
Mr. Wheaton, I genuinely respect you, but you are missing. the. point. You still talk about this election in vague, academic terms - you aren't going to suffer if Trump gets elected; you're a white cishet man with steady work! You and many other Democrats (on both sides) are IGNORING the reality that the poor face - if Bernie isn't the nominee, and his supporters stay home, you are effectively throwing the poor under the bus for the sake of idealism. As a poor person, I kinda fucking resent it!


We will all suffer is Trump is elected, and that’s why Hillary Clinton needs to work harder to earn more votes.


No. Everyone - including Bernie supporters - need to vote for her no matter what BECAUSE SHE’S NOT TRUMP. Of course she could be better, yadda, yadda, but if the choice is between her and Trump you better fucking vote for her.

People have a knack of really over simplifying feminism like “feminism: the radical notion that women are people” or “feminism is literally just believing in equality” like… no its not its so much more complex than that ask any dingus if they think women and men should be equal they’ll probably say yeah but their actions and thoughts probably majorly contradict that so quit acting like anyones a feminist if they vaguely believe women are ok humans
I think this is why so many feminists are skeptical of men who identify as feminists and push their way into feminist spaces without invitation.  Because it’s easy as fuck for them to say “I’m a feminist because I believe women are people!” but still cling on to their male privilege, defend their rapist friends, use misogynistic language, make sexist jokes, invalidate women’s stories and experiences, etc. When the definition is oversimplified, it’s too easy to as a man to call yourself a feminist and use that title to defend your complete lack of doing nothing about it.

Everybody that reblogs this by May 10th will get a traditionally drawn character based on what I think you look like after scrolling through your blog


I think he will have stopped because of how many fucking people xD

nope, im doing everybody that reblogs this! the only thing its doing is making it take a bit longer. i could easily put out 20 or 30 of them in a day, maybe even more if im feeling productive (i draw a lot in my spare time), so really, its just giving me more practice, which is good. im not stopping because of the numbers!


I would rather a million men get dumped for not dealing with their anger healthily than even one woman get abused.

You don’t have to be understanding. You don’t have to give anyone a second chance.

It’s nobody’s right to scare or intimidate you.

Nobody’s feelings are ever worth more than any woman’s safety.



i cannot stress this enough

if you are an eligible voter in the US this coming election and bernie sanders does not have the democratic nomination

you. have. to. vote. for. hillary.

i am not fucking messing around

i am not gonna sit here while you write in names or go on some fucking strike. hillary is not on the same level as donald trump. all of you who act like that’s a hard choice are ridiculous. you vote for hillary clinton if she gets the primary. if you don’t, you give trump the presidency. clear and simple. normally i would not advocate against writing in names, but at this point writing in names would take away from hillary’s vote if she is the nominee–EVEN IF YOU WRITE IN BERNIE SANDERS, YOU GIVE TRUMP A HIGHER CHANCE AT THE PRESIDENCY, AND YOU DON’T WANT THAT.

not even a year ago y’all were laughing about donald trump. don’t fuck this up. in no world is hillary clinton as bad as donald trump.


Just Tom Cavanagh cuddling a baby leopard. It’s cool. [x]

Look at the bb leopard, he/she’s totally enjoying it

rebloggin again cuz i really like this pic, something about tom’s unawareness of the pic being taken, contrasting with the full awareness from the bb leopard, i mean he/she’s kinda winking at the camera jc

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