
The Tumblr That Must Not Be Named


Francesca, Italian, late-twenties. Probably too old to squeal and flail and such, but doing all of that anyway. Hopeless whovian. Computer engineer and fansubber (that means I do subtitles as a hobby). Proud ginger. Dog person.

Dialects of the Italian language

We may cry foul about the rules of English, but thank God the only thing we have to worry about is diction and accents, and not dialects.

And please consider that each of these dialectal region corresponds to different traditions, different mentality, different culture. Not to mention that, syntactically, Italian is one of the most difficult Neo-Latin languages because of the immense number of irregular verbs.

Gosh I love my country.

And dialects have different phonetic systems, different vocabulary, slang words derived from foreign languages and so on. Sometimes I find it difficult to recognize a dialect even though I can perfectly understand the dialect of its neighbouring cities. Even Rome itself has variations based on the suburb. Calabria, for example, has some dialects that are very similar to Sicilian, like Rosarnese (28), even though it’s not as close to Sicily as other parts of the region. And some colloquial terms (of dialects in Southern Italy) are derived from not only Greek, but also Arab. Among others. A lot of dialects are pretty much considered as languages of their own, not unlike Sardinian (which is officially a language of its own). It’s really complicated because, if the school system doesn’t do its job, this huge variety creates a reverse illiteracy towards Standard Italian.

Another thing I think could be noted is that there’s also a lot of mingling between dialects because of migrations from Southern Italy to the North. I met a relative from Calabria, recently, who went to live in Verona and she not only speaks and understands both dialects, but also uses words from Veronese when speaking in Calabrese. So it’s not only a sign of an incredibly rich cultural diversity (some meals have different names based on the region/city, for example), but also a chance for seeking mutual understanding. Or, if you’re a xenophobic asshole, a chance for discrimination.

The fact that there are a lot of dialects helps a lot with integration for sons of migrants, from what I’ve seen. They’re easier to pick up (dialects, I mean) because they’re more used with friends, in informal settings, and they help create bonds. Sadly enough, a person of foreign descent is less likely to be discriminated if they have an accent or speak a dialect. And before tumblr jumps at me for cultural erasure, don’t worry, everyone still keeps their own cultural elements. 

So, yeah, next time you wonder what’s the level of language proficiency in Italy, look at this map. An Italian will (have to) learn Standard Italian, its area’s dialect(s), English, a second foreign language starting from middle school (French or Spanish, but some schools also started offering Chinese as an option, in the last few years) and, if they choose to, Latin and Ancient Greek in high school. Some also develop great accents, some don’t. But now you know what they have to deal with ;)


How would you say "Kissing in the Rain" in Latin? ;-)


Suavians in Pluvia


Est-ce qu’on a une liste de traductions de “Kissing in the Rain”? Je contribue le français: 

S’embracer dans la pluie. 

hmmm moi je pensais plutôt “baisers dans la pluie” parce que CUTE mais en revanche ça veut dire “kisses in the rain”

ah et Wikipedia me dit que le film “Singin’ in the rain” devient “Chantons sous la pluie” alors peut-être “embrassons sous la pluie”? 

"baiser dans la pluie" est vraiment cute!

Et je crois que la différence entre “kissing in the rain” et “singing in the rain” est que KitR est sur le sujet des deux gens qui s’embrasse mais SitR (peutêtre?) implique que tout le monde peut faire? Embrassons sous la pluie (let’s kiss in the rain!) me semble quelque chose de différent…


Interessante. Sono quasi sicura che in italiano, sarebbe “Baciandosi Sotto La Pioggia”, ma forse captain-amethyst può correggermi. (Oppure “Baci sotto la Pioggia”? 

La parte che mi interessa è la parola “in”/”dans”/”sotto” perché sotto non è la stessa parola, e può darsi che “Baci nella Pioggia” è meglio? Ma istintivamente pensavo “sotto”…

Il tuo primo istinto è corretto, si dice "sotto la pioggia " :) Poi sorge il solito problema della forma - ING dei verbi inglesi che in italiano si rende male e va spesso adattata. Quindi, più che "baciandosi sotto la pioggia", preferisco "baci sotto la pioggia" come suggerisci, oppure "baciarsi sotto la pioggia" col verbo all'infinito.

Technically, it's Thursday here so Speak Your Language Day is over. But it's ok if I post my last replies in Italian to ongoing discussions, right? :P This has been so much fun, we should do it more often! :)


Ammetto di commentare soprattutto per il gusto di farlo nella mia lingua eheheh Quindi ci aspetta un altro video a breve? Quanta grazia *__* Che si trattasse di un incidente d’auto l’avevano già capito in molti, chissà se ci sarà qualche altro parallelo...


Me siento como un idiota porque no me acuerdo que Jane había conseguido un collar de Rochester. ¿Qué episodio fue eso?

Estaba hablando del collar de Jane con la cruz :) No lo lleva en este episodio, quizas eso no tiene ningun significado particular, pero mistyaiya sugiere que lo haya dejado a Rochester. (Dios, mi espanol es terrible, lo siento mucho xD).


AoJE Episode 88

Ammetto di commentare soprattutto per il gusto di farlo nella mia lingua eheheh Quindi ci aspetta un altro video a breve? Quanta grazia *__* Che si trattasse di un incidente d’auto l’avevano già capito in molti, chissà se ci sarà qualche altro parallelo con le ferite e le disabilità di libro!Rochester (oddio è terribile, non si può vedere xD), soprattutto per quanto riguarda la cecità… Restiamo in attesa :D

Sbaglio o Jane in questo video non indossa la sua collanina? :O


OMG She’s not wearing it! I know Alysson made a point that she’s worn it in EVERY ep even when we couldn’t see it! Maybe it’s with Rochester? (I’m not going to offend Italy by translating this into incomprehensible gibberish)

Esatto, lo ricordo anch'io! A meno che la collana non sia lì sul comodino, ad esempio, e l'abbia tolta perché stava dormendo o cercando di dormire... (I'm sticking with Italian because this is soooo funny xD I take it Google Translate is being helpful!).


AoJE Episode 88

Ammetto di commentare soprattutto per il gusto di farlo nella mia lingua eheheh Quindi ci aspetta un altro video a breve? Quanta grazia *__* Che si trattasse di un incidente d’auto l’avevano già capito in molti, chissà se ci sarà qualche altro parallelo con le ferite e le disabilità di libro!Rochester (oddio è terribile, non si può vedere xD), soprattutto per quanto riguarda la cecità… Restiamo in attesa :D

Sbaglio o Jane in questo video non indossa la sua collanina? :O


I'm baaaack!

Hello, tumblr friends! I've missed you.

Lately, I've been neglecting the tumblrverse because of some personal stuff (basically, I'm applying for a new job that hopefully will be more rewarding and stimulating... fingers crossed!), but hopefully I'll be more present from now on. So, may the gif-ing resume! :D

Tomorrow is Speak your own language day and I'm going to participate, so I'll be posting in my mother tongue (Italian). Maybe I'll add translations as well... Let's see how that turns out.

I'm looking forward to a multi-language dashboard!

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