
Fangirling my life away...

@supersudzissecretlyamellark / supersudzissecretlyamellark.tumblr.com

Thirtysomething, married with 3 beautiful children who reads tons of Everlark Fanfic and occasionally writes some herself. You can find me on ff.net, author name slagheapwhore and at AO3 under the same name.

We got Chloe back today, which started a whole new round of tears 🥺 I have to get a picture printed out of her and I need to get her paw print painted if anyone knows how to do a decent job. I’d just ruin it. It’s coming together ok though. I miss her 😔 #iknowshesinabetterplace #ijustmisshersomuch #petloss #dogloss (at Oleander-Sunset) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPCHzWAgxsG/?utm_medium=tumblr


this man just CHECKED™ his privilege im living

this is what i mean when i say “actually tolerance isn’t all that bad” this guy says several times that he doesn’t understand and even is uncomfortable, but that that isn’t what matters. imo, that’s how tolerance works.

true tolerance is, “i don’t have to understand, because you don’t need my permission to live. my job as a member of your community is to have your back, whether i understand your situation or not.”

I’m going to keep reblogging this forever, because it is such an excellent, clear example of how to approach this stuff from outside.

This motherfucker right here. I think about his monologue sometimes, for years now. It still gives me hope.


no he won’t

really cool of his social media manager to post this ♥️ I wonder what joe biden thinks about gay people though

I mean, you can argue that politicians can SAY whatever they want on their official campaign policy page, but Biden’s shift on LGBT policy is pretty well documented. 


Yeah, maybe don’t shit on someone’s political stances WHEN YOU HAVEN’T BOTHERED TO READ WHAT THEY CURRENTLY ARE? Also. Raw bones here. If he’s actively pushing for laws that keep LGBATIQ folk from being discriminated against, laws protecting gay marriage and the right of same-sex couples to adopt, laws that make conversion therapy illegal and champion trans rights, do you truly care about what he might “really” think more than you care about all that? If he’s not letting any personal biases he MIGHT have impact the policies he’s encouraging congress to write and then agreeably signing into law? You’re just going to look at all the bullshit Trump has pulled and say, “Well I’m not willing to risk that Biden doesn’t mean it what he says when he says he’s going to try to enact laws that will protect queer folk, so I’m fine sticking with a president who is actively out to destroy as many legal protections they have as possible” ???


“He’s taking a risk by publicly supporting a marginalized group, but he couldn’t possibly be serious. No, he’s just harming his chances for no reason, obviously! Now, time to throw away my vote and let the fascist guy turn the country into a dictatorship…”


yes hello hi! this is Joe Biden officiating a gay marriage. Joe Mahshie and Brian Mosteller, long time White House Staffers asked the then Vice President (this is 2016) to marry them. It was the first wedding (and only as far as I know) Biden had ever officiated, he had to get a special temporary certification to do it in DC. This picture (and the Wedding) is at the Naval Observatory in DC, the official home of the Vice President, to date there’s not be a gay wedding at the White House. 

Besides being a nice personal story there’s a reason Mahshie and Mosteller asked Biden to marry them. Joe Biden came out for gay marriage before Obama. In May 2012 Biden went on meet the Press and voiced support for gay marriage. It was the middle of an Election year, at that point NO! candidate for President or VP had ever supported full marriage. Obergefell v. Hodges which would legalize gay marriage nation wide was still 3 years away. Many in the Obama White House were enraged at Biden for “jumping the gun” and “forcing Obama’s hand” With his Vice President and running mate on the record as for gay marriage Obama had to also come out for gay marriage latter that same week. I don’t know what would have happened had Joe not told the truth on Meet the Press, but I think many Obama aids wanted to wait till after the election to say it publicly. 


I can drink 3 cups of coffee and go straight to sleep, this is just one example of what is fundamentaly wrong with me as a person


YOur senate vote matters just as much, if not more so than your presidential vote.  Even if you don’t like Biden, then vote in the Senate 

 Amy Mcgrath is running against Mitch McConnell in Kentucky

Jaime Harrison is running against Lindsey Graham in South Carolina

Sara Gideon is running against Susan Collins in Maine

Kimberly Graham and Theresa Greenfield are running against Joni Ernst in Iowa

John Hickenlooper is running against Cory Gardner in Colorado

Teresa Tomlinson, Jon Ossoff, and Sarah Riggs Amico are running against David Perdue in Georgia

Mark Kelly is running against Martha McSally in Arizona

Al Gross (Independent) is running against Dan Sullivan in Alaska

Cal Cunningham is running against Thom Tillis in North Carolina

Mj Hegar is running against John Cornyn in Texas

Steve Bullock and John Mues are running in Montana

Barbara Bollier, Usha Reddi, and Robert Tillman are running in Kansas 

We also need to protect Doug Jones’ seat in Alabama and Gary Peters’ seat in Michigan

Crooked Media also has a site that allocates donations to the senate campaigns that can make the biggest difference in actually flipping or protecting seats. 


Please reblog this, Americans. Keep reblogging until November.


Postcards to Voters helps remind people to vote–before Doug Jones’ election, they had sent a card to every registered Democratic household in Alabama.

Most of these elections won’t be won or lost by convincing anyone to change their mind - they’re won or lost based on who gets to the polls. And they’re rigged; Republicans have worked hard to disenfranchise and discourage anyone who might vote against them. 

Dan Sullivan won Alasaka’s senate seat by just over 6,000 votes. The Republican machine is arranged to win on very narrow margins - It doesn’t take much to tip the scales.

Keep the house; flip the Senate; take the White House - and let’s show them what real reform looks like when all three are blue.

It is ESPECIALLY important to get McConnell out. Any progressive legislation ain’t gonna happen while he’s still in charge of the Senate (and by the way, how fucking stupid is our system that these things aren’t AUTOMATICALLY up to vote, but rely upon the Majority Leader putting it on the floor?)


Getting McConnell out of office will literally do more to change this country than getting Trump out. I know that sounds bonkers, but SO MUCH of the damage Trump has wrought is not only because of GOP collaboration but because of Mitch McConnell specifically. McConnell is the reason that the last six years of Obama’s presidency was mired in 1.1-steps-forward-1-step back bullshit; he’s the reason that Congress has passed a record few number of bills this session while confirming a record high number of judges. McConnell is incredibly good at wrangling his caucus, almost as good as Pelosi. He also is an incredibly racist, bigoted, reactionary, evil piece of shit who has been comprehensively fucking over the country for longer than a lot of us have been alive. If we can vote him out — not just make his party a minority but get him the fuck out — we will be able to not only undo some of the harm he’s gleefully inflicted, but actually get liberal and progressive policies through. (And it’s beside the point, but McGrath will be a fantastic senator.)


McConnell desperately needs to go. He has a pile of bills on his desk with a plaque of some kind over it proudly marking it as a sick monument to legislation he won’t allow on the floor. He should not get to call himself a lawmaker any longer, if he’s so goddamn proud of holding back laws. VOTE.


We can get them ALL out, if we all show up. Please, PLEASE vote.

This is one of the most important posts on tumblr right now.


Because 2016 proved that no matter how well Biden leads in the polls, Trump could still be re-elected, whether legitimately or not. We are all talking about the presidential election and an overwhelming Democratic turnout is of the UTMOST importance.

But the Senate races are just as if not more important. And it’s quite simple:

  • a Democrat majority would ensure that Trump would be the first president (if re-elected) that would be impeached twice and then removed. There is more than enough evidence that this man has and continues to commit felonies and fraud. Hell, he’s at the point they don’t even hide it anymore.
  • a Democrat majority would prevent Trump’s corrupt cronies from being appointed to any and all offices.
  • Barr and so many others would also be investigated and impeached.
  • Harmful policies would be overturned.
  • There will be Senate hearings that would rival the McCarthy hearings of the ‘50s
  • and most importantly, Trump would be stalled. He and his Republican cowards won’t get anything passed.

Vote Democratic for EVERY SENATE and HOUSE RACES. In Texas, vote out fucking Crenshaw and Cornyn. Kentucky, you’ve got McConnell. South Carolina, retire Lady G (Graham). Maine, we are counting on you to vote away the highly ‘disappointed’ Collins.

We know they are rigging the election to get Trump to win. Make sure that even if they succeed we can still save this country. These races above are so important. Vote fore Biden and make sure you vote for the Senate races as well. VOTE!!!!

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