@ilovebasketball / ilovebasketball.tumblr.com

My name is Ryan and I currently reside in Baltimore.  23 and a lvl 4 dog walker. not a boy. I play bass in mothpuppy and run dog belly records.

maaaaaaaaaaannnn weird week. my childhood home is getting sold. my car got broken into. a stray cat kept trying to jump in the glass when I was trying to clean it. I got 2 parking tickets ‘cause I parked away from where said car got broken into. Now i’m parked there again still with most of the glass. lol God dang


Better Call Saul 4x08: “Coushatta” “Jimmy goes to great lengths to right a wrong, as Kim pulls out all the stops for a case; Mike lets his team blow off steam; Nacho receives a visitor.” Written by Gordon Smith Directed by Jim McKay Cinematography by Marshall Adams Edited by Chris McCaleb Air Date: 9/24/18

Fun Facts: Episode 38 of Better Call Saul is the 100th Episode of the Heisenverse. This is the second episode both Jim McKay, who last directed 1x04, “Cancer Man” (Feb. 2008). In between, McKay has directed shows such as Mr. Robot, Rectify, The Good Wife, The Americans, Bosch and many HBO shows. 


all i do all day long is think about how scary/unfortunate/miserable/haunting masculinity is for all parties. i just run it back in my head damn -- can’t wait to get back into therapy to yell and yell and yell


“In the spring of 1940, when the Nazis overran France from the north, much of its Jewish population tried to escape the country towards the south. In order to cross the border, they needed visas to Spain and Portugal, and together with a  flood of other refugees, tens of thousands of Jews besieged the Portuguese consulate in Bordeaux in a desperate attempt to get that life-saving piece of paper. The Portuguese government forbade its consuls in France to issue visas without prior approval from the Foreign Ministry, but the consul in Bordeaux, Aristides de Sousa Mendes, decided to disregard the order, throwing to the wind a thirty-year diplomatic career. As Nazi tanks were closing in on Bordeaux, Sousa Mendes and his team worked around the clock for ten days and nights, barely stopping to sleep, just issuing visas and stamping pieces of paper. Sousa Mendes issued thousands of visas before collapsing from exhaustion.

The Portuguese government—which had little desire to accept any of these refugees—sent agents to escort the disobedient consul back home, and fired him from the foreign office. Yet officials who cared little for the plight of human beings nevertheless had a deep reverence for documents, and the visas Sousa Mendes issued against orders were respected by French, Spanish and Portuguese bureaucrats alike, spiriting up to 30,000 people out of the Nazi death trap. Sousa Mendes, armed with little more than a rubber stamp, was responsible for the largest rescue operation by a single individual during the Holocaust.”

Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow by Yuval Noah Harari

Running beneath all of this, of course, is also the cold hard truth that killing Kim as a means of pushing Jimmy to do something is insulting. It’s insulting not only to Seehorn, who has done incredible work across three-and-a-half Emmy-caliber seasons, but also to the character as well. Kim is not just a love interest or an emotional support system for Jimmy; she’s one of the pillars of Better Call Saul, playing an equal role in its success as Mike Ehrmantraut (Jonathan Banks), Nacho Varga (Michael Mando) or Howard Hamlin (Patrick Fabian). When Peter Gould says that people love Kim Wexler, it’s because people really do love Kim Wexler. She is the moral compass of Better Call Saul. Even when she’s enjoying her part in a harmless scheme, she is still the show’s moral compass in much the same way Jesse was on Breaking Bad.
But even if Kim weren’t any of these things, killing Kim would also be an insult to the intelligence of the writers who give voice to each and every character on this show. Better Call Saul is truly one of the smartest shows TV, and that’s because the men and women who work on the series have always been some of the smartest in the business. 
Better Call Saul has proven on more than one occasion that it’s not just a Breaking Bad spin-off, but that it’s also a compelling TV show that is, if not better, at least on par with its parent series. So let’s hope the writers know all of this too and realize that killing Kim would be the single biggest mistake Better Call Saul could ever make.

ANYWAY i also have a theory tho that as companies invest invest invest invest in cyberspace, our real tangible space will have less targeted ads as the point for it lessons 

that kind of is dope lmao 


i also think it’s well documented that capitalism isn’t picky in online spaces - they make money off of negative and positive reaction. fraction is good 4 business


dnt reblog -- just yelling about capitalism like, Jenifer Lewis saying “thank you for leading the resistance. We need more of Corporate America to stand up also” to fucking NIKE should probably scare the living shit out of us y’all 

nike has about 73,000 employees. how many of those fuckers truly care about helping communities eat, get sheltered and find comfort? How many of them exist in bubbles where they think wealth is well-dispersed already? Who creates those glossy website images that have some title like NIKECares: Nike’s Giveback Initiative with pictures of elite athletes hosting camps? I just made that up, but guaranteed it’s out there. 

It’s not anyone’s fault ‘CAUSE THEY’RE FUCKIN’ GOOD AT THIS. Much like oil investing in climate science being fake, I think brands are creating this world where they are seen as good-doers with best interests at heart. It’s effective when it’s so removed from their own relationship to foreign relations, climate, et cetera. Brand is vague enough that it can kind of become whatever the hell it wants to be. The goal is hegemony if brands haven’t already gotten it :/


okay i just had a bad epiphany but corporate interest’s influence on the internet is going to become so much stronger now that generations that are internet naturalized have grown up and starting working as “social media consultants”. advertising is going to become so much more subtle, manipulate your behavior to a greater extent, and completely pervade every aspect of our lives the more we rely on the internet for everything from entertainment to social validation. 

what im saying is its scary that corporate twitter accounts are getting good at twitter. to have the same avenue a human would to express themself. its like, an extreme anthromorphism of a brand, and that brand representing a corporate interest, and successfully passing itself off as a sentient entity on twitter, thats really weird to me.

like this is so fucked up. it doesnt immediately read as an advertisement, conceptually it executes the levels of irony and deconstruction that usually make for successful memes in this genre or whatever. its almost subverting itself, but ultimately it still succeeds as an advertisement. it makes me sick. for every misfire of corporations trying to relate (pepsi protest commercial), theres another company getting better at it

okay but like my thing about this is… who is actually eating at these places because shit like this? yeah it’s funny but i never go to wendy’s because a meme, if i go to wendy’s it’s because i want a gross burger and a frosty, same with taco bell and mcdonald’s and wherever the fuck.

i really think that you’re blowing this out of proportion and having very little faith in people’s ability to decide what they want for themselves. it’s just not that deep.

It’s not about the effectiveness of the ads in question, but their complete omnipresence in every aspect and moment of life, and how bizarre and sophisticated the mechanations of advertising have become. If people don’t call attention to these things, they become normal.

The effectiveness of marketing isnt one-to-one, like, “ad says burger is good, I think burger is good, I eat burger.” That was 50 years ago. Y'all, since then these multi-million dollar corporations have been hiring psychologists and sociologists and anthropologists to study how best to get under consumer skin and theyve figured out it’s not about making you WANT a burger,

It’s about creating a Brand Identity - an anthropomorphized personality that your brain fits into an established schema (system of thought) so it’s easier to just drop into the background of your everyday life. It’s not about making you want a burger, it’s about making it so, when you DO want a burger, the first place you think of is Wendy’s, because their ads have made you think about them five time already that day. And most importantly, it’s about making sure you dont realize how often they make you think about them, so you don’t resent how pervasive they’ve become. They do that by tricking your brain into thinking of them as just another human-like personality. Your Funny Meme Friend Wendy’s. Wine Aunt World Market. Woke Jock Nike. Even your Endearingly Unhip Uncle Geico.

(hey also if you want dozens of terrifying examples of what I mean, just type ‘brand identity schema’ into Google like I just did and take a gander at all those scholarly articles discussing how best to acquire consumers, like we’re a fucking commodity)

one time i said i didn’t like the wendys twitter and got called classist for hating retail employees 

this shit works. it makes people like Brands. gets under their skin and in to their minds. when i said i didnt like the wendys twitter i personally offended people that viewed wendys as a friend, that viewed the wendys social media manager as a friendly individual that they respected.

the wendys social media manager is not your friend. they don’t even really exist. there’s no one person that writes the tweets for wendys. there’s a team of 20 something year olds that casually observe the latest meme trends and crank out mspaint memes because they know they’ll get retweeted if the memes are relevant.

they trick you in to thinking that Wendys is a hip friendly young person, and they manipulate you in to thinking that disliking marketing is somehow a “problematic” “un-woke” thing to do. 

and it works

install ublock origin. on mobile, block every promoted tweet you see. don’t let them convince you that this shit is normal.


i had a very big gay crush on orlando bloom as legolas growing up and i kinda only just realized it


Better Call Saul 4x07: “Something Stupid” “Jimmy runs into a problem as he expands his business that only Kim can solve. Gus gets involved in Hector’s medical care. Mike has to deal with a setback.” Written by Deborah Chow Directed by Alison Tatlock Cinematography by Marshall Adams Edited by Skip Macdonald Air Date: 9/17/18

This is the first episode in the Heisenverse for both Chow and Tatlock. Chow has written for Snowfall, Jessica Jones, Mr. Robot and Fear The Walking Dead. Tatlock has directed on Halt and Catch Fire, Stranger Things and In Treatment


when your gf is at work but you wanna watch BH 90210 real real bad

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