
hoi ja enzo

@vonkje / vonkje.tumblr.com

Eline (she/her) - NL - 28

I can’t get over this lmaooo


ok, after actually looking up the term and doing some goddamn research (my goodness somebody on the internet actually decided to look something up before forming an opinion, dear god what a day), i can pretty safely say that everyone hitting this post with the “that’s just a friendship!” bit is wrong! and i can explain why! i myself didn’t get this initially! but after looking into it, i realized that it’s mainly due to the framework i was thinking in! Yeah, there’s actually merit to what these people are saying, this is stuff that’s been considered and these are indeed terms that exist! they were also coined by ace people specifically to describe their relationships! So what gives? What does Queerplatonic Relationship mean? well i certainly fucking didnt get it at first, but it stems from attempting to define a kind of relationship that there arent really words for in the standard english lexicon! the poster above me is a TERF, and wherever i see myself agreeing with a terf i also see that there’s possibly some flaw in my logic or understanding of the thing. Basically (mind you this is only some very cursory and basic research, just type the term into google lol), QPR’s are a way of defining a relationship that has many of the same obligations and aspects of a traditional romantic relationship, without any of the explicitly romantic parts that come with having a spouse or romantic partner.

the idea of living in the same place, or jointly bringing up children, and performing many other tasks as a kind of unit that society would often mislabel as something done by two romantic partners in a union of some kind (i use that term to loosely define an exclusive relationship, not actual binding marriage, though this can include such). the idea of the QPR isn’t just “friends”, it’s very specifically “individuals in a platonic relationship that perform a number of the social aspects of a traditional romantic partnership”.

like, be real for a second. if someone described their relationship with someone to you and said “Yeah we own a house together, we have a kid that we adopted and take care of, we decided to get a dog last week and we file taxes as two members of the same household.”, you wouldn’t look at that person and assume that they arent romantic/sexual partners of some kind, because... well, traditionally, that’s shit that married people do. getting hit with the additional “Yup! And we’re not romantically or sexually involved at all! She has a boyfriend that she visits on the weekends and I’ve never had a romantic relationship in my life.” would throw you for a goddamn loop! What would you even call that relationship? and that’s where the term comes from: an attempt to define a very specific kind of relationship that certainly can and has existed, but isn’t commonly recognized or talked about!

so i think everyone shitting on these folks owes them an apology, i know i personally do for making assumptions that clearly weren’t true!

Actually QPR was coined by aromantic people but asexual people do also use it!


Finally I have a reason to reblog this after cringing every time it's come across my dash.

Thanks for the excellent explainer, I have learned new language. One of the foremost joys.


The Trains and trams are wishing you good luck on your end of year exams


Mods, geef hem een seinstoring

Mods, annuleer zijn trein

Mods, strand hem op den bosch

Mods, rij 'm voorbij alsof hij Tilburg Universiteit is.

Mods, laat er minder treinen rijden op zijn taject in verband met personeelstekorten. Laat hem rekening houden met een extra reisrijd van ongeveer 30 minuten. Er rijden bussen.


Mods, controleer hem terwijl hij aan het eten is.

post geannuleerd dit loopt uit de hand

Mods, zorg ervoor dat de overstap van 2 minuten niet meer gehaald kan worden


'don't get inspired by my style' is such a funny thing to say. do NOT let any art i make have any lasting impression on you. only view my work if you are going to men in black mind wipe yourself later. the territorial defensiveness over "art styles" is a disease of the mind stg


no school ever prepared me for what would turn out to be my principal preoccupation as an adult: making sure i cook and eat all the food i bought before it goes bad

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