
Marhaba Ya Mustafa ﷺ-A mercy to ALL CREATION


May Allah instill in us love of His Beloved Prophet, may He bestow us with knowledge of him, and may He allow us to embody his character in all of our affairs. May we be close to the Beloved Prophet in this world and in the next!

Prophet ﷺ said about Sayyidina al-Husayn (Alaihi Salaam), to show how close Husayn was to him:

Al-Husaynu minnee wa anaa mina ’l-Husayn, ahabb-Allahu man ahabb Husayna, Husayn sibtun min al-Asbaat.

Husayn is from me and I am from him! May Allah love whomsoever loves Husayn!

Also it is said that Sayyidina al-Hasan (Alaihi Salaam) looked like Prophet ﷺ from his head to his chin, similar to Prophet ﷺ, and from the neck down Sayyidina al-Husayn (Alaihi Salaam) looked like the Prophet ﷺ, so together, Sayyidina al-Hasan (Alaihi Salaam) and Sayyidina al-Husayn (Alaihi Salaam) look as a whole like the Prophet ﷺ. May Allah (swt) make us to meet them in Paradise and to be with Prophet ﷺ and his Family (Alaihi Salaam)! Look how much they suffered and how much ni`ama we are in.

-Shaykh Hisham Kabbani


25 Specialties of Aashoora

1. The repentance of Sayyiduna Adam (Alayhis Salam) was accepted on the 10th of Muharram.

2. Sayyiduna Adam (Alayhis Salam) was created on this day and

3. He (Alayhis Salam) entered Heaven on this day.

4. On this day the ‘Arsh,

5. Kursi,

6. Sky,

7. Earth,

8. Sun,

9. Moon,

10. Stars and

11. Heaven were created.

12. Sayyiduna Ibrahim (Alayhis Salam) was born.

13. He (Alayhis Salam) was saved from the fire on this day.

14. Sayyiduna Moosa (Alayhis Salam) and his Ummah were saved and pharaoh was drowned along with his people on this day.

15. Sayyiduna Eisa (Alayhis Salam) was born on this day.

16. He (Alayhis Salam) was raised up to the skies on this day.

17. Sayyiduna Nuh’s (Alayhis Salam) ark settled at Koh-e-Joodi (a hill).

18. A great kingdom was bestowed upon Sayyiduna Sulayman (Alayhis Salam) on this day.

19. Sayyiduna Younus (Alayhis Salam) was brought out of the whale’s stomach on this day.

20. Sayyiduna Ya'qoob (Alayhis Salam) gained his eye-sight back on this day.

21. Sayyiduna Yusuf (Alayhis Salam) was taken out from the deep well on this day.

22. Sayyiduna Ayyub’s (Alayhis Salam) pain disappeared on this day.

23. Rain descended from the sky for the first time on this day.

24. The fast on this day was famous even among previous Ummahs. It is even said that the fast on this day was Fard before the blessed month of Ramadan; then it was cancelled.

25. On this day of Aashoora, Sayyiduna Imam Hussain his family and companions (Radi Allahu Anhum Ajma'een) were all brutally martyred on the plains of Karbala having faced thirst and starvation for three consecutive days.

Ref: Mukashafat al-Quloob, Page 311.


Ya’la bin Murrah (may Allah be pleased with him) narrates that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said:

“Husain is from me, and I am from Husain. May Allah love those who love Husain.”


Allah says that "He wants you to finish the prescribed period and to glorify Him for the fact that He has guided you, perhaps you shall be grateful" (2:185).

“Finishing the prescribed period” means completing the fast of Ramadan. One of the means of “glorifying Him” is making takbir, which is an expression of our gratitude to Allah for His guidance and enabling grace.

Read more: https://muwasala.org/2016/07/05/the-night-of-eid-al-fitr/


Al Quran: 53.7: While he was in the highest part of the horizon: 53.8: Then he approached and came closer, 53.9: And was at a distance of but two bow-lengths or (even) nearer; 53.10: So did (Allah) convey the inspiration to His Servant- (conveyed) what He (meant) to convey. 53.11: The (Prophet’s) (mind and) heart in no way falsified that which he saw. 53.12: Will ye then dispute with him concerning what he saw?


Tonight is the night of Isra wal-Miraj. The night of the Messenger of God’s powerful Night Journey. It is a story of being lifted up, a story of being carried, of being brought closer to the Light, of being heartened and given new hope. Wishing you all many more blessed days and nights to come. Ameen.


Qur'an states:

قُلْ بِفَضْلِ اللَّهِ وَبِرَحْمَتِهِ فَبِذَلِكَ فَلْيَفْرَحُوا هُوَ خَيْرٌ مِمَّا يَجْمَعُونَ

Translation: Say: "In the bounty of God. And in His Mercy, in that "LET THEM REJOICE" : that is better than the (wealth) they hoard (Surah Yunus, 10:58)

Some might think in their wildest of imaginations that birth and arrival of Prophet (salallaho alaihi wasalam) is not a mercy, some even falsely limit the Mercies of Allah by saying that mercy mentioned here does not refer to Prophet Muhammad (salallaho alaihi wasalam) thus we should not rejoice, so in reply to such people the best answer is found in Tafsir of Qur'an through Qur'an itself.

Qur'an states at another place:

وَمَا أَرْسَلْنَاكَ إِلَّا رَحْمَةً لِلْعَالَمِينَ

Translation: We have not sent you but as a “Mercy to the worlds” (Surah al-Anbiya, 21:107)

Hence without any shadow of doubt arrival of Prophet (Peace & Blessings be upon him) is a mercy not only upon us but all worlds and creations of Allah azza Wajjal, thus we should rejoice as ordered in Qur'an (10:58)

#Mawlid #RabbiulAwwal


Abu Qatada Ansari (Allah be pleased with him) reported that Allah's Massenger (may peace be upon him) was asked about fasting on Monday, whereupon he said: It is (the day) when I was born and revelation was sent down to me.

This Hadith is also reported in by Imam al-Bahayqi in his “Sunnan ul Kubra” (Vol. 4, pg. 300 Hadith no 8182, 8259), in the “Sunan” of Imam Nisai and the “Musnad” of Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal.

It is clear from this Hadith that the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) was very happy about the day of his birth and so fasted out of gratitude. Fasting is a form of worship, so one can celebrate this day by any form of ibada. One can fast or hold gatherings or provide food to the poor, all being acts of worship.

#Mawlid #RabiulAwwal


Congratulations to the entire ummah on the entrance of the blessed month of illumination, Rabi' al-Awwal.

Sayyiduna Muhammad ﷺ entered this world over 1400 years ago and the barakah was so immense and great that it causes millions and millions of hearts to be brought to life even today.


Abu Buraidah (may Allah be pleased with him) narrates:

“The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) was delivering a Khutbah to us when Al-Hasan and Al-Husain came, wearing red shirts, walking and falling down. So the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) descended from the Minbar and carried them, and placed them in front of him. Then he said: ‘Allah spoke the Truth: Indeed, your wealth and your children are a trial. I looked at these two children walking and falling down, and I could not bear patiently anymore until I interrupted my talk and picked them up.”


Ya’la bin Murrah (may Allah be pleased with him) narrates that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said:

“Husain is from me, and I am from Husain. May Allah love those who love Husain.”


Four people on the day of Judgement

Sayyiduna Mawla Ali (Karram Allahu Wajhah al-Kareem) narrated that the beloved Prophet (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam) said,

“I will intercede (specifically) for four people on the day of Judgement:

1. The one who respected my family; 2. The one who fulfilled their needs; 3. The one who ran and came to their aid when they were helpless; and, 4. The one who loved them (my family) with (both) his heart and his tongue.”

Ref: Kanz al-Ummal, Vol. 12, Page 100, Hadith 34180


That’s the faith of Palestinians Muslims

‘Despite bullets, stun grenades, sound grenades and arrests, over 90,000 Muslim worshippers have gathered this evening for the 27th night of Ramadan at the outside of Al Aqsa Mosque. 

May ALLAH protect Palestinians…

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