
journey before destination

@norsferatu / norsferatu.tumblr.com

I’m kel :3 || 28 || any pronouns || 🇲🇺🇦🇺🇭🇺|| aesthetic blog @norsko || friendly neighbourhood vampire || header by @the-chikyuu-times || discord @norsko || blood & gore warning

Sex is when you push your finger into someones open wound and they make a pathetic little moan in response


it's always so alarming looking at the notes on posts about people's cool experiences with ttrpgs and seeing the sheer number of people saying something along the lines "unfortunately this relies on the assumption that the players aren't huge shithead assholes who are actively trying to fuck each other over and make sure their gm has a bad time."

like. yeah, it sure does. that's kind of a baseline assumption for me, the same way that when I invite friends to a potluck I feel perfectly safe assuming that no one is going to spit in the food. do you guys actually like the people you're doing recreational activities with? blink if you need help.


Genuinely, I think that TTRPGs have a real problem with having normalized a particular kind of really shitty behavior, which comes from D&D's earliest communities and kind of... infected... a lot of communities for a long time. I'm really grateful that we're having this conversation now, because for a long time we just... didn't. And it didn't make any of us fun to be around, either because we were participating in the shitty behavior or we were stressed out by it or both.

For a long, long time, the game was treated as though it was a competition between players rather than a collaborative experience. In part this has its roots in D&D coming from war gaming, like, actually competitive gaming, and in part from this idea that "I can do more damage/take more shitty things happening to my character without complaining/kill more PCs as a DM" is a form of nerd machismo.

It fucking sucks. And for a long time, that was the environment a lot of people marinated in. Add on a layer that it was nearly socially impossible (or simply impermissible, depending on the venue) to tell someone, "No, I just don't want to play with you," and shit, like, really fucking sucked.

That attitude is changing, and that's great for everybody, but a lot of places, from FLGS to RP servers, don't let you just say, "Actually, I really don't want to play pretend with you." The sooner that becomes socially acceptable all around, the happier we all will be.

What's an FLGS?

Friendly Local Gaming Store.


This "players vs. the game master" attitude got us cursed magic items, including the infamous "lol now you're a girl" belt, and dungeons with killer reputations (e.g., the Tomb of Horrors and Expedition to the Barrier Peaks), because Rob Kuntz outsmarted Gygax so much.


Lived through all that shit mentioned above, and the first thing I told my youngest (who is GMing this year for the first time) is that the entire group is in this together for fun and to talk with everyone about their expectations.

I am overwhelmed with joy constantly over how the TTRPG craft has evolved and always in deep love for how Dimension 20 shows this to the world.

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