
Nothing Cool Allowed Association™

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Jack Moore's Personal Blog Twitter: @jh_moore
The slang of athletics, by the way, is in great part made up of extremely sanguinary locutions borrowed from the terminology of warfare. Except where it is adopted as a necessary means of secret communication, the use of a special slang in any employment is probably to be accepted as evidence that the occupation in question is substantially make-believe.

Veblen, Thorstein (2012-05-16). Theory of the Leisure Class (pp. 192-193).  . Kindle Edition.

This fifth anniversary issue of PRIVACY JOURNAL comes exactly halfway to 1984, the year that doomsayers have anticipated since George Orwell wrote his anti-utopian vision in 1949. The environment for 1984 is now in place, not just with regard to weaponry and bureaucratic doublethink, but also with regard to constant automated surveillance of the citizenry. The torment in 1984 was not that the authorities were watching and listening all the time, because obviously that would be impossible. The torment was that you never knew when they were watching and listening. The equipment was always operating. Our society differs from Orwell's. The surveillance technology is in place for the 1980s but the citizenry doesn't see it. Unlike Orwell's characters, we don't take heed of the surveillance. Unlike Orwell's character, we don't alter our behavior because of it. (not yet anyway.) In fact, we are comforted by it, not repelled: the baggage search at the airport, the TV camera in the shopping center, the ID check at public buildings, the computer record at our child's school, the anti-fraud welfare matches, the lessened standard for searches and seizures. All are instituted for our protection; all are accepted by a population that no longer trusts its fellow members to obey the law, but apparently trusts large organizations to use this sensitive technology benignly.

from surveillance and privacy newsletter Privacy Journal, 1979

The Master said, 'When the multitude hates someone, it is necessary to examine into the case. When the multitude likes someone, it is necessary to examine into the case.'

Confucius (2011-03-24). The Analects of Confucius (from the Chinese Classics) (p. 51). Kindle Edition. 


fucking right


CHAP. XI. 1. The Duke Ching, of Ch'i, asked Confucius about government. 2. Confucius replied, 'There is government, when the prince is prince, and the minister is minister; when the father is father, and the son is son.' 3. 'Good!' said the duke; 'if, indeed; the prince be not prince, the minister not minister, the father not father, and the son not son, although I have my revenue, can I enjoy it?'

Confucius, The Analects of Confucius, Book XII

Out of this institutionalized responsibility attached to the position of sports reporter emerges an inherent contradiction in role demands. As a journalist, the sports reporter is bound by professional ethics to strive for objectivity. As a sports reporter, however, his role demands that he portray the activities of groups and individuals involved in sport at a primary level as conforming to the ideal values of society.

Harry Edwards, Sociology of Sport, 1973

George Kissell was a minor-leaguer in the Cardinal system from 1940 to 1952. For the first three of those seasons his boss was Branch Rickey. "Money—he was bad that way. One year I made 75 dollars a month, which was ridiculous even in those days, and I hit .373 that year. Next spring I held out for 150 a month—this was just for the months of the season!—and he let me sit a few weeks, and then he offered 125, said he wanted to be generous 'cause I was one of his boyth. When he signed new kids, he didn't send the contracts in. So if it turned out you could play, he kept you and paid you a little. If you couldn't play, boom!—your contract's in the wastebasket. He was a sharpie." "What happened," I asked, "to the money the players weren't getting?" Kissell said nothing, but made a grand gesture of a man stuffing a wad into his right front pocket. Charlie Chaplin couldn't have acted out the point any better.

Kerrane, Kevin (2013-11-04). Dollar Sign on the Muscle (Kindle Locations 1269-1273).  . Kindle Edition. 

There is a story told in professional football circles about the rookie interior lineman who was encountering some difficulty in filling out his team's questionnaire. He successfully hurdled the "name" and "address" obstacles, but the "length of residence" blank gave him pause. After some arduous calculations, he entered "44 feet."

Privacy Journal, Aug. 1975

I really like Commissioner Goodell. He's a very humble, fair, firm, and stern man who cares about you. He wants to see the right things for the integrity of the NFL and the integrity of the football family. If you cross the guidelines of the conduct policy, he wants to know what the absolute truth is.

Michael Vick, Finally Free: An Autobiography, 2012

Prior to buying the Cowboys, Murchison had considered buying the San Francisco 49ers and, when that failed, made George Marshall a bid for the Redskins. Marshall opposed Murchison’s attempt to purchase any NFL team . But he relented after Murchison bought the rights to the Redskins’ fight song, which had been obtained by Marshall’s ex-wife as part of their divorce settlement. Consequently, Murchison refused to give Marshall the right to use the song. Soon after, Murchison bought the Cowboys with no opposition— and Marshall got his fight song back.

Moldea, Dan E. (2014-06-10). Interference: How Organized Crime Influences Professional Football (Forbidden Bookshelf) (Kindle Locations 1635-1638). Open Road Media. Kindle Edition. 

Under the circumstances, it could just well be that the greater public exposure granted the ideas of today's athletic dissenters are indicative of major societal changes already underway. Therefore, the more significant question is perhaps not, "Will sports survive the present crisis despite the notoriety and publicity granted the ideas of athletic dissenters and the overall impact of mass communication?" but, "Has sport managed to survive earlier crises in large part because of a lack of massive publicity regarding dissenting views on sport?" My contention is that the answer to the latter question must be largely affirmative.

Dr. Harry Edwards, Sociology of Sport, 1973

Of the players of the Snorkey Club of Philadelphia (named for the one-armed hero of the drama Under the Gaslight), one had an arm off at the shoulder, another had a paralyzed arm, the rest were minus a hand; their opponents in a game of May 23, 1883, were the Hoppers, who were all one-legged or on crutches. In a reminder to modern readers of the brutality of the industrial age in America, both sides were said to consist wholly of former employees of the Pennsylvania Railroad.

John Thorn, Baseball in the Garden of Eden

Some points in this essay require modification in view of later work. These are indicated in footnotes. Its tone is partly explained by the fact that the editor begged me to make the article "as romantic as possible."

Russell, Bertrand (2011-03-24). Mysticism and Logic and Other Essays (Kindle Locations 48-50). Kindle Edition.

If the reader has concluded that there is something "wrong" in sport, one further conclusion is inescapable: from its racial problems to drug abuse, from its economic crisis to female segregation, what is "wrong" with sport in America reflects America itself--particularly the relationships between contemporary social, political, and economic realities and this nation's value priorities, its attitudes and its perspectives.

Harry Edwards, Sociology of Sport, p. 361.

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