
Prince 💜


Dwell in the light ☀️

Sorry (not sorry) white people

Black people do not nor will they ever care about what you think about race

We dont care about any racist experience u think u had

We don’t care about what u think about black peoples experience with racism

Goddamn we are tired and do not care

Either be an ally or don’t but don’t think that means we owe u something


it says shaggy has absolutely no ambitiom whatsoever. even ghe damned dog has some sort of life goal and he wants to eat dog treats for the rest of eternity. shaggy doesnt give a Fuckk. fun Scoobe-Doo™ trivia for the whole family: shaggy is a fucking nihilist

Scooby Doo is middle aged.


where the fuck were their parents??

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