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Mobile Links -------------- Jia (Not short for anything) 20 years old | INFJ | Slytherin Aquarius ☉ | Pisces ☽ | Aquarius Asc -------------- I've been unofficially on hiatus and I'm trying to get back into the swing.

Aquarius Sun/Moon Descriptions

Aquarius sun x Aries moon

Quick aggressive mind. Keen sense of your own intelligence. Judicial attitude toward the rest of the world. Prone to have a bit of a superiority complex. Very solid thinker. Cool, aloof, and detached. You do better when you don’t seem so sure of yourself. Push issues aggressively. Fixed and independent nature. Stubborn. Readily respond to bright new ideas. You’re best when you can work on your own without much interference.

Aquarius sun x Taurus moon

Admired. Never petty or small. Doesn’t pester people with your worries and anxieties. Will drop everything and listen to others’ problems. Interested in people and likes observing them. Maintains distance and doesn’t get involved individually. Rates people on whether they interest you or not. Never feels as if you have to put on airs to impress anyone. Can be executive if you had the desire. Devoid of any domineering or missionary spirit. Willing to live and let live. Original. Independent. Determined.

Aquarius sun x Gemini moon

Surprisingly romantic. Strong idealism. Some critical tendencies. Dramatizes life and yourself. Often expands and enhances the facts of a matter, idealizing love affairs and life in general. Quick. Apt. Intuitive. Tendency to skin only the surface of most subjects you encounter. Short attention span. Hard to pin you down to reality. Creative. Able to put facts and ideas together quickly. Tires easily by routine and detail. Rapid changes in moods and attitudes. Mind changes often and abruptly. Companionship is important to you. Needs someone you can talk to constantly and be mentally compatible with.

Aquarius sun x Cancer moon

Far more subjective and not as nearly as detached and aloof as other Aquarius’. Restless and changeable nature. Deep sensitivity and receptivity to outside influences. Intuitively knows when you are like or disliked. Popular. Wide circle of friends. Charming. Kind disposition. Social life and personal relationships mean a good deal to you. Knack for feeling the truth. Heart over head. Understands human nature. Lack of understanding the complexities of your own nature.

Aquarius sun x Leo moon

Always there to help people in need. True humanitarian. Proud. Independent. Self-reliant. Doesn’t like to have your original good opinion of people upset. Deeply emotional but expansive and friendly nature. Needs to be hard-headed and practical when dealing with people. Inclined to project your personality into the world or affairs. Sensitive. Affectionate.Marriage strongly influences your life. Naturally friendly. Loves very deeply. Hard to convince to go against your will. Follows your inner feelings. Can be positive and determined when you feel you are right. Can be impulsive and jump to conclusions.

Aquarius sun x Virgo moon

Outstanding in anything that requires critical and analytical ability. Great intelligence. Believable and sincere. Gives excellent sound advice. Plans precisely, proceeds with confidence and assurance. Can detach yourself from personal issues to focus on the problem that you have at hand. Intuitive insight into peoples feelings.

Aquarius sun x Libra moon

Powerful and forceful. Lacks constancy and is often subject to direction changes.Apt to leave projects half finished and be off to another. Uncommitted and unchained by emotional ties (applies to people, projects, tasks). Wide circle of friends, but few close ones. Marriage is important to you; settling down to a stable relationship will be difficult. Frivolous attitude about life. Broad and tolerant outlook on life. Forgiving of others.

Aquarius sun x Scorpio moon

Appeals to others. Lives strictly by your own laws. Command a lot of respect. Healthy self-respect. Stubborn desire to get your own way. Highly determined leader. Never expects anything for anyone that you yourself are not willing to do. Good deal of ambition and enterprise. Forceful when it comes to getting things done. Determined. Not superficial.

Aquarius sun x Sagittarius moon

Mentally and physically active. Independence in mind and action. Friendly. Very understanding. Humanitarian.Instinctive and deep-rooted love of truth and knowledge. Noble and sincere nature.  Dislikes sham and deception. Admire honest and straightforward people. Common sense approach to life. Loves to philosophize and dream, although you are put off my intellectualism. Broad viewpoint on world affairs. Quick yo act on your ideas. Believe in getting things done, and getting them done in the shortest time possible.

Aquarius sun x Capricorn moon

Positive and authoritative personality. Very solid and practical person. Calm persistence. Deep determination. Talent for cold calculation. Realist. Not one to be diverted by emotional factors. Restless at times. Powerful sense of responsibility and deep seriousness. Strong, deep rotted, convictions and ideals. Strict code of ethics. Strives for power and authority more than wealth and material success.

Aquarius sun x Aquarius moon

Philosophical. Extremely open-minded. Refined and intelligent. Hyperactive mentality. Short attention span. Easy for you to blend in with strangers. Independent. Friendly. People oriented. Able to understand the needs of the public. Original and progressive thinker. Focused and determined. Motivated by a very deep interest in doing something positive for the world.

Aquarius sun x Pisces moon

Very original and able to grasp the most vague, ethereal and extreme concepts. naturally preserving and conscientious. Being interested in detail, method and order. Fascinated by the unusual and abstract. Keen imagination. Good money-maker. Able to intuitively realize possibilities and take advantage of them.


when a _____ falls for you they will...

*check mars, moon, sun, and venus*
aries: motivate you to reach your goals; be genuine with you while also letting out they're sarcastic side to make you laugh (hopefully)
taurus: want to be with you all the time and make you feel better always; show you their silly side
gemini: tell you what they really feel and constantly try to make you laugh; talk about you to their friends a lot
cancer: be there for you whenever you ask them to be and might feel like they own you (or want to own you)
leo: shower you with gifts and attention; show you off and put you on a pedestal
virgo: give you constructive advice and subtly compliment you; stare at you when you aren't looking because they're analyzing you as a person probably
libra: constantly stare at you, pay attention to everything you say or do, try to talk to you/make you laugh all the time
scorpio: hardcore, blatantly stare at you and make a lot of eye contact; be more touchy feely with you and listen to everything you have to say
sagittarius: try to always be near you and be very touchy feely (out of the blue attack hugs, teasing touches, poking; basically anyway they can touch you innocently they will); try to make you laugh and laugh at whatever jokes you make
capricorn: be very subtle in showing you they care about you; listens to what you have to say instead of arguing their point; commits to just you and stops flirting with others completely
aquarius: probably seem distant, but give you reassuring compliments every now and then; invite you to hang out whenever they can; make small gestures of affection
pisces: gaze at you lovingly when you're not looking; laugh at all of your jokes, even the dumbest ones; ask you more personal questions; smile at you whenever they get the chance

ENTP - INFJ: Inferior S

Entp: [texting infj] HEY so i literally forgot everything at home today and im working super late in the lab, could you bring me food? And my makeup, a change of clothes, half my project supplies and some water

Infj: that inferior Si is going to kill you one day…



Entp: Lol inferior Se

Entp: its not problem though, I took care of it

Infj: The food mart was open this late?

Entp: No I just built myself a new fork

Infj: What



Astrology- Eros Signs ➹

Eros is an asteroid in astrology and one of my most favorite and intriguing ones because it is the higher octave of Mars, the lustful king that resides the throne. Eros is what defines our kinks, turn-ons, and erotic natures. Therefore you can relate to post that talk about turn-ons for a certain signs and the sexual nature of mars signs, because that sign is your eros sign. It can explain how it adapts and plays with your Mars sign and even plays a role in compatibility. In compatibility, you don’t compare both eros signs together like how you possibly would with mars signs, It’s your eros to their psyche, and their Pysche to your Eros. 

Aries Eros- Infatuation and the crave of the chase seeps in with these individuals. Your passions start of like a wild fire and somehow are the easiest to die out. You want to hear “I want you” and want things now, there’s a dominant and fiery side of you. You have a high sex drive and feel like it must be constantly fed, the blaze can’t be died out for you. 

Taurus Eros- Sensual Gratification is embarked with individuals with this Eros sign, there’s even sexual possessiveness reflecting them too. It adds a dose of sensuality to you that makes your experiences more lusty and hands-on. You find true pleasure with the body and know how to connect to your senses, giving a more sensual experience. You prefer satiability and rather hear “Im yours.” 

Gemini Eros- Your sexual energy becomes more curiously driven, experimental I should say. You enjoy having knowledge in sex and like things verbal, so dirty talk could be one of your pleasures. You like knowing what triggers certain reactions and so forth, so there is a strong, kinky side to you. You need to be intellectually stimulated and aroused. 

Cancer Eros- Emotional connection and possesviness is well mirrored with individuals with this placement. You tend to fall in love with people you sexually become involved with, so “friends with benefits” may not be that successful with you. Your most intense attractions will come from emotional bonds that make you feel safe and nurtured. Mothered to say the least. At the same time, even though you prefer an emotional connection with a sexual partner, you can use sex to boost your self-image. 

Leo Eros- You feel more aroused knowing your wanted by your partner and looked at is you were there queen, a person shinning in the spotlight. Your fantasy is knowing how much they want, or even need you. These individuals may tend to give in to infatuations, yet they are very loyal. Similar to an Aries Eros, you don’t want the passion to die out. You’re more sexually driven knowing your wanted and courted. They need to be sexually worshipped, looked at as if they’re a goddess. 

Virgo Eros- Individuals with this Eros sign tend to be aroused mentally and sensually. You seek sex as a renewal and try to find it as “good for you,” you seek pleasure from it. There’s purity and independency with these individuals, but they can also be a bit kinky and promiscuous themselves at times. They’re sensual but analyze their actions all at once. They work almost like a Taurus eros and a Gemini eros. 

Libra Eros- Charming and Flirtatious are traits that these individuals have, they  often fall in love with the love story of it more. Often you focus more on the sexual needs of their partners than their own, suggesting they’re more about pleasing. They find appeal in beauty and find satisfaction in what they find appealing, they may also be okay with casual affairs. A Libra Eros experiences attraction and sex in a pleasing and graceful way. 

Scorpio Eros- The most erotic position to have as it’s seen to be the rulership for this asteroid, their sex drive seems animalistic and can be sensed from a lot of people. They crave intensity and really knowing their partner, they want the body and soul. Indivduals with these positions don’t fear sexual intimacy and enjoy exploring, they know how to play with another’s desires. The desires are potent and intoxicating, often going into the kinky department. They’re turned on by overwhelming passion and intensity. 

Sagittarius Eros- There’s an enthusiastic and playful appeal with this placement, they don’t like to feel as if they’re about to be tied down and enjoy the chase. These individuals are hungry for explorations and enjoy sexual pleasures with anyone despite where they’re from. This eros sign has enormous sexual energy and gets bored if they’re not kept busy, and if they can’t indulge in new horizons and experiences. 

Capricorn Eros- Individuals with this eros sign have a strong libido and control their own desires, oddly enough this Eros position focuses more on perfecting things. They take their desires, and take that drive to focus on work. They have sexual desires but in some ways fear intimacy because it’s hard to get them to open up. The paradox is that they can be very sexual in a earth way and their desires can be strong but hidden. They find appeal in people who are put together. 

Aquarius Eros- Sexual creativity and eccentricity is well shown with these individuals, they don’t want their freedom taken from them. Their minds are colorful and come up with ideas in sex that are very explorative and kinky too. In my opinion, they’re probably the most modernized and explorative one. They won’t only use their bodies in sex, they know how to venture out. They’re aroused in ways, earth signs find nontraditional and embarrassing because it does not fit their style. Their minds and energy needs to be matched. 

Pisces Eros- These individual like to find an enchanted world in sex, forgetting reality and entering fantasy. Eros may be in exaltation here, these individuals love to merge and become one with their partners. There’s a healing nature about these individuals and find mystery in acts of sex, they can be very willing and pleasing towards their partners. Individuals of this placements are very kind and gentle, and even the men may be fond of the complexity of someone. 

(Not to be confused with Eris, the 10th Planet)


I'm a Gemini, and I find it difficult to develop romantic feelings in general but I ALWAYS fall hardest for Cancers and it's ruining my liiiiiiife


Dx I completely understand.

Pisces ruin me (it might be because of my doms though) but we just got to keep fighting through it. Water signs are to be the death of us apparently


*sigh* I know, right? And those damn Scorpios, too! Had a huge crush on my Scorpio best friend of ten years, lol. I also have a bit of a thing for Capricorns, but I never develop feelings for air or fire signs ( even though Leos won’t leave me alone)

Never had a thing with Scorpios but one of my best friends is one haha Capricorns tend to love me but I usually only see them as family. Air signs are a hit or miss for me, but I love fire signs (especially sag, that has not changed) xD

I've noticed that Leo's tend to gravitate towards Geminis anyways lol


Astrology Fun Facts pt. 2

- Mercury/Jupiter aspects (mostly harmonious ones) are the typical “Intelligence-aspect”.

- The sign that’s at the cusp of your 9th house determines how you act in college/university.

- Leos love drama.

- Cancer risings often have a “disconnected” gaze.

- 10th house lunarians are more likely to become famous.

- Those with mercury at their ascendent are often small.

- Jupiter EXPANDS. Whatever planet it forms an aspect to, that planet’s energy will be more grandios. This can be both “good” and “bad”.

- Mars in Aquarius will try to make you small with their intellect when angry.

- Cancer, Libra, Pisces are most passive-aggressive (esp Mars).

- With oppositions there is always a need for perfection, one will not be satisfied.

- The fixed star Sirius at the ascendent can indicate renown and geniality.

- Aries can feel lost in the world.

- Virgos are great teachers.

- With a Sagittarius you easily feel like while they’re always there they’re also always out of reach.

- The fire signs LOVE nature and animals.

- The cardinal signs need people to help them follow through with their ideas and plans.

Again, if you’d like more of this please tell me because this series is a lot of fun! 💫


what you like to post online based on what house your venus is in

Venus in 1st: Mainly selfies or photos of yourself, or posts talking about what you did that day or what you think about things.

Venus in 2nd: Material possessions, such as new things you bought or something you made. You like to post things you find beautiful.

Venus in 3rd: You like to voice your opinion and you like to post photos of your friends and family. You like to post pictures of places you’ve traveled to.

Venus in 4th: You like to post pictures of your family or thing that make you feel nostalgic. You like to post about romance or things that make you feel comfortable.

Venus in 5th: You like to post about your hobbies or things you find fun. You like to post jokes or puns or whatever you find funny.

Venus in 6th: You post about your daily routine, or post about advice. You like to help others and talk to them.

Venus in 7th: You like to post about your relationship(s) or about love. You post about things you find beautiful or aesthetically pleasing.

Venus in 8th: What you like to post changes as you change your interests, but you like to post about your passions.

Venus in 9th: Inspirational quotes are probably your favorite. You like to post quotes, stories, or pictures you find interesting or intriguing.

Venus in 10th: You like to post about motivation or things that you think make you look good. You like to impress people with your posts, so they are usually orderly or have perfect grammar or theme.

Venus in 11th: Friends are your main focus in posting. You like to tag them in posts, post pictures of them, or talk to them online. You like to share inside jokes or have fun with them online.

Venus in 12th: You might not post very often or be all over the place with your interests, themes, or aesthetics. You don’t like to share personal information and you may not have a clear cut interest or theme of posts.


Thank you to everyone that has sent me a message or inboxed me during my absence. I've responded to the non astrology ones mostly and I don't know if I should really respond to the others. I'm well and alive (which is what matters most at the moment). I missed you all.

Anonymous asked:

Every Aquarius that falls in love with me gives me nicknames, he likes you lol - to the anon

'''Tis true haha I give nicknames to people I like

Love? Idk, my pisces moon and sag Venus are a little too noncommittal for that intensity haha

Anonymous asked:

I think you need to do a little bit more research in astrology. You can't just judge someone based on their sun, moon or venus sign. It's much more than that.

Well of course it is, there is so much generality on here because the amount of time you would need to properly describe someone is not suited for this type of mass platform

Anonymous asked:

Jia! I've send you a question the other day and thought you were just too busy to spend time online, had no idea you were going through a hard time. Sorry to hear that, really. I hope with all my heart that you gather strength to overcome this period as soon as possible and be showered with happiness. I'll keep you in my thoughts. Take care of yourself. You're missed but more importantly, you're loved so take care. Sending you virtual hugs right now xoxo

I'm usually busy but I will answer when I'm able to, so thank you :) I'm getting there and I know it's an off shot you will see this, anon, but thank you for understanding

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