
Do you dance Mr Darcy?

@sarcasticskul / sarcasticskul.tumblr.com

They say sarcasm is the lowest form of wit. They've obviously never met me. Jonathan. 26. Transmasc (He/Him).

I swear to god that green day has had this exact same "scandal" like five times now.

Once again learning that the band famous for multiple songs in which they say some variation of "we're faggots and we hate america" are in fact faggots who hate america. Very disappointed.


if someone told me their pronouns were attack/helicopter I would just use them

if attack's serious then attack's probably the funniest person on earth. if not then attack'll have to tell you attacks actual pronouns. there's no losing

Pardon me friend, but I do believe you have misconjugated this particular set of pronouns in your penultimate sentence. In most cases, the slash between words indicates a nominative vs oblique case (cf he/him).

Now, giving only two versions of the pronoun does make it difficult to extrapolate the possessive form (cf he/him/his, which gives us nominative/dative and accusative/possessive). However, lacking any other information, let us assume that attack/helicopter declines similarly to the pronoun "she," which has but two forms, plus a possessive adjective formed by adding -s to the oblique form. To whit:

  • Attack = nominative (cf "she")
  • Helicopter = oblique cases (cf "her")
  • Helicopters = possessive adjective (cf "hers")

Thus, your penultimate sentence would properly read "If not, then attack'll have to tell you helicopters actual pronouns."


Attack will appreciate you getting helicopters pronouns right


kinda depressing to realize that $10m would quite literally leave me set up for life, not even counting interest or gains from investments, and yet there are people out there who get that much money in a single week and demand more


I love when people are like “I can’t believe you reblogged that despite their user name, icon, bio, and last twenty posts” bc to me my dash is the only part of this website and I’m not slowing down to look at urls you could all be the same person


*forgets to message back* *forgets to check notifications* *forgets to look through bookmarks* *forgets to check reminders* *forgets to check out [insert content] that i said i would* *forgets to take my phone off do not disturb* *forgets to


Umberto Eco, who owned 50,000 books, had this to say about home libraries:

"It is foolish to think that you have to read all the books you buy, as it is foolish to criticize those who buy more books than they will ever be able to read. It would be like saying that you should use all the cutlery or glasses or screwdrivers or drill bits you bought before buying new ones.

"There are things in life that we need to always have plenty of supplies, even if we will only use a small portion.

"If, for example, we consider books as medicine, we understand that it is good to have many at home rather than a few: when you want to feel better, then you go to the 'medicine closet' and choose a book. Not a random one, but the right book for that moment. That's why you should always have a nutrition choice!

"Those who buy only one book, read only that one and then get rid of it. They simply apply the consumer mentality to books, that is, they consider them a consumer product, a good. Those who love books know that a book is anything but a commodity."


kitten, stop fucking around and tell daddy where you hid his prozac or daddy's gonna add another 'hey there delilah' to the sex playlist

why do you guys only like my bad posts


still fuckin hate that “bee-free honey” that’s made from……… apples. bitch who you think sexed up those apples

A farmer, by hand and with love and care

wild bees still sexin em up when he’s not looking

old mccuckhold had a farm it seems


jokes that will literally never not be funny to me:

  • saying “speedrun strats” every time you fuck up
  • saying “first try” when you’ve tried the thing like 15 times, minimum
  • saying “skill issue” when something is 100% outside of anyone’s control
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