Happy Valentine's Day Curlya nation <3
✈️ just you and I on long, late night flights to see our families ...✈️
✈️ just you and I on long, late night flights to see our families ...✈️
Gala outfits 😜😜😜😜
the captain and the nurse (before everything went to shit)
if you can hear me
if you can hear me at all—
why cant we have nice things?
First time meeting ♡
Anya, new to the crew and happy to meet her idol, and follow her dream’s going into medical school.
Curly, a sleepy man who thinks the new nurse is a great addition to the team, and, also a cutie.
You really don’t realize how disconnected from reality rich people are until you have to work for them bro, like I just had a woman start crying because I told her that the leather recliners she wants to order would take 2 weeks to ship and she goes “We just finished our custom home theater room and I have a get together this weekend and I have kitchen chairs in there. do you have any idea what thats like?” HELLO????
I once did soil work for a stupidly rich person who wanted specific, non-native vines and Polynesian flowers planted (in a fucking desert). While I was working, she was on the phone with her friend complaining that the white statuario marble floor tiles weren't "unique" enough, and decided to have them all ripped out an replaced with tiles that were almost twice the price. Because she didn't want to be embarrassed by having a floor that someone else had. "Could you imagine my embarrassment???" She shrieked.
BTW, white statuario marble is considered one of the most luxurious marbles in the entire world. It's only quarried in Italy.
She also didn't listen to me about the vines, and that the local soil and lack of humidity wouldn't support the delicate plants she wanted. She paid me and ordered the plants anyway, to be shipped from overseas. They all died. Her whole yard died. Over $10,000 in plants and shipping.
Rich people are not in touch with reality.
the rich are so accustomed to being insulated from consequences by their money that on the rare occasion a consequence slips through, they go into crisis meltdown mode and treat it like a personal attack
Should've posted this here too aight
I’m still in recovery and drawing on my tablet is super uncomfortable for now, so I tried drawing on my desktop computer again… It was very awkward lmao
What a wicked sick story Undead Unluck has been!! Thank you, Tozuka-sensei, for an absolutely amazing journey!! 💙❤️