

@katie-veg-blog / katie-veg-blog.tumblr.com

katie. 25. 215. high carb vegan. happily taken.

The spread of the black death.


Poland, tell us your secret.

Poland is the old new Madagascar. 

If I remember correctly, Poland’s secret is that the jews where being blamed all over europe (as usual) as scapegoats for the black plague. Poland was the only place that accepted Jewish refugees, so pretty much all of them moved there. 

Now, one of the major causes of getting the plague was poor hygiene. This proved very effective for the plague because everyone threw their poop into the streets because there were no sewers, and literally no one bathed because it was against their religion. Unless they were jewish, who actually bathed relatively often. When all the jews moved to Poland, they brought bathing with them, and so the plague had little effect there.

Milan survived by quarantining its city and burning down the house of anyone showing early symptoms, with the entire family inside it. 

I reblogged this tons of times, but the Milan info is new.

Damn Italy, you scary.

Poland: “Hey, feeling a bit down? Have a quick wash! There, you see? All better”

Milan:Aw, feeling a bit sick are we? BURN MOTHERFUCKER, BURN!!!!!”

Also, this might have something to do with it: from what I understand, O blood type is uncommonly… common in Poland. Something to do with large families in small villages and a LOT of intermarriage. The black plague was caused by a bacterium that produced, in its waste in the human body, wastes that very closely mimic the “B” marker sugars on red blood cells that keep the body from attacking its own immune system. Anyone who has a B blood type had an immune system that was naturally desensitized to the presence of the bacterium, and therefore was more prone to developing the disease. Anyone who had an O type was doubly lucky because the O blood type means the total absence of ANY markers, A or B, meaning that their bodys’ immune system would react quickly and violently against the invaders, while someone with an A may show symptoms and recover more slowly, while someone with B would have just died. Because O is a recessive blood type, it shows in higher numbers when more people who carry the recessive genes marry other people who also carry the recessive gene. Poland, which has a nearly 700 year history of being conquered by or partnering with every other nation in the surrounding area, was primarily an agricultural country, focused around smaller, farming communities where people were legally tied to, and required to work, “their” land, and so historically never “spread” their genes across a large area. The economy was, and had been, unstable for a very long period of time leading up to the plague, the government had been ineffective and had very little reach in comparison to the armies of the other countries around for a very very long time, and so its people largely remained in small communities where multiple generations of cross-familial inbreeding could have allowed for this more recessive gene to show up more frequently. Thus, there could be a higher percentage of O blood types in any region of the country, guaranteeing less spread of the illness and moving slower when it did manage to travel. Combine this with the fact that there were very few large, urban centers where the disease would thrive, and with the above facts, and you’ve got a lovely recipe for avoiding the plague.

Interestingly enough, as a result from the plague, the entirety of Europe now has a higher percentage of people with O blood type than any other region of the world. 


When Tumblr teaches you more about the plague than 12 years of school ever did.


Just to throw a nod in, as a medieval historian, this is all credible, and is the leading theory as to the plagues effectiveness at this point. So. Enjoy your new knowledge!


Yeah if people could stop comparing the price of a $.99 burger to the price of fancy expensive organic vegan meat and using that as proof to claim veganism is expensive 

yeah thatd be great


“A long-term study of children raised by lesbians found that these children were less likely to suffer from physical and sexual abuse than were their peers who were raised by heterosexuals. This is thought to be due to the absence of adult heterosexual men in the households (Gartrell, Bos, & Goldberg, 2010). Girls raised by lesbians tend to have higher self-esteem, show more maturity and tolerance than their peers, and are older when they have their first heterosexual contact (Gartrell et al., 2005, 2010). Children raised by same-sex parents seem to be less constrained by traditional gender roles; boys are less aggressive, and girls are more inclined to consider nontraditional careers, such as doctor, lawyer, or engineer (Gartrell et al., 2005; Stacey & Biblarz, 2001). Over the course of more than 20 years, scientists studied the psychological adjustment of 78 teenagers who were raised by lesbian mothers. Compared to age-matched counterparts raised by heterosexual parents, these adolescents were rated higher in social, academic, and total competence, and lower in social problems, rule-breaking, aggression, and externalizing problem behavior (Gartrell & Bos, 2010). There are fewer studies of children raised by two men, but gay fathers are more likely than straight fathers to put their children before their career, to make big changes in their lives to accommodate a child, and to strengthen bonds with their extended families after becoming fathers (Bergman, Rubio, Green, & Padrone, 2010).” ~ Martha Rosenthal, Human Sexuality: From Cells to Society, p.247.


Don’t 👏 say 👏 you’re 👏 vegan 👏 if 👏 you 👏 really 👏 mean 👏 plant 👏 based 👏


Thermochromic table by Jay Watson

imagine banging someone on that table

imagine being home alone and seeing imprints on that table

noooooo stop

Imagine having a friend sit at that table for a long while, but when they get up there’s no imprints at all.

What if you got up after trying to console a crying friend, and found that you had no imprints… and they were crying because they missed you?


I’m tired of the doom and gloom “bernie is losing, we’re failing him!” posts so listen up

A polical science lesson for y’all:

  • Bernie is not “falling behind” and we’re not “failing him”
  • In fact, posts like those are MORE likely to discourage voters and kill his momentum than encourage them
  • At this point in the race, it is NOT ABOUT THE DELEGATE COUNT, IT’S ABOUT MOMENTUM
  • who has a lot of momentum right now?? BERNIE. He has done FAR BETTER THAN EXPECTED while Hillary has done much WORSE than expected
  • like i said delegate counts don’t really matter much right now
  • BUT just so everyone knows, as of 2/24 Bernie and Hillary are TIED
  • They both have 51 delegates each
  • lots of news sites are saying hillary has a huge lead on bernie with delegates because they are assuming the superdelegates are with her but that’s all just speculation Not. Fact.
  • Super Tuesday (on March 1st) has a lot of southern states who will most likely favor Hillary but that’s ok because
  • even if hillary “wins” some states bernie will still get delegates and THAT’s what’s important!!!!
  • YES get out there and vote because it’s Super Important I Cannot Stress That Enough
  • but also know that it’s NOT doom and gloom, bernie ISN’T DOING BADLY AT ALL and we aren’t “failing him”



fam if donald trump wins the election you gonna catch me in canada drinkin bagged milk and flexin with free healthcare

We already have an island set up for you guys


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