
Equality > SJWs

@anti-sjw-penguin-blog / anti-sjw-penguin-blog.tumblr.com

A penguin ticked off by all the SJWs. Just call me Hoper. I write essays and stories. (Admin is a gal, Hoper is a boy. I use Hoper as a moscot and character for the blog, so I guess you could refer the account as "he".)

zootopia’s going to be the next lion king, i can already tell

not “next lion king” as in critically acclaimed and widely considered to be one of the greatest animated movies of all time

“next lion king” as in it will inspire the next generation of furries to adopt it as their favourite movie and flood deviantart with sexualized, badly traced/recoloured OCs


If I said that the Anti-SJW community was much more polite and less annoying than the SJW community that would be a big lie.

I don’t even know why I call myself anti-SJW at this point.  Both communities have gone to the dogs.


Social justice warriors talk all about how we need to be loving and accepting, yet they’re the ones who won’t let you follow them if you’re a cishet white man.

People: get off my fucking blog you fucking piece of shit fuckboy go to fucking hell you don't deserve to be on this fucking planet you fucking shithead scum
Same people: don't say st*pid it's a slur

Don’t self-diagnosis. That’s literally saying “I need a label so people can give me more love”. 

Going to WebMD isn’t going to tell you shit. A trained professional can. Don’t make up issues in your own mind to excuse your bullshit that you spew on here.


Here’s a lesson for everyone, it might not be a shocker but this is angering, No matter how much you argue with someone, no matter how many definitions, articles, etc. Not everyone is going to agree with you even if you’re right, so don’t get mad and pissy if that person doesn’t change their mind. Because guess what? There are 7 billion people on this earth not everyone can have the same opinion it’s impossible.

This needs more notes


SJWs being offended on behalf of groups they don’t understand disgusts me.

They’re not babies, if it offends them, it offends them.  They can think for themselves.


Friendly reminder that Lena duhnam emotionally and sexually abused her sister and is still being hailed as a feminist icon


Lena Dunham is the epitome of all that is absolutely fuckin’ wrong with White feminism. (Info on her abuse of her sister can be found pretty adequately summed up here on Truth Revolt.)

Her show, Girls, which was supposed to feminist as shit, does not feature any people of color in its main cast. People of color on the show are regulated to literally playing the help. The one time the character was not playing the help? It was a jungle fever shitfest with Donald Glover. She’s pulled various excuses from her ass about this which amount to “we didn’t feel like it”. She’s also never apologized or denounced one of the shows writers, Lesley Arfin, using anti-Black racial slurs, while saying Girls didn’t need any PoC bc Precious didn’t have affluent White people. The show also uses rape and sexual assault casually which is disgusting for ANYTHING claiming to be feminist in nature. And the nepotism (favoring of relatives or friends) is strong, which lends further to the racist classism in the show & its casting.

She also made an Islamophobic comment with a blanket wrapped around her head in a style similar to headscarves worn by Muslim women. 

She also wrote one of the most ridiculously Orientalist essays known to mankind, which included references to yellow fever, Native Warrior Lover tropes, slight framed Asian women, and “pity the poor Whitey who has walked into Japan”.

She spent $430,000 on an apartment in New York and thought that was revolutionary compared to the millions that others star spend bc I mean what’s $430,000 to the average person amirite?

And to top it all off she’s made more than one sexually harassing comment about gay men, including saying she’d be the first openly straight (cut off my tits I’m done with this chick) woman to FRENCH kiss the first openly gay NBA player; and some comment about wanting to date a male flight attendant because all the one’s shes slept with have been gay.

I cannot stand her, or anyone who supports her. She is absolutely disgusting and deplorable and I don’t fuck w/ anyone who considers her an icon. All she’s an icon of is privileged women flexing their privilege with no consequences.



One of the things I like about this: they’re doing it without shouting down women.
Because “that doesn’t happen to guys” *IS* a feminist issue. Male victims of abuse being dismissed, blamed or ridiculed because they weren’t “manly” enough is a part of patriarchy. And you can raise awareness of that without dismissing other feminist issues or bringing it up as a “counter argument” to problems women face.
MRAs, take note. This is how you actually support men’s rights.

No. Absolutely not. Fuck that. Dont you fucking dare try to take credit for supporting male victims when your movement has done everything it can to silence or invalidate them.

Lol omg…omg. 

“Hey look they’re not making it a one gender over another issue or a VS thing that’s great…BECAUSE JUST SO YOU KNOW IT IS A ‘VS’ ISSUE AND MEN ARE TO BLAME, MRAs ARE BAD FEMINISM IS BETTER DON’T TALK OVER WOMEN” says the feminist. 

Apparently feminists can’t raise awareness about men’s issues with one blaming it on men and plugging feminism first…


“ITS NEVER OKAY TO KILL SOMEONE [even if they are racist scum]”

you’re so so so welcome to that opinion. I honestly wish I shared it but unfortunately I have seen too much evil to not agree that we should be eradicating racists and sexists as quickly and effectively as possible.

Yes. Let’s just kill off all the people we don’t agree with, even if they personally have never done anything to another person except express an opinion. That makes total sense.

“It’s okay to want to kill people as long as I personally think they are evil,” said Every Dictator and Every Leader of Genocide and Atrocities Against Mankind Ever

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