
when i was fourteen i told my stepmom that i wanted pink walls

because my best friend had pink walls

when i was seventeen she painted them pink

my best friend now has white walls

not that she repainted

just that that title has been reassigned

the walls are too pink

they make my skin look like iā€™ve been scratching at it

or in the sun too long

they make my eyes glaze over and i try to ignore the reason that theyā€™re pink

because i failed to be my own person

this self awareness isnā€™t particularly useful

because now i want white walls


i desperately crave that human engagement

these four walls are more of a human encagement

sometimes i want to just collapse on the pavement

or carve myself a permanent engravement

teach me to rid my brain of such depravement

or just give me a brand new cerebral replacement

let me live my life for pure entertainment

even if it leads to fucking debasement

i donā€™t want to live until iā€™m ancient

losing sleep over income and payments

in a dog eat dog world i have to be complacent

kill others to sooth my constant ailments


a short story i wrote:

Your broken leather boots plunge from puddle to puddle, the droplets of rain providing shiny solace from the dirty, grey streets youā€™ve been walking for what feels like eternity. A fat pigeon breaks your pensive mood. You drop the cigarette you canā€™t remember lighting into a puddle. Looking up, you notice people surrounding you, rushing hurriedly up and down the street. The smokey, charred walls of the city begin to glow with bright neon colours, and flowers bloom from potholes. As you gaze intently at a now emerald cathedral, it grows into a quadrilateral obscenity. Your surroundings turn to abstract shapes and you look with panic at the pigeon, hoping to find familiarity in its wings, but it has contorted into a plane and glides away through the sky full of figures.

Your legs have been moving without your permission and as you look down you realise youā€™ve been tirelessly trekking on a treadmill, whose screen has symbols you canā€™t comprehend dotted all over it sporadically. As you lean to peer closer at the hieroglyphics you trip and fall, melting into the screen like a droplet into an ocean.

Tumbling down and down, your head spins and twists, the walls of mud around you become more apparent. Veins of roots adorn the tunnel. You land with a thud. A glass table sits in the centre of the room and you notice a heart shaped sweet on top. EAT ME is engraved on its surface. As you lift it, you are hit with a not-so-distant memory.

Loud music plays as you stumble into a dimly lit room with a stranger. She kisses you and hands you a tablet. You grin and swallow it dry. The little source of light in the room is quenched and the memory ends.

You place the heart shaped sweet in your mouth, following its commands, and chew. The world goes black again.

Opening your eyes, you groan. Your muscles are cramped from lying in one position for too long. You try to stretch and fail. A cloak of darkness covers whatever claustrophobic container youā€™re trapped in. Always a quick thinker, you reach into your pocket for your cheap plastic lighter. Lighting the flame, you realise how suspiciously coffin-shaped the box is. Fuck, you think, what did that girl in that one movie do? You grab your trusty blade from your pocket, probably one of your only belongings with real value. You set to work carving a fist sized hole in the ceiling of the coffin. You hit it until your fist bleeds and it begins to give way. Dirt falls on your face, covering your eyes and it cuts to black.

Sick of opening your eyes to new horrors, you feel around first. Soft. Warm. Smells like home. Home. That word doesnā€™t seem to belong in your head. Certain wires arenā€™t connecting. Giving in to curiosity, you look around. Sure enough, itā€™s your childhood bed. You roll out of it, staying vigilant for your next mission. In your eye-line is the top of the radiator and the bed frame. You notice how much lighter you feel. You remember the broken mirror that used to be in your landing. Jumping to reach the doorknob, you enter the hall and look in the mirror. You sigh a defeated sigh. Just my luck, you think to yourself, Iā€™m a fucking six year old. Having learned from the absurdity of this world - or whatever is it youā€™re experiencing, you touch the mirror. It moves like mercury. Of course, you think, why wouldnā€™t it(!) A gust of wind pushes you through and the pool of silver-esque mirror gloop clears to become water.

The streets around you are grey once again. The dirty puddle still holds your cigarette and you ponder whether youā€™ve imagined it all. You stand under a nearby building to shelter yourself from the rain.

Once again, the fat pigeon waddles by. It cocks its head at you. You move your head in response in a fairly pathetic attempt to intimidate it. In return, it intimidates you. Opening its beak, it speaks. ā€œI can fix this.ā€ A rather towering voice for such a blob of a pigeon. It hops forward and pecks you. Memories rush in.

Laughter. The room explodes after you make a snide comment. Someone slaps your back as they wheeze. The faces of the people around you light up. A familiar warmth fills you.

Hurt. You gaze down at your wrists in disbelief. Blood oozes and yet you canā€™t feel a thing. You collapse back into your bed and let out a raspy sigh.

Excitement. A grin is etched on your face as you hand over a wrapped box to a woman with blonde hair. ā€˜But first,ā€™ you beam, ā€˜your card!ā€™ Passing her an envelope covered with glitter, you feel yourself being embraced.

Loneliness. You pull your head up and look yourself in the mirror. Wipe your nose. Sniffle a bit. Finally a kick; the words echo in your head. Music reverberates through the bathroom as the band begins playing next door.

These images flash through your mind, only glimpses of moments, never full memories. They feel like clothes that donā€™t fit anymore. Youā€™ve grown too high and too wide for such fanciful things. Realising what just happened, you look to the pigeon for answers.

ā€œI can take you home or free you,ā€ the bird says. Consumed with confusion, all you manage to utter is a weak ā€œWho are you?ā€ The words feel too small for such a heavy question. The pigeon, now gazing into the puddle, replies.

ā€œI am everywhere. Omniscient. Ever-watching. Never stopping. I take form as whatever I wish to. I am Death, pleased to meet you.ā€ Noticing your hesitation, he continues. ā€œI have taken pity on you, which I rarely do. But your soul is built with material too highly coveted, I couldnā€™t take you without asking. I can take you home or free you.ā€

The doors to the building behind you swing open. One emanates a strong perfume of roses and dry ice, or fog.. You donā€™t know which. Inside is a bed laden with black linen and covered by a veil, accessorised with mesh pillows and white petals. Following your eye-line, Death says; ā€œthis is the doorway to death. I prefer the term ā€˜eternal peaceā€™.ā€ Curious now, you look through what you assume to be the ā€˜Lifeā€™ doorway. A rough frothy ocean and a shoddy rowing boat. Sounds about right, you think, glad that youā€™ve kept your sense of humour. ā€œOver the horizon is Joy and Laughter,ā€ the pigeon seems to examine each word carefully before committing to speaking it aloud, ā€œbut youā€™ve got some Loneliness and Hurt to navigate first. But thatā€™s Life.ā€

You let your heavy heart and aching bones collapse onto the floor with you for a second. ā€œNo time like the present,ā€ you begin, and the birds proverbial face lights up, hoping to see a sliver of resilience in you,ā€œfor a cigarette.ā€ Not what the bird expected to hear. You pull a slender cigarette from your bruised packet. Itā€™s seen better days, you suppose, but so have you. Lighting it with your almost broken blue lighter, you laugh, realising you still donā€™t know where you are. Purgatory, maybe? God knows. If Godā€™s even real. After a couple minutes of painfully tense and overly long pulls of your cigarette, you stub it out on the wall beside you and throw it into the puddle.

God, life is pointless.

You stand up and glance between doors. The sea spray hits you and the sickly sweet roses implore you to choose them...

You kick off your shoes. ā€œWhen youā€™ve lived the life I have,ā€ you say to the bird, your eyes still darting from door to door, ā€œyou learn pretty quickly how to swim.ā€

Memento mori.


i am going to lose her like iā€™ve lost everyone else iā€™ve loved like i love her

i donā€™t even want to write it down or to speak it into existence

i can feel myself letting her slip sometimes

sometimes i even like to think about it

some sort of cruel self torture or perhaps sadistic ritual

but anytime i do hurt her however marginally it hurts me so much

iā€™ve been staring at the ceiling

i never used to do that

i canā€™t sleep because i want her to talk to me

like how i used to feel about boys

thatā€™s what scares me

i donā€™t like knowing how much she can and will hurt me

nothing is forever and i try my best to enjoy the now and iā€™m good at that

but iā€™m sensitive iā€™m emotional and yet iā€™m somehow have complete tunnel vision on myself

i struggle to talk to her sometimes

i got really jealous that she had sex with somebody else

i started shaking

i think sometimes that iā€™m in love with her

she told me she thinks that sheā€™s in love with me too sometimes

she was high then

and i often feel like she might not even like me

but i know she does

the rational part of me knows she does

but my emotions tell me otherwise

that cunt in my head that iā€™m usually good at ignoring

do i even like girls? maybe it is just to feel different

i really do think i do though sometimes

other times i donā€™t

if i do then i might be in love with her

i know iā€™m not actually

maybe itā€™s infatuation

iā€™m so overly communicative that i wish she could read this without me telling her or showing her

i wish she would talk to me more

i wish i lived closer to her

i hurt her a lot and she tries to be there for me and i canā€™t even do that for her, i make mindless comments or dismiss things that mean a lot to her

but i always listen to her cry when she can cry

thatā€™s worth something

itā€™s hard to stare at the ceiling with no glasses

itā€™s less poetic

or more?

i canā€™t tell



fairy dust dripping off her wings

irises kissed with a glisten

adorned with silver earrings and rings

ears sharp and ready to listen

alert, never moving, never breaking a twig

skin to match moss on an autumns eve

hair tangled with petals and sprigs

to my delight she canā€™t see me

watching her from afar

hiding round corners, twixt trees

hoping to bask in the sweetness

of the chimerical pixie



i tapped the ash off my cigarette

i rolled it myself, with my mother concerned

it took me a while to learn

a life skill for the mentally disturbed

the ash dropped past my windowsill

it tumbled and tumbled through the cold concrete

i stared and felt pulled into its descent

i took a long drag as a treatment for defeat

maybe someday my lungs will collapse

and i wonā€™t feel oxygen fill my veins

and i wonā€™t breath out my anxiety

or breath in my disdains

but until that day comes iā€™ll tempt fate with a flame

and look cool with teeth stained

and cough sometimes when strained

and life live with lungs maimed

And maybe today was just about survival for you. And maybe it was holding on with just your fingernails till they were broken and bruised and blue. And maybe this is all that you have come to. But hey, at least you can say that the hero who saved you, was no one else but you.

Nikita Gill (via meanwhilepoetry)


Do you ever notice yourself getting bad againā€¦like, you know youā€™re not doing work that needs to be done, you know youā€™re not cleaning, you know youā€™re not taking care of yourselfā€¦you know all the things you need to do to start trying to feel better. But you just canā€™t. And youā€™re left feeling like shit bc you thought you were getting better but here we are

Anonymous asked:

how do you know if you're in love???

I honestly asked my friend this same question just hours ago as I was clueless myself but thinking about it now I think itā€™s when for the first time after what seemed like a dreadful year (or life), you look forward to waking every morning knowing he (letā€™s use he as itā€™s me talking) will be there for you. I think itā€™s just plain seeing him and being happy thatā€™s heā€™s around. Itā€™s being happy just by hearing his voice. No matter how bad your day is, one message from him would make your entire day. Itā€™s when he makes you want to write long letters and huge poems. Itā€™s not all about ā€œlustā€- itā€™s more of the intimate relationship you have together. Itā€™s when the simplest of things count. Itā€™s when you start to mature and start to plan something with him for the future. Itā€™s when he makes you want to start fixing your life. Itā€™s when heā€™s always in your head 3 pm or 3 am. Itā€™s when you canā€™t stop talking or thinking about him. Itā€™s when you just really always miss him even if heā€™s right beside you. Itā€™s the ā€œI used to like green eyes but now blue eyes are my favoriteā€. Itā€™s when all love and cheesy stuff just apply for him. Itā€™s when you begin to see nothing but him and you value him like you value yourself. Itā€™s not the ā€œheart pounding, hands sweatingā€ feeling but more of the ā€œI feel homeā€ feeling. Itā€™s more of like talking to yourself- being yourself with someone without worries. Itā€™s when you begin to really trust him with everything and that includes your happiness. Itā€™s when heā€™s your happiness. Itā€™s when subconsciously you change for the better. Itā€™s when you once again start opening up after a long time. Itā€™s when you are denying it at most cause you are afraid of how strong you feel and last I think while youā€™re reading this- thereā€™s someone in your head right now and youā€™re just contemplating whether youā€™re in love with him or not but hey the fact that he or she is the person (out of billions of people) in your mind while you read this must say a lot.


What do you do when you lose this kind of love?

I broke up with the person I was thinking of while writing this because thatā€™s what you do when you lose this kind of love- you let go and you move on.

You donā€™t cling onto the person because ā€œtwo and a half years has been a long time and itā€™s a waste to end it hereā€. You end it because youā€™ve had enough thinking twice whether the person is still worth staying with or not. You let go because you find yourself looking back, comparing and missing the old times than cherishing the present. You let go because you have to stop defending that person and start facing the truth that things have changed. You let go because you let go of anything that upsets you whether it be work, hobby or a person.

And you let go because you have to stop being selfish. There is someone out there wanting to love the person youā€™re holding onto and they deserve to feel this genuine love from someone and not a pity love from you.

When you lose this kind of love, you move on. You do it because itā€™s the best choice for you. You move on because youā€™ve been hurt enough and itā€™s time to be happy. You move on because you donā€™t deserve to doubt the love that someone gives you. You move on and whenever you crumble, remind yourself on why you left in the first place.

And you move forward because you wonā€™t find the right person for you while youā€™re holding onto the wrong one.


itā€™s sort of funny that the current cultural idea of the flapper dates not from the 1920s, but the 1950s when costume designers took the radical, gender-fluid, sexual, sexually liberated ideas and fashions of the 20s and made them sexy.Ā  as in sexual objectifying.

because 1950s and fuck female agency.

If you would like, I would love to hear more about this. What, exactly, happened, and what was the true 1920s aesthetic, untainted by 50s views?

hokay.Ā  so itā€™s the 1950s and itā€™s the heyday of the studio system and writers and movie makers (and audiences) want rom coms and frolicking films and lighthearted fun, but thereā€™s just one problem.


but that was the 1940s! you say

youā€™re right.

but in order to set a film in the 1950s, writers and film makers have to establish what the male lead character did during the war or risk it coming across like he didnā€™t, well, serve.Ā  canā€™t have a shirker or a coward and rejected for medical reasons reallyĀ doesnā€™t fly in the 1950s.Ā  and thereā€™s only so many times you can write about soldiers and sailors and airmen and the occasional spy before it starts to become stale.Ā  and it doesnā€™t terribly fit with the fluffy writing because, well, war and death and tens of millions of people dead.Ā  contemporary films more fall in the line of what we now call film noir.Ā  men and women who have been damaged by war, but thatā€™s another topic.

sooooo, you do period pieces.Ā  no one wants to do the 1930s because thatā€™s the great depression.Ā  so 1920s.Ā  frolicking and gay and fabulous!

(Great War, what Great War?)

but the thing is, the 1920s, especially in Paris and Berlin, were a massively transgressive, reversal, and experimental time period in art, fashion, society, and all over.Ā  but only a little bit in america because honestly we were barely touched by wwi so itā€™s not like weā€™re partying to forget an entire generation of young men killed off and entire towns wiped off the face of the earth using weapons the likes of which had never been seen before.Ā  the us as a whole mostly heard about sarin gas, not see it poison entire landscapes and men and animals dropped to the ground and die in truly horrific ways.

the europe that emerged from wwi was massively shell shocked, angry, and living in a surreal dream of everything being upwards and backwards and live now because tomorrow you may die and itā€™s all nonsense anyway.Ā  itā€™s a world in which surrealism and dadaism and german expressionism make sense because fuck it all.

you get repudiation of the old, experimentation, deliberate reversals, transgressive behavior, and if thereā€™s an envelope to push, you tear it open.Ā  France calls the 1920sĀ ā€œAnnĆ©es follesā€, the crazy years.

the things weā€™re doing now, with fluidity and experimentation and exploration of gender and sexuality and presentation?Ā  the 1920s did that already.Ā  itā€™s drag and androgyny and blatant homosexuality.Ā  itā€™s extramarital affairs and sex before or without marriage, itā€™s rejection of marriage as an idea and an institution, itā€™s playing with gender and gender roles and working women and unrestrained art and

itā€™s everything the 1950s hated.Ā  or more accurately: absolutely terrified of.Ā Ā 

the flappers of the 1920s went to college and cut their hair to repudiate a century of a womanā€™s hair being her crowning glory.Ā  they wore obvious makeup and makeup in ways that are not terribly appealing now and werenā€™t terribly appealing then, but they signaled you were part of the tribe.

they were women who wanted independence and personal fulfillment.

ā€œShe was conscious that the things she did were the things she had always wanted to do.ā€œ

so the 1950s didnā€™t want that.Ā  they wanted films with dancing and chorus lines and pretty girls to be looked at.Ā  they wanted spaghetti straps and fringed dresses that moved pretty when the chorus girls danced.

1920s fringe doesnā€™t.Ā  1920s fringe is made of silk, incredibly dense, incredibly heavy, sewn on individually by hand, and rather delicate.Ā  the all-over fringe dress didnā€™t exist until the 1950s invention of nylon and continuous loops that could be sewn on in costume workshops by the mile on machines.

(this is beforeĀ ā€œvintageā€ exists.Ā  to the 1950s, the 1920s (or earlier) wasnā€™t vintage, it was old-fashioned.Ā  dĆ©modĆ©.Ā  out of style.Ā  last last last last last season.)

1950s 1920s-set movies have clothes that are the 1950s take on it.Ā  the dresses have a dropped waist, but theyā€™re form-fitting, figure-revealing.Ā  the actresses are pretty clearly wearing bras and 50s girdles under them a lot of the time.Ā  theyā€™re not

the woman on the far left is basically wearing a manā€™s suit with a skirt.Ā  la garƧonne.Ā  some women went full-out and wore pants.Ā  you could be arrested for that.Ā  they were.Ā  still wore pants.Ā  and pyjama ensembles in silk and loud prints.

or class photo ofĀ ā€˜25

or even

not that 1920s dresses could be sexy or sexual; they often were.Ā  iā€™ve seen 20s dresses that were basically sideless and held together with straps.Ā  but itā€™s sort of like how the mini skirt went from being a thing of sexual liberation to an item of sexual objectification.

itā€™s ownership and itā€™s agency and itā€™s hard to put a name or finger on it, but you just know.Ā  sex goddess versus sex icon.

1. Always smile at strangers. 2. Drink water. It is good for your skin and it helps you feel better. 3. Eat fruit. 4. Eat vegetables, too. 5. Indulge a little. The cookie wonā€™t kill you, I promise. 6. Write in a journal. Be honest with yourself. 7. Keep a calendar, and mark it off each day. Youā€™ll feel accomplished, even when nothing is happening. 8. Do yoga. Focus on your body. 9. Mediate. Be aware of your mind. 10. You are important and loved. If you do not feel supported, find a place where you will. 11. Love yourself. If not entirely, piece by piece. Learn to accept yourself. 12. Pick up a hobby. You can fall in love with something new at any given moment. 13. Pet dogs. Pet cats, too. Animals are great. 14. Accept the compliment. It is genuine. 15. Go on walks. 16. You are allowed to feel. Sad, happy, numb. Be aware of your mental state. 17. Talk to them. 18. Send that message. If you donā€™t Ā say it, they wonā€™t know. 19. Never apologize for being who you are. 20. Do not compromise your happiness. If they canā€™t accept you, they donā€™t love you. Leave and move on. 21. Take that mental health day. Everything else can wait. 22. Be kind, always. Do not judge. 23. Embrace honesty. It can hurt, but it can help. Always practice truth. 24. Communicate. 25. Sadness is okay. Take the time you need to take. 26. Delete their messages. You need to heal. 27. Relationships end. It is okay. 28. ItĀ wasn'tĀ your fault. 29. Smell flowers! They are beautiful. 30. You are beautiful. Tell yourself each day, even if you donā€™t believe the words. Soon enough, you will realize they are true.

30 important things (via iinsoucian-cee)


idc about being pretty anymore cuz physical ugliness doesnā€™t exist we just assign negative meanings to certain traits and thats whats truly ugly, itā€™s how cruelly we treat ourselves and the traumas we inflict ourselves chasing illusions and impossible standards, im not saying i still wonā€™t indulge in using sheet masks lol but the bottom line is: i just want to be a good person

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