

@lostboycc / lostboycc.tumblr.com


“Support” - Part of Dad-Might and Mini-Deku AU (Premise)

Someone please sit this man down and make him rest. I feel like every other time I’m drawing him he’s spewing blood

(Random AU Note: About halfway to Recovery Girl’s, Toshinori had to carry Izuku on his back and continue the journey because Izuku tired out quickly. When they got there, they both looked half-dead and Recovery Girl couldn’t help but note that they had the same appearance. She added, “and that’s not a good thing” when she sensed Toshinori’s Happy Dad aura. She didn’t exactly appreciate the fact that they were both half-dead in her office, but she sat them down in chairs and threw a blanket over them anyway.)

There was going to be another panel but my wrist started to hurt. I will never stop though. You can pry this Dad-Might & Mini-Deku friendship/headcanon/AU from my cold dead fingers

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