real bad.”
- she’s flat on her back in her apartment when she decides this
- and, in an
- impeccable
- leap of reasoning, decides
- “I can’t roll my back forward to sit/stand up like normal.
- But I can ARCH my back just fine.
- SO
- I’m going to do that and get on my hands and feet in a stomach-in-the-air this-shit-belongs-in-a-horror-movie-type pose,
- And amble on down to the 7-11”
- “And get me that Burrito”
- It is,
- for context,
- after midnight in July during a wildfire so it’s hot as satan’s own asshole and the moon is red and shit’s already generally cursed.
- Imagineyou are some poor sap working nights at the world’s deadest 7-11, and you hear the door jangle but you don’t see anyone’s head over the counters.
- Whatever.
- Except you keep hearing noises like there’s someone in the next aisle over.
- Fucking around in the burrito section
- It’s also worth mentioning that Kat
- 1. sings whatever earworm is currently running through her head when she’s not paying attention
- 2. sounds EXACTLY like some kind of creepy child from a horror movie when doing so
- tonight’s song is something from veggietales.
- and/or is really fucking high and isn’t sure if he’s tripping balls or notanyway
- Kat goes up to pay for her burrito and tampons
- She realizes the counter presents something of a challenge, and then demonstrates for me on her kitchen table at 4AM during a different july wildfire,
- exactly
- how she used the shelves to climb up the counter
- like one of the boston robotics beasties
- dude stares at her for like, five minutes and says.
- “Register’s broke.”
- “Oh No!” Says Kat. “Just Take ‘em.” “Really? I can leave cash-you don’t have to give me change I don’t want you to get in trouble with your manager.” “…Nah.” “Oh! OK! Thank you!” “Yeah ok bye.”
- Shortly after she arrived back at the apartment, she got a text on her phone from the campus security about "A Suspicious Individual” at tle 7-11.
- It took her
- to realize she was the suspicious individual
In the dimness he woke and knew it was too late. Morning never came so late unless the world was ending.
Fortunately, he knew what to do about that.
how would the clergy of ancient Egypt (let’s assume from one of the later dynasties) feel about modern Anubis-themed furry pornography?
I have no idea. I'd have to find an egyptologist to ask.
odin is like “when thor was born the sun shone bright upon his beautiful face. i found loki on the sidewalk outside a taco bell”
Oðinn spake:
Bright the sun shone | at the time of Þor’s birth, And bathed his count'nance fair. Loki, wolf-father, | the trickster, the liar, I found on the cold pavement While returning in glory | from a grand hunt For a 3 AM quesadilla.
I need this framed on my wall it’s so beautiful.
ay @systlin hmu
My husband complained that this was more Shakespeare than Eddas, and I challenged him to do better.
Solen sken, skönt gyllene
Dagen Tor föddes
På trottoaren, vid Taco Bell
Där låg Loke
My translation:
The sun shone, sweet golden
The day of Tor’s birth
On the tarmac, by Taco Bell
There lay Loki
(For poetry reasons, Thor needs the Swedish spelling.)
ay yo show ur husband
@bold-sartorial-statement no but hang on this should be in runes:
(oops spot the typos)
i wanna translate this into icelandic so imma do it
Sólin skein, björt og gullin við fæðingu Þórs á stígnum við Taco Bell Þar lá Loki
The amount of quality going into these shitposts is amazing
This is not shitposting, this is transformative work!
And in Danish because why not:
Solen skinnede, skøn og gylden
På dagen for Tors fødsel
På asfalten ved Taco Bell
Dér lå Loke
When Thor born
He hair shine brite
A very very
Magical site
But then I see
A bab from hell
I pik up loki
From taco bell
the rosetta stone of shitposting
Now THIS is the best post on this hellsite
omfg that is just too adorable
This will always be one of my favorite comics ever. It gives me warm fuzzies~
This is the most perfect.
This kitteh having a little halloween adventure is one of my favourite posts of all time :)
Every fall like clockwork this photo set pops up and we all must reblog it
Always will reblog.