

@cakeprisun-blog / cakeprisun-blog.tumblr.com

ammy / 15 / nyc

Black girls with natural hair get made fun of and black girls with fake hair get made fun of and black girls with no hair get made fun of so like what are black girls supposed to do but not give a fuck abt u


no more it gets better

I can’t promise that “it gets better”. Your environment might not change at all. But there is hope that YOU will get better - better at coping, better at healing. And that makes all the difference.


Have you ever been able to literally feel yourself starting a new part of your life


im here for wlw with abusive parents. whether they are physically or emotionally abusive. whether you have an abusive mother, an abusive father, or both. 

you don’t deserve it. under no circumstances do you deserve Any of what they do or say to you. you deserve parents who love and support you. parents who don’t bully or beat you. parents who don’t make you feel unloved or unwanted. 

because you aren’t unloved - you aren’t unwanted. you are so special and unique. i hope one day you’re able to unlearn their abuse and learn how to love yourself. you deserve that love and all the love in the world.


You deserve people in your life who understand you at your core. Who don’t have misconceptions about your personality or your intentions. People who not only “get you” but also care about your wellbeing and won’t betray your trust.

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