Where does a dream go when it fades?

@justyourginger / justyourginger.tumblr.com

"Your cheeks are positively green Ah, your eyes…your eyes… and still now, I wonder why we name our rivers when they are not the same rivers twice"
Anonymous asked:

Do you have any ideas about how Deku and Bakugou became friends in the first place? Everyone in the fandom has collectively agreed that its because their moms were friends first, even though there's no canon evidence for that, but I personally like the idea that their moms became friends because of their kids.

Like toddler Bakugou probably saw Inko and Izuku out and about in public one day and just.........decided to grab toddler Izuku when his mom wasn't looking and take him home so that they can play together before Mitsuki returned Izuku safely to his mom and apologizing for her kid kidnapping her kid (wow that was a mouthful)

Hmmm, I love the idea of their mommies being friends :) a Mutual made some really cute art about The Mom Lore i can link it later it’s so sweet


Wait I did make a whole post about my own mom lore, let me look for it


we all talk about doing it scared doing it alone doing it weird etc. but the the hideously awful truth is that you also often have to do it stupid

doing it stupid is the only way to get less stupid. you'd think this would be obvious by now, but you see the thing is. i'm stupid.


Decided to make a little no smoke kurogiri redesign :]

I reimagined the elongated yellow eyes as golden tear mark scars :)

I also had fun with the brace and made it tighter around his neck (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)


General tumblr reminder, since some people don't know: If the person's URL has "deactivated" plus a string of numbers (a date) after it, that means that they manually deleted their own blog. It doesn't mean they were banned. Banned blogs don't have "deactivated" after them and will just be the normal URL you can't click on or interact with. They look very similar and function the same, but they were caused by two very different things.

thats not true i dont think people would do that


really recommend getting a partner with a different religion than you and very little knowledge of your religion because the opportunities for explaining things to each other are just exquisite

yesterday she told me some story about the Buddha's wife and child and I was like. Wait. He fucked? And she was like yeah of course he fucked, why wouldn't he, he was the most attractive and loveable and and wise and etc. person who ever lived. why would he not fuck.

this morning she looked perplexed in the kitchen at me and said "did Jesus not fuck?"


we really went from "women and girls can do anything" to im just a girl i only do girl math im a passenger princess i dont drive i dont eat i just do haha girl dinner im so sillyyyy i wear makeup bc i want to i also try and define all women into categories that are marketable omg what if we were just girls and we were so useless and helpless

also if anyone wants to do some reading about this, it's a genuine phenomenon that occurs within most counter cultures. the main hegemony (capitalism) absorbs any part of the movement, and makes it something that can't cause harm to the existing power.

so yes, these quips start off as jokes, but if jokes weren't impactful then we wouldn't have spent so much time criminializing comedians, historically.

louis althusser came up with the idea of ideological state apparatuses, and there's an explanation of it here. it shows how we are systematically programmed through multiple facets of our everyday life.

these are my own notes about hegemonies

I'd also like to point out that interpellation is why all of those debates about who is "punk" or not are so futile. Because "punk" has long since become just another market segment.

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