
Anchored and Holding Fast

@stonypathsstrongshoes / stonypathsstrongshoes.tumblr.com

Musings and delights of a desert-dwelling, forest-and-ocean-loving, motorcycle-riding, hopeful Chief-of-sinners; a husband, father, brother, son. worshipper of the Three-In-One. Orthodox Christian with deep Celtic roots. "If God sends you down a stony path may He give you strong shoes." ~ Irish Proverb

Hanging out in the alfalfa fields and having a pipe on my lunch break today.


@mrwcase tagged me in a #stopdropandselfie. Why not? I'm also enjoying a bit of whiskey this afternoon. Got home from work to some sick kiddos and a sick wife, so I figured I'd take some Irish cough syrup to head it off at the pass. 😃. Cheers to you all. Interesting days ahead, to be sure. But I'm optimistic and hopeful. Three-In-One's mercy on us all.


Bit of a rough day on the retail battlefield. Relaxing out on the porch with a bit of Shadow Mountain in the Dr. Grabow, listening to the Young Dubliners, wishing the temps were a little cooler here in the desert. I guess they can't all be good days, and I suppose the rough ones help you appreciate the good ones. Sláinte, friends.

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