
Buenas Días

@thejerrycanssingwithceliacruz / thejerrycanssingwithceliacruz.tumblr.com

I'm AJ. She/They NB, Millenial Polyamorous, Queer, Biracial. Intersectional Feminist, Disabled & Proud. Student Always. Passionate and Yells Into The Void About A Lot. Huge Nerd. Loves Fluff Balls. Will occassionally do art if not reading.

Just so we’re all clear, it is okay to miss people you no longer want in your life.

this is so important

some people genuinely have trouble with never being told this. i am reblogging this post in case that includes any of you in my audience.


You’re missing the memories, not the person them self


You miss the person you thought they were, not who they turned out to be, and that’s okay.


Sometimes you just miss the person you were around them, or the things that happened when you were with them, and you don’t really miss them, and that’s okay, too.

sometimes you really miss them but it just isn’t worth it


Double posting 🕺🕺 Here is an animation I finished up back in March of my oc singing a song that I associate a lot with him. 13-14 fps.

I worked on it on and off for two months but the total tracked time it took for me to make it was 33 hours and 30 minutes according to Procreate.


List of Palestinian Evacuation Fundraisers

Last Update: 05/06/2024

All fundraisers have been looked into by me or vetted by others. If anyone notices issues in validity with any of the fundraisers listed please let me know. Funding updates daily!

Fadi Al-Sharif and family ($10,439/$62,500 goal)

Hayam Taha and family (€8,718/€30,000 goal)

Deyaa and family (€7,764/€20,000 goal)

Fatima Alshanti (kr5,085 SEK/kr150,000 goal)

Shahed Ghazi and family ($6,776 CAD/$94,838 goal)

Little Yusuf and family (€5,960/€85,000 goal)

Sara & Huda Hajjaj and family ($240/$15,000 goal)

Mohammed JH Shamia's family (kr20,168 SEK/kr250,000 goal)

Maram Ahmed and family (€1,032/€30,000 goal)

Hamza Almofty and family ($3,772/$35,000 goal)

Mahmoud Jomaa (€400/€10,000 goal)

Dr. Mohammed Shara ($445/$20,000 goal)

Abdulrahman Alshanti and family (kr137,402 SEK/kr350,000 goal)

Besan Almabhouh's family (€5,767/€25,000 goal)

Said Tanani and brothers (€30,935/€50,000 goal)

Donia Tanani and family (€67,538/€100,000 goal)

Mohammed Shamia and family ($15,020/$35,000 goal)

Amro Bakr & kids Bakir and Tala (€1,772/€15,000 goal)

Almadhoun family ($18,365/$80,000 goal)

Child Mohammed (€6,420/€10,000 goal)

Sana'a and family (£19,668/£50,000 goal)

Noha Ayyad and family ($23,050/$95,160 goal)

Nazmi Mwafi and family ($5,151/65,000 goal)

Hamdi Hejazi and family ($10,236/$25,000)

Mohammed and family ($7,620/$25,000)

Many of the families that have reached out to me, families on this list, are in Rafah or have family members in Rafah. It is imperative and EXTREMELY urgent we fill these fundraisers as swiftly as possible, the IOF is planning to invade any day. Please, I urge you, to donate whatever you can. People’s lives are at stake.


In the past 24 hours, in Rafah alone, 11 homes have been struck and levelled on top of their residents. This resulted in at least 28 people killed, 11 of which are children and many remain missing under the rubble.

Israel never stopped but it is definitely intensifying its operations.

Keep your eyes on Rafah but also speak up about Rafah and about Gaza. Do what you can because millions of lives are facing a massive threat with absolutely nowhere to go.


In the past 24 hours, in Rafah alone, 11 homes have been struck and levelled on top of their residents. This resulted in at least 28 people killed, 11 of which are children and many remain missing under the rubble.

Israel never stopped but it is definitely intensifying its operations.

Keep your eyes on Rafah but also speak up about Rafah and about Gaza. Do what you can because millions of lives are facing a massive threat with absolutely nowhere to go.


i havent seen people talking about this here yet just on twitter but before people misinterpret specific student groups demands to cut ties with zionist organizations (including hillel) i want to give some info for people who dont know. hillel is a zionist organization. they exclude anti zionist students and student groups as part of their policy. if universities had jewish centers that were run independently of groups like hillel it would be hugely beneficial

just going to put some other peoples experiences with hillel

this is literally why i joined jewish voice for peace in college. i wasnt adamantly anti zionist i just wanted to be part of jewish life on campus and went to our jewish center to find basically this, which is, as many said, pretty alienating. after i met other like minded people and we formed a chapter of jvp we found out that we could not be registered as part of the jewish center anyways because of their policy on bds and anti zionism!


Every time I hear about the cruelty of the genocide in Palestine I'm always baffled. Not by the logistics of it. I recognize that white western supremacist leaders value money and power over brown lives. They always have. It reveals itself in every political interaction.

But I guess... The lack of humanity always stuns me. How far detached do you have to be to be okay with this? To know what you're doing and do it, not even saying "oh well it's someone else" no it's YOU! YOU are the one committing these atrocities! How do you get there? I can't fathom what greed and privilege you have to have to be okay with this. To think that this is a "necessary evil". Even those who AREN'T going to benefit from it (i.e. white liberal voters) have convinced themselves of this. How do you do that?? How do you see live action the murder of tens of thousands (with the intent of millions) and not like... That shit don't bother you? It don't... Make you question that the leadership you're under, that the world you're in, is not the way it should be??

Me too. Once people go this far and still claim to still care about human life, it’s like, I can’t believe you. You can’t happily backstroke in a lake of blood and convince me that your soul is in tact enough to really care about “the greater good”.


do you actually give a damn about transfems. do you care about us. our interests, even the ones that arent stereotypically applied to us? do you care about the unpalatable? the uninteresting? the masculine? even the ones you hate and abhor? do you think our suffering is unjust? would you listen to us? do you think we deserve love? would you listen to me? please listen to us. please.


do you care about us even when you cant sexualize us? when we dont want it, or when you deem us too unattractive? are we beyond what you imagine is under our skirts or our pants? are we beyond what you imagine doing to us, or what you imagine us doing to you?


I'm convinced that every cat has a Weird Game that it likes; your duty as the cat's owner is to discover what its favourite Weird Game is.

One of the most common question types this blog gets is some flavor of asking if Weird Games are okay. The people writing in are always very concerned for their pet’s safety and welfare (which I applaud) and often looking for an explanation of the behavior (which I have zero ability to give). This speaks to how common it is for cats - and other pets - to enjoy Weird Games.

This video is a great example of the best way to tell if a Weird Game is a thing your animal actually likes: let them initiate! The cat is being carried in a weird way when the video starts, but then immediately runs back to the designated “game spot” and asks for it to happen again. If you’re not sure if an animal likes an interaction - be it petting or a Weird Game - just stop, and see if they actively re-engage. If yes, you’re good to go!

Obviously, physical safety is an aspect of Weird Games too. The cat in this video apparently likes being carried upside down, which could injure it if it happened too much. But what we see is that their person supports the cat very securely, moves slowly, doesn’t go very far, puts the cat down on a soft and easy to reach surface, and doesn’t let the Game go on for too long. The cat also isn’t being held tightly and could clearly get free / ask to be put down if it became uncomfortable or wanted to be done. That seems like a good way to make that Weird Game safe to me (vets, please feel free to correct me here). If you’re worried about if a Weird Game is safe, ask your vet! You’ll make their day and get some useful information.

my cat likes to be put in a big IKEA bag and swung around in it. I know it's his choice of weird behaviour because he climbs in the bag if he sees it. and every few swings I stop swinging to check on him ad then he yells at me until I keep swinging. except for when he's bored where he jumps out.

But the biggest clue that he likes it and it's not just my idea is that I would have picked less of a fucking arm workout.

Source: reddit.com
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