
Trying to figure it all out...


Juliana. 21- “Whoever said that money doesn’t buy happiness didn’t know where to shop”

i don't mind too much when other women aren't comfortable being misandrists, but when they start patholgizing misandry or equating it to misogyny we're going in the ring


“girls support girls” no. girls protect girls. I could hate a girl to death and I still wouldn’t take my eyes off her drink at a party, I could hate her like she was the devil but still I wouldn’t make her go back to a man that was beating her.


it's not that women have only now just started working outside the home. many women in ancient and medieval societies participated in estate business (selling, farming, etc), but the money they earned was very rarely their own or under their name. additionally, divorce laws have positioned modern women in a much better place. the fact that women can own property and earn money in their name is what sets us apart from a lot of women in the past. also the fact that we're much more educated on everything, especially sexuality.

the more abortion becomes mainstream (and it has in south america and is constitutional in france which is huge) that's another HUGE GIANT leap ahead for women.

the rise of women's sports has also been a huge win in terms of separatism and women's careers in athleticism. guys, we are structurally set up to spiral upward, im telling you.

these wins have truly set us up very well for total liberation and we don't talk about them enough!


dream job is to be that one rotted hand that bursts out of the grave to snatch some stupid idiot by the ankles and pull them under the earth


I have a friend who dislikes her children.

That’s probably unfair, I’m sure she loves them very much, but there is real resentment there. Whether or not she wanted to be a mother is unclear, but her unhappiness sure is. Children are difficult, and if you’re not 100% prepared and enthusiastic about that it is going to be a terrible time for you.

I don’t think she is a bad person. She is frequently overwhelmed by both her family and the stream of idealized social media that makes it sound like everyone else is having a ball. So she goes on Facebook to talk about how miserable she is, how she misses her old life that all her friends seem to still have. It’s probably the only thing keeping her sane, along with her husband who actually loves kids.

This isn’t to shame anyone, but seeing her posts really cements in my mind how I would probably be in the same boat, and how glad I am that I made the decision not to put myself in this position. I would never want to bring another human into this world with the knowledge that they might make me miserable, and that I would likely make them miserable in turn, whether or not I meant to. No innocent child deserves that.

So many people still cling to a mythologized Feminine Instinct that states my uterus gives me more empathy, gives me more patience, gives me a duty that I can’t reject. They say that choosing to be childless is more selfish than having a child that you are unable to care for, that you will dislike. If those people saw the pain of those unsuited for motherhood I hope they would change their minds, but they never will.


why you should have hope for separatism:

-this is one of the first times in history where women en masse are educated and (are expected to) participate in the working class which means now more than ever women are better equipped to take care of their own financial needs (even with all the tradwife influencers, not many women will be able to convert because house-wifery is strictly limited to the upper-class, which is shrinking more and more, so most women will always have to work anyways, and most women see this! even the ones that joke about being housewives/strippers are serious about their careers!)

-separatism is mostly non-action. it is strategic non-interaction with men or male media which makes it extremely accessible and easy to replicate across cultures. it removes women from exploitative relationships with men. this means the only thing you need to do to convince women to become separatists is attack the idea that their lives will be unfulfilled without men. and more women and girls are embracing that culture simply because of their experiences (and access to education)!

-late stage capitalism and the rise of blatant misogyny men display is radicalizing women. which means more and more women are open to living together and raising children together romantically/platonically. (literally every woman i've talked to who's unmarried lives with their parents or wants to live with women because men are genuinely an unattractive option--thank you men for showing your asses <3)

-the internet and globalization positions women from all over the world to share their experiences (and we have many shared experiences), which means consciousness-raising has never been faster or easier or more powerful!

-men and boys are failing and dropping out of school way more than women and girls which means that women and girls are on the way to dominating academia and relevant industries! women will make up more of the skilled workers in future job markets which means that women who are educated now will likely be better off and more pursued financially than men. women's influence in society is increasing! think about it. as much as male violence is increasing, male literacy and competence and skill is DECREASING (even nepotism or sexism will not be enough to fix that problem because hiring men will still result in profit losses and other financial inconveniences). in short, male culture is killing men!

-resistance to pornography and understanding the evils of pornography are also increasing. awareness of male violence is increasing!

please read more literature on separatist strategies and don't think whatever is happening on tiktok/IG is how all women think. most women irl are not stupid enough to trade in their jobs for prostitution because women don't actually want that. many women i've talked to in real life also don't want children (in these conditions or at all)! they aren't radfems but they still have self-preservation instincts and intelligence!

there is literally so many ways we can use the current sociopolitical climate to our advantage. it is too early to give up. like wayyyy to fucking early.

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