don’t it make you wanna dance

@aud-marie /


At night you hear a scratch on a screen outside your window. Cicada or

perpetrator. You cut off the light, pull the covers over your head.

Tomorrow morning you either wake up or you don’t.

Barbara Conrad, from “An Eagle’s Wing, the Leg of a Deer,” published in Palette Poetry

She is a year ago. She is the ache in the empty, the first time you changed your mind and the last time you were sorry about it. She is a city sleeping beside you, warm and vast and familiar, streetlights yawning and stretching, and you have never. You have never. You have never loved someone like this. She is your first stomach ache. Your first panic attack and your favorite cold shower. A mountain is moving somewhere inside of you, and her handprints are all over it. Here. Here. Here, you love her. In the fractured morning, full of too tired and too sad, she is the first foot that leaves the bed. She is the fight in you, the winning  and the losing battle floating like a shipwreck in your chest. When they ask you what your favorite moment is,  You will say Her. You will always say Her.

Caitlyn Siehl, Her, Her, Her (via alonesomes)

I am full of love for every one. And everything is soft and vague and very sad. It is sad, it is sad. But everything has meaning,

Virginia Woolf, from The Complete Works; “Jacob’s Room,” wr. c. 1922 (via violentwavesofemotion)


when welcome to night vale said: “Sleep heavily and know that I am here with you. The past is gone, and cannot harm you anymore. And while the future is fast coming for you, it always flinches first, and settles in as the gentle present. This now, this us, we can cope with that. We can do this together you and I.”


I don’t want you to die. Don’t kill him. Let him live. Let him live.


while you were studying the blade I wasn’t studying the blade. I was reading the cliffnotes on blades. I’m barely scraping by in blade class

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