
Why Don't I Agree With Feminism?

@whydontiagreewithfeminism / whydontiagreewithfeminism.tumblr.com

Female | British | Straight | Anti Feminism

here’s a cool thing you can do that costs $0

it’s called “not pushing diet culture onto children” and it’s 100% for free. it’s a cute idea that costs literally nothing

Here’s also a cool thing you can do for free:

using ‘diet culture’ as an excuse for glorifying obesity.

You should encourage a healthy diet for your children because you don’t want them to die of heart disease and blood clots at 25.


some unpopular opinions

• No one should be told that it’s healthy to stay overweight • Non-white people can be racist • Modern feminism is not synonymous with wanting gender equality


Men are so “privileged,” that they have less of a chance to win custody of children after a divorce, along with having higher suicide rates, homeless rates, and die at work rates. Yeah…. soooo “privileged” 


breaking news

gay relationships can be abusive 

platonic relationships can be abusive

lesbians can be abusive

women can be abusive

i see a lot of people on here talk about abusive relationships and they never mention any of this, if anyone is treating you wrongly or you notice warning signs, leave. as much as tumblr would like to believe, not every member of a minority is a wonderful person nor is every woman, be careful and stay safe.

Anonymous asked:

Am I the only one who likes the basic idea of feminism (which is SUPPOSED to be ''everyone is valid all the same'') but hates the way it's called FEMINISM instead of something like equalism. Like, it would make more sense honestly.

I think that’s how a lot of people feel - I support the fundamentals of the movement but I just can’t be in the same movement as so many toxic people. I think as long as you’re for equality you can label yourself however you like


Y'all wanna be pulling receipts about something another blogger said in 2006 because it’s not that you give a single fuck about progress and changing minds and attitudes, but because you want internet brownie points for “dragging” someone else and looking mightier than though. BYE!


2 years old and still true as the day it was typed


Lesbians? Great. Lesbians whose main identity is being lesbian? At least a 99% chance of being an insufferable cunt.


Dear 1st World Feminists

- Stop calling rape a women’s issue

- Stop calling domestic violence a women’s issue

- Stop calling body hate a women’s issue

- Stop calling online harassment a women’s issue

- Stop calling all harassment in general a women’s issue

If you want to abolish rape, domestic violence, self hate and harassment and practice what you preach…… Stop looking at it as a one sided issue.


Dear Tumblr:

You can appreciate an artists’ work, even if you don’t agree with their political views.

You can enjoy an entertainer’s content, even if you don’t agree with their political views.

You can enjoy an actor’s talent, even if you don’t agree with their political views.

You can enjoy a musical artist’s music, even if you don’t agree with their political views.

You can respect your elders/authorities, even if you don’t agree with their political views.

Last but not least, you can still be friends with someone, even if you don’t agree with their political views.


Why are all yall on this site so bitter about everything??? “The whites, the straights, the men and the cis are all bad and I’m great uwu” that mindset is so unhealthy and toxic.

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