

@todayisawindingroad / todayisawindingroad.tumblr.com

"I don't want to be adored. Don't want to be first in line or make myself heard. I'd like to bring a little light-- to shine a light on your life. To make you feel loved."

i come back from a book and its like how the hell are you people just going on like this. didnt you read the book with me. how is the real world so disconnected from the whole book world i just experienced


Living in God's Economy

I have had a crazy few days this past week, all revolving around money; the lack of it or the ability to give it away.

A few months back, I had been praying for God to put me in a place where I could learn to trust in him fully and not ā€œlean on my own understandingā€ ā€“ Basically, be in a position where I realize my only way out is through a miracle. This is a very scary thing to ask. Oh, and it happened. It happened.

I donā€™t have many financial responsibilities right now, but not having a solid job makes any responsibility difficult.

The bottom line of it is, I have bills to pay, and not a lot of money.

But my point here isnā€™t to tell you of my shortcomings.

My point is how Iā€™ve radically changed my thinking.

Old thinking: Need money = hold on to what I have.

New thinking: Need money = give away what I have.

Hereā€™s what happened:

Iā€™ve always been challenged by the thought of receiving Godā€™s blessings. One of my favorite quotes is by a pastor out here in Nashville, and he says, ā€œYou canā€™t out-give God. Just TRY to. Trust me.ā€

This canā€™t be any more true. My solid job went out the door with transferring schools. Though Iā€™ve picked up a coffee shop job, I only get about two shifts a week. Not enough to pay rent or gas or groceries or anything really.

So, one day I decided I would just sell some things to make rent.

God said no. After I received a response to a craigslist ad I had posted selling a guitar pedal, I felt the Lord asking me to give the pedal to the person. This guy ends up being a believer and having some incredible mutual friends in Nashville and New Orleans.

The next day at work, I find a $5 bill in my apron. I think God was just sitting up there laughing and going, ā€œHey look what I can do. If youā€™ll just trust me, I can do more.ā€

That day, I decided for sure I would send him the pedal.

I also have come to the conclusion that I will start tithing on my tips, and the gross amount of my paycheck.

Sunday comes around, and my dad surprises me and takes me to Kroger and buys me over $100 in groceries. I was floored.

That night, I went out with some friends to a local donut shop. I simply asked for the price on this big loaf of sweet bread stuff.. And the guy just gives it to me for free. Hello breakfast for a week.

Iā€™ve gotten multiple free meals this week at school, AND it looks like a job is lining up for me at a local starbucks. Praying for that.

Two days ago, I felt God asking me to give away a little more to some friends raising money for mission trips. I started to say no, while changing the amount of what I was ā€œcomfortableā€ giving.. and finally gave in. It was hard.. But part of me was so excited to give back into the Kingdom.

And just to add icing to the cake, I get to work last night and my paycheck is ready for me. Not only was the amount 3 times what I was expecting, but I also received a raise.


Well, it looks like Iā€™ll make rent this month.

Finances can really suck.. I mean really suck. I donā€™t like paying rent. I donā€™t like not having a lot of money.Ā 

But living in Godā€™s economy makes everything so much easier. The thing is, we are blessed to be a blessing. Weā€™re given more so that we can give back more into the Kingdom.

So my challenge to you, if you are struggling. Ask God to reveal the beauty of walking in his economy, and ask him to challenge you to give.Ā 

It sucks at first

But it is so worth it, and he will honor and bless you for it. Iā€™m sure of it


she was a physically and emotionally abused orphan who at 12 years old knew she had no family or friends, and knew no one wanted her. and she still chose to see the beauty and magic in the world. thatā€™s not saccharine, itā€™s courage and strength.


hello dark mode users :)

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I love this

I deadass didnā€™t know that dark mode existed and I switched over and this is gorgeous.

This made me so happy!


Hello, Mr. Gaiman! Iā€™ve been a fan of your books since I was a child, and youā€™re the author who inspired me to write. Because of you, ten year-old me decided that Iā€™ll become a novelist and write about adventures and magic for kids like me around the world.

Unfortunately, it didnā€™t go as planned years later. I didnā€™t get accepted to Creative Writing in our university and I ended up taking a course that is corporate-related instead. Iā€™m currently in college, and I feel like my dreams of becoming a novelist is starting to drift away. I am starting to think that I was never cut out to be a great writer in the first place, and it scares me that Iā€™ll be stuck in a career that is guaranteed to give me income, but will make me unhappy.

I donā€™t want to give up on my dreams yet, but I am afraid that I am setting myself up for failure. My family thinks it is childish to keep wanting to write. What should I do?


Get up an hour earlier each morning before you go to work, and work on your novel. When you finish it, send it out to publishers and start work on your next novel.


please bring back 2014 indie pop (i could care less that a few of these songs were pre or post the 2014 era if the song fits it fits)

  • cecelia and the satellite by andrew mcmahon in the wilderness
  • i wanna get better by bleachers
  • cigarette daydreams by cage the elephant
  • ways to go by grouplove
  • girls by the 1975
  • miracle mile by cold war kids
  • take a walk by passion pit
  • little talks by of monsters and men
  • tongue tied by grouplove
  • midnight city by m83
  • undercover martyn by two door cinema club
  • i can talk by two door cinema club
  • young blood by the naked and famous
  • kids by mgmt
  • 1901 by phoenix
  • young folks by peter bjorn and john
  • daylight by matt & kim
  • animal by neon trees
  • stolen dance by milky chance
  • out of my league by fitz and the tantrums
  • talk too much by coin
  • greek tragedy by the wombats
  • chocolate by the 1975
  • anna sun by walk the moon
  • everybody talks by neon trees
  • what you know by two door cinema club
  • dancing on glass by st lucia
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