
War Caste of the Fluff Exalted

@laenan / laenan.tumblr.com



(ʘ‿ʘ✿) “what you say ‘bout me”

(ʘ‿ʘ)ノ✿ “hold my flower”

✿\(。-_-。) “Kick his ass, baby.  I got yo flower.”

i found it

the original post

i found it

this should have the opportunity to be on everyone’s blog. 

*tour guide voice*

and here on the left ladies and gentlemen, you see one of the posts before everyone went batshit crazy

World Heritage Post


Everyone here is dead.


if i wanted to forcefem the yellow m and m it wouldnt even be that hard i don t tbink

If you forcefem that little man then I'll tell you right now that peanut isn't gonna be the only nut in her after im done

you are the second person on this post to confess to wanting to have sex with a forcibly feminized m and m

What the fuck is wrong with you people? There are three female m&ms at this point. When will your hyper-feminist agenda be satisfied? What if I decided I was going to forcemasc the green m&m? Then you would all cry misogyny. Do not try to deny it.

Let's make a deal. For every m&m you hypothetically forcefem, I will hypothetically turn one male, starting with the green one as green is my favorite color and because I believe HE would make the most fuckable femboy with his heels on.

i want very badly to respond to this addition but unfortunately your dni prevents me from doing so

"What the fuck is wrong with you people" asks the most unhinged person on this post.


Hold on can someone get this to 10k notes, I have a bit I want to do.

Isn’t this dude the one who wished his aunt would miscarry and then showed up to the family dinner he got uninvited to with a sword


Yeah he’s reddit famous. I can’t believe I found him in the wild.


real quick, I have an addition


Here’s a link to a petition to protect Native American land in NC from a gas station chain which poses immense environmental threats, has violated workers rights, and will destroy land with historical significance to natives. My ancestors traveled the trading path they plan to build over. Please sign if you have a moment


I love the use of the phrase 'some strange alchemy' as a descriptor for a process you don't understand.

'Through some strange alchemy(crochet) they turned a bundle of yarn into a stuffed giraffe'

'Through some strange alchemy(bad cooking) they turned a perfectly marinated steak into a charcoal briquet'

'Through some strange alchemy(good cooking) they turned a pile of slop into the fluffiest bread loaf I'd ever seen'

'Through some strange alchemy(bad reading comprehension) they took my polite statement and turned into a disgusting act against the poor'

and so on


Terrible news, gang: I exercised, ate well and got enough sleep, and my mental health has improved. Having now proven to myself that I am not a hopeless wreck who will be irrevocably depressed and miserable for the rest of my life, I am forced to actually... ugh... work on myself.


Keep seeing pronoun positivity posts is about he/they and she/theys. That's cool and all but this one's for the she/hes. If you're a she/he I love you and you can take as much mint as you want from our garden

Is this a positivity post or a secret cry for help? OP, how bad is the mint situation?

It's both the mint situation is fucking severe


I became immensely more sympathetic to shonen anime and progression fantasy as genres once I realized that "getting stronger and stronger in evenly spaced intervals and using that strength to defeat harder and harder tasks, Forever" is the basic plot of formal schooling itself, as presented basically from kindergarten through at least undergraduate levels (and arguably a lot of graduate schooling as well) ... I still don't necessarily LIKE all of the genre works but "fantasy where the emotional processes of education make you a cool fantasy hero instead of a depressed, under-employed 20 something" is like, sure, I getcha. also the fantasy that skill itself actually DOES increase in an ongoing, incremental, easy to understand way ... I have a much more emotionally complicated relationship with that as a disabled insane person but it's not like I don't get the appeal


I believe it was the work of legal scholar Florence Ashley where I first encountered this term (it might have also been Serano), but I’m becoming more and more committed to saying “degender” as opposed to “misgender.” like I think the term ‘misgender’ fails to properly identify the mechanism behind the process it describes: misgendering is not an act of attributing the wrong gender characteristics to a trans person, it is an act of dehumanisation. I think the term ‘misgender’ especially gives people much easier rhetorical cover to argue that trans women are hurt by misandry by being ‘mislabeled as men,’ or that they are in fact ‘actually men’ and benefit from male privilege, because the (incorrect) assumption underlying this is that when trans women are ‘misgendered’ they are being treated like men - to follow this line of thinking to its natural conclusion, this denies the existence of transmisogyny altogether, because any ‘misgendering’ of trans women is done only with the intent, conscious or otherwise, to inscribe the social position (and the privileges this position affords) of men onto them, as opposed to stripping them of their womanhood (and thus, their humanity).

The term degendering, however, I think more accurately describes this dehumanising process. Pulling from the work of both Judith Butler and Maria Lugones, gender mediates access to personhood - Lugones says in the Coloniality of Gender that in the colonial imaginary, animals have no gender, they only have (a) sex, and so who gets ‘sexed’ and who gets ‘gendered’ is a matter of who counts as human. She describes this gendering process as fundamentally colonial and emerging as a colonial technology of power - who is gendered is who gets to be considered human, and so the construction of binary sex is a way of ‘speciating’ or rendering non-human the Indigenous and African people of colonized America, justifying and systematising the brutal use of their land and/or their labour until their death by equating them to animals. Sylvia Wynter likewise describes in 1492: A New World View that a popular term used by Spanish colonizers to describe the indigenous people was “heads of Indian men and women,” as in heads of cattle. By the same token, white men are granted the high status of human, worthy of governance, wealth, and knowledge production, and white women are afforded the subordinate though still very high responsibility of reproducing these men by raising and educating children. Appeals to a person’s sex as something more real, more obvious, or ‘poorly concealed’ by their gender is to deny them their gender outright, and therefore is a mechanism to render them non-human. Likewise, for Butler, gender produces the human subject - to be outside gender is to be considered “unthinkable” as a human being, a being in “unliveable” space.

Therefore the process of trans women going from women -> “male” is not “being gendered as a man,” it is being positioned as non-human. when people deny the gender of trans women, most especially trans women of colour, they invariably do this through reference to their genitals, to their ‘sex,’ as something inescapable, incapable of being concealed - again, this is not a process of rendering them as men, it is the exact opposite: it is a process of rendering them as non-human. there is not a misidentification process happening, they are not being “misgendered as men,” there is a de-identification of them as human beings. Hence, they are not misgendered, they are degendered, stripped of gender, stripped of their humanity


you guys have gotta be more kind to the trans lesbians in your lives

this is your call to give one of your trans girl friends flowers, or a free meal, or just some compliments on whatever new way she's wearing her hair or her clothes. read what she's writing, listen to what she wants to talk to her about, offer to hang out and listen while she streams! just a few small things every day mean a lot.

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