
The World Keeps Changing?

@antithesisexcellence / antithesisexcellence.tumblr.com

I'm Simone. I'm not going to enforce my views onto you. Visa Versa. Brisbane, Australia. Cautiously honest. Cruelty Free. Short tempered. Respectful. Tolerant. Open minded. Maybe too nice for own good.

5 Benefits of Journaling

Nowadays with technological advancements, journaling may seem like an obsolete practice. But, journaling can actually have many benefits to your overall wellbeing and is also a great way to document your milestones and memories.

I personally discovered the benefits of journaling when I was transitioning to boarding school and college. I knew that I wanted a way to document my experiences and have something to look back on. There are many benefits to journaling, but keep reading to see my top 5.

1. You develop mindfulness of your past and current emotions and future anxieties.

The months leading up to leaving home for high school, I realized I had a lot of anxieties and fears that I constantly thought about. It could have been the fact that my brother had a lot of spare journals lying in his room or my desire to rant but not feel like I’m burdening another person, but…..


There comes a time where you MUST pick yourself over all of the people you deeply care about. Pick yourself because you value your time, love, energy and sanity. You’re the most important person in your life because no one else will take care of your mental and emotional well being like you can. Choose yourself first always.

I no longer believed in the idea of soul mates, or love at first sight. But I was beginning to believe that a very few times in your life, if you were lucky, you might meet someone who was exactly right for you. Not because he was perfect, or because you were, but because your combined flaws were arranged in a way that allowed two separate beings to hinge together.

Lisa Kleypas (via help-n-quotes)

A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE …. enough money within her control to move out and rent a place of her own even if she never wants to or needs to… A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE …. something perfect to wear if the employer or date of her dreams wants to see her in an hour… A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE … a youth she’s content to leave behind…. A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE …. a past juicy enough that she’s looking forward to retelling it in her old age…. A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE ….. a set of screwdrivers, a cordless drill, and a black lace bra… A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE …. one friend who always makes her laugh… and one who lets her cry… A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE …. a good piece of furniture not previously owned by anyone else in her family… A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE …. eight matching plates, wine glasses with stems, and a recipe for a meal that will make her guests feel honored… A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE …. a feeling of control over her destiny… EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW… how to fall in love without losing herself.. EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW… HOW TO QUIT A JOB, BREAK UP WITH A LOVER, AND CONFRONT A FRIEND WITHOUT RUINING THE FRIENDSHIP… EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW… when to try harder… and WHEN TO WALK AWAY… EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW… that she can’t change the length of her calves, the width of her hips, or the nature of her parents.. EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW… that her childhood may not have been perfect…but it’s over… EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW… what she would and wouldn’t do for love or more… EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW… how to live alone… even if she doesn’t like it… EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW… whom she can trust, whom she can’t, and why she shouldn’t take it personally… EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW… where to go… be it to her best friend’s kitchen table… or a charming inn in the woods… when her soul needs soothing… EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW… what she can and can’t accomplish in a day… a month…and a year…

Pamela Redmond Satran (via help-n-quotes)


i dont get offended at white people jokes even though im white because: 

  1. i can recognize white people as a whole have systemically oppressed POC in america, which is where i live 
  2. most people when they make white people jokes only mean the shitty white people and i am not a shitty white person 
  3. im not a pissbaby

my white friends that have reblogged this give me life

4. Sometimes I am a shitty white person and the jokes remind me to FUCKIN STOP

If ur white and like this post I fux with u


5. It’s hard to be offended when white people jokes involve bland food/tourist dads in socks and sandals/white girls in yoga pants obsessed with pumpkin spice/suburban PTA moms and other harmless and mostly true stereotypes while jokes about POC involve them being called thugs/criminals/slurs/uneducated/illegal immigrants.

i fucks with u heavy if ur white and you reblog this

6. They’re usually really fucking funny and don’t perpetuate stereotypes that will ever affect me economically, politically, or cause me any true harm, let alone create risks that “justify” my murder and/or death

Waits for my white mutuals to reblog😌




7. if I expect dudes not to “not all men” me how can I rly “not all white people” since it’s asking for the same exemption

8. Sometimes “white people jokes” about bad behavior help me better understand and avoid bad behavior myself.

‘are you happy?’ is such a difficult question. i always say yes, because i have friends, i laugh at jokes, i go out a lot and have fun. my life isn’t as bad as it could be, and i dont have terrible problems. it could be worse. but then, one night at 3am when im alone still awake, lying in bed, thinking about life, i find myself crying my heart out suddenly, i’m convinced that nobody likes me, or nobody will ever like me. i feel horrible and i question everything i had and i dont know if i was ever happy at all.

(via 3amsouls)

This year I learned to be selfish. Selfish with my time, my heart, my feelings, my mind and most importantly myself. I spent entirely too much time feeling sorry for the things I couldn’t change, wishing for things I didn’t have, and begging for people who did not deserve me. It has taken me two decades to realize I am a prize worth winning, I am a caviar dinner not a gas station hot dog. This year I’ve lost people I thought I couldn’t live without and given myself everything I needed. Next year, I hope I can learn to love myself.

I got my heart broken and I survived, I failed 3 courses in university and graduated, I got rejected in the very first job I applied for and got promoted yesterday, I went through hard times with my family but then two years later, we laughed our hearts out over lunch, The closest friends disappointed me several times but I made new friends and loved them with all my heart. I did it once, I can do it again.


so okay i work at a thrift store and we have this christmas display up and someone donated these “spinning poinsettias” and i guess no one checked the batteries and oh my god merry christmas everyone


rocking around the T H E  F I E R Y  P I T S  O F  H E L L


teacup what the fuck i just woke up why would you put this rIGHT AT THE TOP OF MY DASH

Ok so I’m crying and you should experience this wonder too

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