
I’m lonely tonight and ugly as always


The Houses and Relationships - 1st House or Ascendant.

The ascendant (or rising) is your outer personality, it is how the world sees you and vice versa, how you behave and express your self. It can represents acquaintances relationships.

People will often be attract to you at first if they have your rising sign as their dominant sign, venus or descedant. 

The 1st house influences in relationships in a shallow yet important way, because it’s the first impression people will have of you and what will make the relationship go farther if you both share your views of world, what you expect the world to be and how you wanna act upfront the world we have. 

Aries Risings appears to be active, confident and full of joy. They act fearless and are ready for do anything in force to conquer what they want and defend what their believe.  People with Aries ascendant will often attract people with Aries descendant or Libra and Aries placements.

Taurus Risings appears to be calm, reserved and proud. They will often act stubbornly, and expect to things around them to change without doing anything. But yet wants to bring beauty into the world. People with Taurus ascendant will often attract people with Taurus descendant or Scorpio and Taurus placements.

Gemini Risings appears to be communicative, smart and anxious. They will often speak for the changes they want to see, and can adapt themselves to fit in various situations. People with Gemini ascendant often attract people with Gemini descendant or Sagittarius and Gemini placements.

Cancer Risings appears to be soft, caring and friendly. They will prefer to stay in they comfort zone and approach things carefully. People with Cancer Risings will often attract people with Cancer descendant or Capricorn and Cancer placements.

Leo Risings appears to be generous, dramatic and outgoing. They will strongly make their point on whatever it is and bring generosity into the world. People with Leo ascendant will often attract people with Leo descendant or Aquarius and Leo placements.

Virgo Risings appears to be polite, helpful and judgmental. They will analyze and look for a way to improve things around them and often be straightforward on what they want to change. People with Virgo ascendant will often attract people with Virgo descedant or Virgo and Pisces placements.

Libra Risings appears to be positive, social and graceful. They will try to see from your point of view, analyze the pros and cons of every situation and politely express their opinions. People with Libra ascendant will often attract people with Libra descendant or Aries and Libra placements.

Scorpio Risings appears to be intense, cautious and pessimist. They will try to obtain all the information they can before making any decisions where they can’t go back. Will express in a intense and fearless way. People with Scorpio ascedant will often attract people with Scorpio descendant or Taurus and Scorpio placements.

Sagittarius Risings appears to be playful, calm and open. They will try to see the best side of everything and find something to learn in every bad situation. Will be honest and generous with the ones around them. People with Sagittarius ascedant will often attract people with Sagittarius descendant and Gemini and Sagittarius placements.

Capricorn Risings appears to be serious, responsable and determined. They will always have a plan and work to achieve every goal. Can be conservative, and communicate in a careful but honest way. People with Capricorn ascendant will often attract people with Capricorn descendant and Cancer and Capricorn placements.

Aquarius Risings appears to be unique, smart and invidualist. They will go to extremes if they have to, just to see the change they want. Will express in a open way about topics that they consider important to be discussed in a society. People with Aquarius ascendant will often attract people with Aquarius descendant and Leo and Aquarius placements.

Pisces Risings appears to be shy, dreamy and kind. They will dream more than they will actually do. Will easily fit in any situation and express themselves calmly. Often will say and give what people want even if they don’t deserve. People with Pisces ascendant will often attract people with Pisces descendant and Vrigo and Pisces placements.

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