
Catch me on the flipside

@beach2k20 / beach2k20.tumblr.com


reading this deposition that just got dropped where someone sued musk and ohhhh my god it is this funniest thing ever . i can see why his lawyer tried to keep this confidential . they’re both maybe the biggest idiots . this is like ace attorney

bankston is my HERO he’s tearing these people apart


oh my god


he is DONE.


wow. ok.

genuinely first two pages he says that he thinks ben’s lawyer is the one who is actually suing him and admits he has no clue what the lawsuit is about .

doing a reread now this is so cunty

goddamn .


his ass is NOT getting away from the sound of the woman that loved him 😂


I don't trust anyone who hasn't acknowledged their capacity for evil.

"I'm just a smol bean uwu" No sir, what you are is someone who is so habituated to thinking of yourself as innocent that you will continue to do so even when you're guilty.

To quote Chris Fleming

"You know that thing where the most toxic person you've ever met over-relates to woodland creatures on social media? I call it Vibe Dysphoria. She'll put up a picture of a mouse in a jean jacket with 'It's me.' That is not you. I don't know how you got under the impression that you are a mouse in a jean jacket. You are an eel with a gun.She posts a toad with a basket of mushrooms like 'Me doing my little things.' Oh madam, there is nothing little about your things. You gave me psychosexual issues I'll carry to my watery grave. You are not a toad in the forest...You are a cruel woman who just happens to be small."--Chris Fleming


Have you ever thought about losing your brother?

me vs. making webweaves on dying and family. really this was just an excuse to think about killing flies.

Killing Flies, Michael Dickman | Separation, W.S. Merwin | Eurydice, Ocean Vuong | It, Stephen King | Winnie-the-Pooh, A.A Milne | Fading Kitten Syndrome, ROAR | Quote via. Maurice Sendak | A Meeting, Wendell Berry | Anguish, August Friedrich Schenck | West Wind I, Mary Oliver | Planet of Love, Richard Siken | Quote via. C.C, Aurel | Oats We Sow, Gregory and the Hawk | The Living to the Dead, Käthe Kollwitz | Quote via Fortesa Latifi | Antigonick, Anne Carson | Killing Flies, Michael Dickman (cont.)


JESSA JOHANSSON STYLE APPRECIATION Girls — 2012-2017 | Costume Design by Jenn Rogien 


Finally actually starting bbcan6 tomorrow


liberals: the CHEETO is threatening to ignore the results of the elections. Biden is DEMOCRACY'S LAST HOPE against a COUP. voting will fix this problem somehow

biden on twitter: when i'm president, i'll make sure venezuela's democratically elected leader is overthrown and replaced by our right-wing capitalist puppet. this proves i love democracy

his campaign felt this was a priority to tweet in the wake of the Breonna Taylor decision, shortly before he reminded us that "violence is never the answer" (unless the state is committing it). this your guy?

Biden: *backs a violent coup for the benefit of US oil companies*

Internet liberals: "Can't help being a Gemini 🤷🏻‍♂️"


the holocaust did not appear out of thin air, and it was not because jews were doing better economically than christians. it could not have happened without centuries of oppression and christian antisemitism. if someone tries to tell you christianity had nothing to do with the holocaust, they’re lying or haven’t done their research. 


Jewish privilege is getting to see contemporary versions of ancient ass antisemitic canards like “Jews are poisoning the well” and the Blood Libel get tossed around like its nothing on tumblr.com and getting to watch people u respect, who you thought would be better than that, believe it at face value and reblog it uncritically

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