
I care like a bear

@trinkerichi / trinkerichi.tumblr.com

I'm Trinket! 25 ~ I love space and cartoons, and I draw a webcomic called Rocket Chip! https://rocketchip-comic.tumblr.com/ Other socials https://trinket.carrd.co

Welcome to the Galaxcity! 🌠

Rocket Chip is a silly, sweet, and sometimes surreal Sci-Fi series about an alien and a robot trying to find their place in the galaxy. Created by Trinket. View the blog on desktop or use the links below to navigate!

🌟About:  Character, setting, and author bios. (Link for Mobile Users)

📖Library: Links to the entire comic in order! (Link for Mobile Users)

🚀Comic Tag: Find the latest updates! 


Robot disabilities. Robot who charges slowly and loses power incredibly fast and is always tired. Robot with malfunctioning lenses and can’t process visual information properly. Robot that can’t process anything too large and at a fast rate or else they’ll shut down. Robot with limbs screwed on too loose/just can’t attach correctly, so if they’re not careful they fall out. Robot disabilities,,,

Robots with cracked screens that they can't afford to fix. Robots with bent limbs. Robots who's cables are wonky and need to be particular about where they sit so they can charge. Robots who's vocal box is messed up so they have to use sign language. Robots who's fans are old and make a lot of noise. Robots who have malfunctioning chips and experience mental illness symptoms since they don't process the world the same as others.


Robots who can't install the latest firmware and are locked out of a lot of modern conveniences in the process. Robots who are too big and bulky to utilize public spaces. Robots who were repaired with the wrong parts and don't realize until these parts cause massive amounts of irreparable damage. Robots with burnt out sockets, unable to plug into charging stations, forced to constantly buy batteries to stay alive. Robots who were tricked into installing malware and were never able to get rid of all of it. Robots who lack sufficient waterproofing technology and have to take cover and stay indoors during the rain. Robots with exposed wiring and open joints just waiting to be worn down by the elements.



I got it on the humble bundle sale a few days ago! Here's my thoughts~

Everyone that said this was easy to learn was LYING. ITS HARD! But it is fun! I really wish there were more tutorials based around importing psds for rigs tho because basically everything is focused on vectors. Not that i'm super opposed to using vectors but I'm just not used to them and i feel like id just get better quality drawings out of using psd files. i made a simple rig of my fox sona using a psd file and it seems to work ok, but doing the same with a more complex looking character like chip is just giving me issues, and I cant figure out how to position their legs so that a walk cycle looks natural. i know it's just gonna take time to learn tho blah blah


I'm always seeing this sentiment of "I have got to make my art weirder" or people begging for weirder art but here's the thing, Weird is not a brand. You cannot rack your brains trying to figure out the "Weird" formula. You don't get weird art by artificially forcing whatever you think is "weird." You get weird art (and I think "weird" is sometimes people groping for a way of saying non-corporatized) by figuring out what you like, deep down, even (especially) if you think it's embarrassing and wallowing in it like a pig


I know there's a lot to talk about with the new ep but can we appreciate kinger getting to admire the little candy bugs that was so cute. I'm glad his bug fascination was canon.


happy electric feel friday

happy electric feel friday


I have 3 more commissions to finish but weirdly I am soooo not in the mood to draw cute little chibi animals. And it's my own fault lol that's the audience I cultivated but I'm SICK OF CUTE RN. Cute is BORING TO ME at this specific moment in time. Get bluey outta here



In a world where sea slugs evolved to live on one of Jupiter's moons, one sea bunny's mistake causes the time travel adventure of a lifetime...! A 460 page comic, a plush, and more!?

One week left of the campaign!! Don't miss your chance!

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