
Rae Rae Love Video Games -- Love My Wife ๐ŸŽฎ๐ŸŽจ๐Ÿ“š


22. Winnipeg. Taken. Love my wife. Canadian

So I was walking around campus and I found this on the sewer drain outside my dorm.


but how would a SNAIL react to the friendzone

The friendzone is a myth perpetrated by misogynists who use it to shame their female friends into sex. I am absolutely disgusted by it.


snails are truly upstanding citizens


i will talk about sex openly as much as i want cause i think the world has enough people telling women to shut up about sex meanwhile guys are pretending to f*** my ass when im in line at tim hortons so yah ladies please talk about sex till ur mouth is dry thank u


my friend did a psychology class in high school and came to my house and diagnosed my cat with depressionย 


What the fuck is this bullshit and why was it recommended for me?

Itโ€™s not like men are involved in the creation of the baby or anything.

I mean shit, I understand that pregnancy is an extremely strenuous thing on the woman, but that doesnโ€™t mean that a dude canโ€™t be proud of the fact that heโ€™s going to be a father.

Hmm. Weird how someone would want to be considered a part of the pregnancyโ€ฆ There goes all of my respect for Mila Kunis.

My goodness, women like this have some fucking nerve. Good luck Ashton.

Please stop.

Pregnancy is a very dangerous time for cis-women. Until cis-men are capable of nine months of pain without the ability to take painkillers, followed by hours of one of the most painful experiences a human can undergo, I agree with Mila Kunis. It is your child. Not your pregnancy. You donโ€™t get a fucking medal for sticking your dick inside someone and impregnating them, you get a child. So no, you donโ€™t need a fucking spotlight highlighting your months of work and pain and the fact that you can potentially die trying to bring life into the world when you have not undergone any of the physical effort.

Things you can expect during pregnancy: Anemia, urinary tract infections, constipation, mental health conditions including intense depression, hyperemesis gravidarm (basically when persistent vomiting isย moreย than just morning sickness and requires hospitalization). Not to mention there are dozens of infections that can cause serious problems. (x) (x)

Oh and the fact thatย 20% of pregnancies end in miscarriages which obviously requires hospitalization for the pregnant woman and causes a lot of emotional trauma.

Or that you canโ€™t consume alcohol, most types of fish, you canโ€™t expose yourself to hot water (or any heat, really), or get an x-ray. You cannot eat lunch meats, raw sprouts (radishes, alfalfa, etc.), soft cheeses, anything unpasteurized is out, as are foods with raw or undercooked eggs. And caffeine can lead to miscarriages, so say goodbye to coffee, teas, and chocolate. (x) (x) (x)

About 2 million pregnancy losses occur annually in the U.S.; 6 million babies are born.ย 25% of pregnancies are lost.

14.5% of pregnant women will experience at least one pregnancy complication.

11% of women are diagnosed with post partum depression.


800 women die because of pregnancy-related problems in the U.S. annually. (x)

Labor can last for 36 hours or more. Youโ€™re in a room full of strangers, who are all seeing your vagina, your blood, your shit, your piss, and your agony. Itโ€™s common for tearing to occur during the delivery (x) and after the baby is born you still have to deliver the placenta (essentially an organ).

Pregnancy is terrifying, dangerous, and uncomfortable. None of you have the right to shit on Mila Kunis for telling the truth:ย You do not deserve the spotlight of your wifeโ€™s pregnancy. So get over yourselves. Yes, the father CAN be proud, and he should be. But itโ€™s not his pregnancy. He is not the one who will endure it.

It is not weird that someone would want to be involved in their wifeโ€™s pregnancy. It is weird that you have the fucking nerve to lose respect for someone reminding you that the father is not the pregnant one in the picture.

So please, stop.

Today in male entitlement: now women โ€have some nerveโ€ if they remind men that they are not, in fact, the pregnant ones.ย 



They were like, โ€œtalk to me about boys,โ€ and I was like,ย โ€œno.โ€ And theyโ€™re like, โ€œwhy?โ€


Today is a good day. #LoveWins


That time my mom made the waitress give her a pair of gloves to eat her wings so she wouldnโ€™t mess up her nails.

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