
Its Time To Save Adam From Hell

@the-angels-take-the-stark-tower / the-angels-take-the-stark-tower.tumblr.com

I'm Stacey, I'm a textile designer that watches way too much TV. Some of my favourite shows are, Doctor Who, Supernatural, True Blood, Sherlock, and anything with superheroes!!! (especially IRONMAN) :)

Lesbians still making posts about how bad it is for bi women to use butch/femme:  We know! We heard u! We’re trying to make our own terms and have them used widespread but we need to get the WORD out for them to be commonplace and that’s hard when literally nobody but bis reblog posts talking about bisexuals lol! It’s not like we all follow each other. At this point the only people trying to take ur terms from you are lesphobes or young bi girls who straight up don’t realize they aren’t generic wlw terms because they haven’t learned the history bc literally no one is out here trying to include and teach bisexual kids shit about their gay lineage, everyone’s too busy trying to push it under the rug. 

bi equivalent of femme: doe bi equivalent of butch: stag

So was no one going to tell me- as a bisexual- that we had our own terms that are like Butch and Femme. Or was I supposed to find that out though this post??

I seriously don’t know enough about my own sexuality.


PSA for all the Bi. Y’all people out here spreading education.


PSA for my bi sisters and brothers.

Since OP’s links don’t work:

Image One:

  • Doe: Feminine bi girl
  • Stag: Masculine bi girl
  • Tomcat: Androgynous bi girl

Image Two:

  • Mage: Feminine bi boy
  • Knight: Masculine bi boy
  • Druid: Androgynous bi boy

Image Three:

  • Dove: Feminine nb bi
  • Crow: Masculine nb bi
  • Pigeon: Androgynous nb bi


How fucking badass is mage knight and Druid????!!!!

@bi followers tag y'allselves I’m a knight


What is going on with the world??


In a move that has sparked outcry from archaeologists, historians and locals, the Peruvian government has approved a multi-billion international airport near the famed site of Machu Picchu, Peru’s single most important tourist destination. Bulldozers have begun to clear millions of tons of earth for the project, which will be located in Chinchero, a picturesque Inca town.

Building the airport in this location will destroy an ancient landscape, one shaped by the Incan people with terraces and routes.

Critics also suggest that planes flying low over the nearby village of Ollantaytambo and its archaeological park filled with ruins and a massive Inca fortress with large stone terraces, would cause incalculable damage to fragile Inca ruins there and destroy the peace and beauty of the area.

The new airport will make access to the site much easier, and thus encourage greater numbers than ever before to visit.

But Machu Picchu is already overwhelmed by almost double the limit of tourists as recommended by UNESCO. [see also India’s Taj Mahal - an incredible site simply reeling under a relentless, ineffectively managed tourist, both domestic and international, onslaught]

It’s the constant battle between protecting the past and profiteering from it.


This is so wholesome

Update: he finally got the cat to the vet to see if she had a microchip


I was already on board with his sweet wholesome open-to-love-and-nurturing heart but I was fully unprepared for getting to that last tweet and seeing how off the hook HOT dude is

https://twitter.com/pariszarcilla?lang=en heres his twitter is here there is also additonal cat photos of his children. 


aww, the kids grow up so fast. ;-;


This is, by far, the single most adorable fucking thing I have ever seen. 


I love that he kept …. All of them.


I’ve reblogged the earlier part of this thread before, and the new stuff makes it even better.

This is the Tumblr equivalent of a warm hug on a cold day.


…And nobody thought to post other “branchs” of this chain? Yes, it’s ‘branchS’, plural, because apparently we also have these:

Another branch, starting from the girl with the white background:

Continue from OP’s branch:

Same ‘level’ as the one above:

Continue! With a cat!

Honorary mentioned:

And finally, The Great Family Tree (some branch is not in the picture, pls click the link below for the full list:

I was going to reblog this BEFORE I got to the hilarity of it being on github.  There’s nothing about this that isn’t beautiful.



you guys remember how it came out that PETA kills about 90% of the animals it takes in, including healthy and adoptable puppies and kittens, stating “ We could become a no-kill shelter immediately. It means we wouldn’t do as much work”?

you guys remember when PETA handed out these comics to children when there were no adults looking?

you guys remember when they made a porn site and then filled it with videos of animal abuse, and (also in that link) claimed cats should be vegetarian?

you guys remember when they tried to excuse their horrifying ways by claiming that the person who exposed them was manipulating the facts by taking them and putting them in the wrong context?

Because I remember. I remember everything. 

And I’m gonna make sure everyone else remembers too. 

Why would they kill pit bulls they’re sweeties

Because PETA does not care about animals. they do not care that these dogs live and breathe and feel and want love like every other dog. they do not care about the history of human/dog bonding and co-evolution, they do not care that dogs and human beings have relied on each other for millennia, they do not care that its cruel and morally repugnant to put down an animal just because you can, they do not care about animals. 

PETA cares about money and publicity, its a corporation run by a psychopath who is afraid of pitts as it states in the link: she was apparently bit by one, and now she hates them. 

PETA doesn’t give a rats ass about animals. They just want to kill and make money off of idiots who fall of their spiel.

Some celebs support them


ah c’mon, dear-tumb1r, I think you’re being a bit harsh. I mean, okay, PETA’s done some questionable things, but it’s not like they’ve also

Nah. PETA’s not that bad.

(/the heaviest of all my fucking sarcasm, I am salty as a fucking winter road, lord do I fucking hate PETA)

Did you think i was fucking joking, PETA?

I will make sure everyone fucking remembers what you’ve done. 

Bringing it back, because it’s charity season and people need to know NOT to give charity to these fuckers. 


my favorite thing about spider gwen is telling people what spider gwen is. like literally every time its like

me: ok so imagine gwen stacy didnt die and she got bitten by the spider instead of peter parker

them: yeah ok

me: she’s in a punk band with mary jane and she chills venom out with their music also daredevil is evil in this one

them: wtf that owns

everything about spider gwen is just objectively tight as hell

Those pink flats really tie the whole aesthetic together

She also goes by Ghost Spider now

wtf that owns


me: immune system why do i have a fever

immune system: well the bacteria can’t survive outside 37 degrees for long so i thought i’d raise the temperature to kill them off!


immune system:


immune system:

me: we also can’t survive outside 37 degrees for long

immune system:


please don’t knock, the cat has the keys

So to visit them you must first catch their cat? That is some task for potential suitors in medieval epic poetry shit

Befriend. If the cat doesn’t like you, human inside probably won’t either.


Real life videogame level.


Befriend the cat who is the KEEPER OF THE KEYS



Everything movies taught me about archery is wrong. This is a complete mind-blower. 8D

If you are even remotely interested in archery or medieval combat, check this out, it’s just great!






Not only is this fascinating, there are a lot of images from art history here. It just goes to show that what you can learn from the past isn’t limited to facts you can know, but things you can do.

My favorite part?

Lars Andersen originally started using bow and arrow to fight in pretend battles during Larps (live action role play) events, where he played a soldier in a medieval-inspired army. While Larps can be about anything – the Danish/Polish Harry Potter inspired larp College of Wizardry (cowlarp.com) recently got world-wide media attention and there wasn’t a rubber sword in sight there – many Larps take place in fantasy worlds inspired by J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings. And it was at one of these Larps, that Lars started to learn to shoot fast while moving.
In 2012, Lars Andersen released his video, “Reinventing the fastest forgotten archery”, where he showed how he had learned to shoot from old archery manuscripts. Using these old, forgotten techniques, Lars demonstrated how he was now the fastest archer on the planet, and after its release, the video got 3 million hits on YouTube in two days.
Since the 2012 video was released, Lars has studied and practiced, and he is now able to fire three arrows in 0.6 seconds – a truly stunning feat making him much faster than the legendary fictional archer Legolas (played by Orlando Bloom in the Lord of the Rings movies).

The time benchmark he was trying to achieve, according to the video, was the expectation of the speed at which “Saracen” archers were expected to shoot. In fact, most of the source material as far as I can see isn’t European.

A lot of the techniques described are also used in Mongolian Archery, which requires being able to shoot from horseback, and is traditionally practiced by men and women. You can see a video here.

Holy shit I want that in my book but who wouldn’t call it unrealistic???


Debunks Monks’ Ensnare Missiles and the whole disadvantage on ranged attacks within five feet of enemies.

Remind me to rework my Sharpshooter archetype with these things in mind.


It has come to my attention that Aquaman (2018) is just a shameless ripoff of the Mattel classic, Barbie: A Mermaid Tale.

We have the child of a mermaid queen and a regular human guy 

who was brought up in the human world as a free spirit,

who talks to sea creatures,

who is fated to take over the throne of an underwater kingdom (where all the buildings are round and mushroom-y)

which is currently being occupied by an evil, power-hungry relative

with an army of sharks

And their unique position, straddling the human world and the underwater world, is at first a burden but ends up being their greatest strength

… I’m just saying

So what you’re saying is, basically, Aquaman is a Barbie Princess. Fair enough.


Isn’t it weird how you can actually feel the pain in your chest and stomach when something really hurts your feelings


This is actually because it activates your vagus nerve! Basically your body goes “we are so upset! We must be injured! Where???? On the inside guts! Those are confusing and hard to differentiate!!! Confusing guts are hurt!”

Great! How do I uninstall it?

“great! how do i uninstall it?” carries the same vibe as “thanks! i hate it” but more ACTIONABLE bc we gettin our shit together in 2k18


Okay so I’m watching my friend’s cats while she’s away and she left me descriptions so I could tell who’s who

They’re pretty accurate 

oh god why is this me lol help

I’m so glad this came back into my life

ahahahahahahah omg 

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