
girl character: wow i genuinely dislike this boy character and he makes me uncomfortable and has no respect for me and i don’t want anything to do with him

het shippers:

male character: wow I genuinely dislike this other male character and he makes me uncomfortable and has no respect for me and I don’t want anything to do with him

Shippers in general:

Male character: *breathes in the same room as another male character*


Male character: Hey, this man is my best friend and we got each other’s backs. We got girlfriends/wives of our own that we cherish and love so much. I’ve been buddies with this guy for over a decade and our friendship is very sacred.


I’d like to remind OP of Jane Eyre. And that book’s popularity with women.


"prevent mentally ill people from buying guns" is a bad policy. the shooters aren't necessarily mentally ill or known to be mentally ill, and the most vulnerable people (the most in need of a gun to protect themselves) are likely to be mentally ill. you do realise that abuse and stalking survivors are likely mentally ill as a result of that trauma, yet would need a gun to protect themselves from said abuser, who is very potentially not mentally ill (or not seeking help and thus totally not known to be so) and would be able to get a gun under your system. veterans are likely mentally ill, yet the most trained on how to actually use said gun. suicide prevention also shouldn't come at the expense of a person's rights and liberties - you shouldn't remove bodily autonomy or the right to self-defense just because a person isn't well.

I'm not american, but I've been shot at twice - once by an abuser attempting to kill me, and once by someone who didn't even know I was there (we drove by and suddenly people were shooting at each other, we just got caught in the crossfire for a moment). that abuser still wants to hurt me, and can still access illegal guns (we did successfully prosecute, but jail isn't forever, and I wouldn't want it to be even if it means I have to deal with knowing he's out there looking for me), but I can't legally buy a gun to defend myself - in fact, I have to stress that my axe is purely for cutting wood and I keep it by my bed in case I stumble across a stray log in the night, and I have zero intent to use it to defend myself, because if I say that I intend to use it as a weapon then it's illegal to do so. I know how to kill myself with an elastic band, or cleaning products, or a tall building, or a shoelace and a pencil, or a length of rope, or a needle full of heroin, or a pencil sharpener - I don't need a gun to do it, and having a gun wouldn't make me any more inclined to do it, and even if it would... that's my decision. the fact that you don't want me to is cause for you to improve the mental health system, not remove my rights.

most gun deaths are suicides iirc, but a massive portion of heroin overdoses are caused by relapsing after your tolerance has dropped as a result of quitting, so your body can't actually handle the dose you think is the dose you need. should we ban quitting heroin, or should we tackle the addiction issues and help more people quit? you don't end suicide by causing an endless cycle of banning whatever is a common method of doing it.

mass shootings are terrible and tragic. but gun buyback programs (ones that actually pay enough to pay back the huge costs of guns and the training to use them and stuff, and more just to be safe) would help people who need money and may commit violence to get it, as would things like ubi and social safety nets. then improvements to the mental health system, anonymous access for kids who don't want their parents/peers to know that they're seeking mental health help, free mental health help, community centers and programs that have trained professionals teens can speak to, free/cheap gun safes and community gun storage facilities so parents can keep their guns away from the kids when not at the range, free/cheap training at gun ranges (especially for young people) that include gun safety education, better education in general, helping young people process and internalise the concept of death (this sounds dumb, but our cultures are so averse to death and "this fucking kills people", and you see it very clearly in the "he's in a better place" and the effects of it in how flippant they are about how dangerous the car they're driving actually is), fixing the algorithms on social media so they don't funnel people down radicalisation rabbit holes, anti-bullying measures that aren't just some dumb "bullying is mean uwu" video/speaker but are actually providing things for bullied kids to find peers and report the bullies (more clubs, more rigorous policies in schools, for example proven bullying in multiple instances going on your permanent record and potentially therefore affecting college admission, that's definitely going to make people think twice, as well as teaching self-defense classes so that bullied people know how to punch back). I just listed a dozen policies that would chip away at a few of the causal factors of gun deaths (isolation, bullying, mental illness, radicalisation, socioeconomic circumstances, and so forth), there's more, but "ban the mentally ill from getting guns" is so stupid.

as I've mentioned, mental illness isn't the only causal factor, it's also hugely varied - one person's depression may make them more inclined towards violence or suicide, another's less, schizophrenia isn't just going to turn you into the punisher, ptsd can make you terrified of the sound of gunshots, etc. you're overgeneralising in a myriad of ways, and you're only going to end up hurting people, with minimal (if any) positive impact. I know I'm saying this from the "privileged" position of living somewhere with zero gun rights, but need I remind you I've had a gun pointed at my head when I was a child, and ducked a split second before he pulled the trigger. I'd hardly say I'm a stranger to the horrors of kids being shot. I'm left wing, I'm not a lib, so I think an armed populace is one that can fight facism more effectively, I think self-defence for the most marginalised people is essential, I think bodily autonomy and human rights deserve protection - this leads me to a pro-gun position. since no amount of guilt-tripping over how I'm totally advocating to muder babies changes my mind on abortion, why would it on gun rights? I hate that me having been shot at is seen as less "lived experience" than you being born on the same continent as more school shootings, what the hell is that logic?

anyway, fix the system, you can't just ban the worst thing over and over again, otherwise you end up getting butter knives taken by the police in a few years, it's futile. slippery slope and all.

exactly. we live in a world with guns now, no amount of policy will ever be able to undo that. either we teach people to use them in a safe and responsible way, and we improve society in general so nobody wants to use them any other way, or we deal with the fact that people are going to get shot. those are the only two actual options. wanting a middle ground where you can magic away all the guns with policy, but not do anything to help people, that's just neolib austerity bullshit, it's not a viable solution. just like cars. to get less car accidents and pollution, we need public transport, we need walkable cities, we need to teach people to drive safely and use seatbelts, etc, banning cars would be ridiculously stupid.


kinda nuts how we just never got any resolution on the ‘kids in cages’ thing. biden never even like put out a statement saying they were going to get the kids out of the cages but it was going to take a while or anything. liberals just all instantaneously stopped caring about immigration issues at all the instant biden got elected because they figure something good must be happening on it

It’s more that they never actually cared about the issue. Obama built those cages and there was silence. Trump became president and they called him Hitler over it. They called them “concentration camps”. It was a constsnt topic in the news. People were interviewed stating that the only reason they voted for Biden was so something could be done to help the children. Whenever you asked someone why they were votong for Biden, a common response was “CHILDREN are in CAGES!”

And all of that went away the second Biden became president. The news no longer covered it. Celebrities no longer demanded change. People stopped talking about the health and safety of those kids.

Because it was never about the kids. It was about blaming the perceived enemy.

And you can bet that once a repiblican becomes president again, this will suddenly return to being an issue.

This is why people say they stay out of politics. Because it’s a childish game. A manipulative, dishonest, hypocritical game.


I thought they were there since Bill Clinton

Bill Clinton built the facilities. The “cages” were put in under Obama (with Biden as VP and approval from Harris).

And no one seemed to care until Trump became president. And onve he wasbt president anymore people just..immediately stopped caring again.

It was never about helping the kids.


always always remember that no republican is pro fucking life


And neither are Democrats, so now what? Stop promoting communism and big government.

Dividing the country doesn’t fix anything so get behind a better cause like drain the swamp.


You don't need to spend $28 million of tax payer money to fix this situation. Let the one formula factory you guys shut down reopen and let people buy formula from Canada and Europe and this can be quickly fixed.

Also, at the state level we need our politicians to not agree to only allowing one company's formula qualify for WIC (this isn't in all states, but still in too many.) This entire formula shortage is the result of government interference via restriction of the market.

Throwing money at a shortage does not fix the shortage.

New headline “republicans stops taxpayer money from being spent unchecked”

Stop judging bills by their names


No, you do not get to push your puritanical anti-science beliefs on children who aren't yours.


“Only I get to force my beliefs and my worldview on your kids!”

These people absolutely do not give a single shit about the aspect of “forcing beliefs” on children and they never have; complaining about it is a tactic they’ve picked up recently because they understand that it plays well on the surface level

In reality they believe that they have a moral duty to “save” your kids from you; it’s not good enough for them to teach their own children what they want, because they believe it’s also their job to rescue all the other kids from believing the “wrong” things.

It’s why they’ve labeled teaching 6 year olds about “gender” and teaching your 8 year old about anal sex as “science”, so they can pretend they’re only trying to teach objective facts and not ideology. It’s why they get so pissed when you ask why small children need to know any of this; they instinctually know that indoctrination works best on the young, especially when you get them in an environment away from their parents with an authority figure to help indoctrinate them.

The real irony here is that nobody, literally nobody is lobbying for an “anti-science worldview” to be pushed on any kids, they’re asking that their kids not be taught a worldview and ideology based on actual mental illness and delusion.

As much as people like McNeckbeard like to whine about moral busybodies, they absolutely are the worst of them because they’ll gleefully use the State apparatus to brainwash your children “for the good of society”.


Holy fuck

This works best if you keep windows closed.

Another design is using 2 20x25x1 filters, taping them to the sides of the box fan and then to each other so they sort of make a triangle, then cutting cardboard to make a top and bottom to the triangle.

This was discovered as a more effective design during the 2020 US west coast fires.


If you live on the west coast of the United States, fire season is coming and this is vital.

We’ve been using one, and they’re great. Might try to make the double filter version this year.

theyve been doing a bunch of studies on this during the pandemic and this design is best! 4 filters and a shroud to optimize flow rate.

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