euro trash

@zajebajem /

mara / 29

hello to whoever is still on this site I am alive and a MOTHER now, which is why I’ve been and probs will continue to be off of here, I gave birth to this perfect little chunk on october 26th and it was wild. I will miss doing my lil phlogs but maybe one day I’ll pick back up 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼 I am much more active on twitter (mkikass) and instagram (mara.overby) if anyone wants to follow me there!! 🤍


Mohammed El-Kurd, from Rifqa; “Rifqa”

[Text ID: “I cried—not for the house / but for the memories I could have had inside it.”]
Rainer Maria Rilke, "The Prodigal Son." The Selected Poetry of Rainer Maria Rilke (translated by Stephen Mitchell)

october 15-20, 2023 // these pics make it look like Vinny is my only friend lmaooo it’s just been a boring week off work!!! did manage to get my final hair and brow and nail appointments done, saw my OB NP and confirmed bebe is still cephalic, and maxed out at cheesecake factory for a belated birthday dinner for klaudia


october 14, 2023 // y’all are lucky I did not post how swollen my feet and ankles were on this day bc it was…… obscene


october 10-13, 2023 // had a successful ECV tuesday to flip bebe from breech to cephalic, very wild experience but v grateful it worked!!! the soreness was unreal afterwards. also got the new txt album and as fuckin usual I can’t pull a beomgyu pc to save my life


october 6-9, 2023 // I’m alive!!!! just not doing anything interesting except waiting to give birth

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