“If it means a lot to you, then make the time to do it. If it’s something that lies close to your heart, then allow for yourself to feel it. Make space in your life for what matters, for these are aspects that are meant to be held close to you.”

— Nicole Addison @thepowerwithin

Have you accomplished your point of attraction deliberately or by default? Have you prepared the climate or atmosphere around you by deliberately meditating; by quieting your mind; by looking for thoughts that feel good; by making lists of things that please you? Or is your point of attraction a knee-jerk response to something someone else said; or to something you are observing around you? What is the reason for your point of attraction? Why are you thinking the thoughts that you are thinking? Are you doing it on purpose? Or are you doing it by default?

Abraham-Hicks @ North Los Angeles WS, 2014-02-22 (via beachdrifter)


Affirmations that helped me with anxiety and depression.

It’s important to repeat them every day, every time you get anxious or get depressive thoughts.

Scripting these affirmations helped me with getting off my meds and controlling my panic attacks. 1. I am always safe. 2. I feel safe in my body. 3. My home is safe and secure. 4. My safety needs are always taken care of.  5. I am grounded.  6. My future is financially secure.  7. The universe always has my back and provides for me.  8. I am always supported and shown next steps to take.  9. Life loves me and I love being here.  10. I feel comfortable around people.  11. I love being around people.  12. I feel confident in my body.  13. I am confident.  14. People look at me because I’m beautiful and intriguing.  15. I am great at talking to people.  16. I feel comfortable when talking to people.  17. I am calm and relaxed.  18. It is my birthright to receive support in all forms.  19. I claim good health and healthy body.  20. My mind is healthy.  21. My needs are always met.  22. I meet only helpful, kind.  23. I am a divine being of light and I’m safe, protected and secure.  24. I’m in control of my mind and my emotions.  25. My emotions are balanced.  26. I feel complete peace from within.  27. I release any need to self-medicate with addictive substances.  28. I allow my feelings to move through me and I release the need to numb them.  29. I attract people who support me and love me.  30. I am strong and powerful.  31. I am in control of my body.  32. I feel safe and comfortable wherever I am. 33. I am great at public speaking.  34. I am a great speaker and everyone loves listening to me.  You may pick the ones that resonate with you.  Also, I don’t encourage anyone to stop therapy or taking meds.  In my case, I’ve been to many therapies, doctors and have been taking meds for YEARS and nothing helped me until I learnt about LOA and started working on my mindset.  If you don’t feel ready, do not get off your medication nor stop your therapy.  What’s most important is that it can get better and it does get better!

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