
Things do Jobs

@thingsdojobs / thingsdojobs.tumblr.com

A visual comparison of two things solving the same job // by Hannes Jentsch + Martin Jordan, under CC BY

When I am travelling with public transportation

I want to prove the validity of my ticket

so I can continue my journey.


When I need the service of a specialist

I want to find somebody nearby

so I can contact them to discuss details.


When I interview somebody

I want to record our conversation

so I can review particular details.


When I go for a run

I want to get a detailed measurement of my lap time

so I can track my achievements.


When I am travelling

I want to share my experience with friends and family

so I can stay in touch with the people I care about.


When my dogs do something cute

I want to capture their antics

so I can share them with friends.


When I order my morning coffee

I want to foot the bill

So I can enjoy my pick-me-up and start into the day.


When I hear interesting things

I want to capture them

so I can reflect on them later.


When I own shares of a certain company

I want to know how they perform

so I can get an idea of the value of my assets.


When I have good news to share

I want to talk to someone close

so we can rejoice together.


When I organise my finances

I want to calculate my incomes and expenses

so I can get a precise understanding of financial options.


When I return from a long hike

I want to get a detailed measurement of the covered distance

so I can track my achievements.


When I have some leisure time

I want to read a good story

so I can get another view on the world.


When I have some spare minutes

I want to entertain myself

so I can pass the time in a delightful way.


When I prepare my grocery shopping

I want to remember everything I plan to buy

so I can purchase all items without forgetting anything.


When I visit a new city

I want to learn its layout

so I can get to points of interest.


When I have an appointment early in the morning

I want to be awake in time

So I can attend my date.

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