
Hello, world.

It’s been a while.

I’m not sure who would read this, if any. The passage of time is akin to the weatherings of the wind, fading connections once held dear.

I admit, I’m thoroughly embarrassed when I look back at the nonsense I did. Such were the results of inexperience and awkwardness. Goodness gracious.

But at the same time, if I didn’t that step… I wouldn’t be where I am today. Considered it as an awkward transition mode from my old life to the new.

I’d like to say life is well. Stanza found love, much to my surprise. Her husband’s family help run a health facility and she had made herself useful there. Nobody questioned why a Pokemon knew how to handle computers and speak English.

So for now, she’s back in her homeland to raise a family of mini-Stanzas. There’s no telling when she’ll decide to move back.

I’m glad for her. It’s not healthy to be alone after all.

As for myself…

Well, a new story is always difficult to start out. Having an audience is everything when it comes to such fields. It seems that it’ll be a while before I could go into full-time writing.

In the meanwhile, I continue to help a certain detective keep his job sane. That became my ‘real’ full time job, although I’m still technically a freelance part-timer.

I was alone at first, then as time went by… small changes crept in. People began to notice my name and my work. One day, I received an invite to join their social network.

Since then, life took a turn for the better. Others began to recognize my daily work: both literature and not. I even get donations! Actual donations! Careers take time to grow even if it’s slow.

Heh. Folks in the network often make jokes that I’m a vampire due to my hours. Sleep in mornings, wake in evening. Yup. Vampire material right there. “Complete with organ tunes incomprehensible to mortals”, they say.

The funny thing is, they’re not too far off from the truth.

Hmm. I don’t think I have anything else to say than ‘Everything is well’. And I didn’t proofread this document.

All in all, I’m happy. So please don’t worry about me.


Crafting the Sun is now live!

Yes! After what seems like forever, my novel is finally published!

What is Crafting the Sun?

It is a relationship mystery drama set in a Robot Future setting. There are three main perspectives over the course of the entire book: 1. Julia Levin, the creator scientist. 2. Euclid Levin, the ideal science android. 3. A mix of perspectives depending on relevancy.

What is the summary?

Year 2291.

Two years after the end of the Great Robot War. Peace returned to the world and life resumed its course. However, not everyone lived well.

By all standards, Julia Levin was the embodiment of failure. A brilliant roboticist, yet terminally-ill and broken. Her time spent fleeing from the ghosts of her past.

One day, an enigmatic businessman offered her a deal of a lifetime: to build the perfect robotic son. She grabbed the opportunity and showed no signs of turning back.

Will her Magnum Opus grant her simple peace, or will it turn the gears of fate?

Okay, I’m interested. Where do I get it?

As of right now, it’s only available on Amazon Kindle for the following countries: US, UK, DE, FR, ES, IT, NL, JP, BR, CA, MX, AU, IN.

Aww sorry, I can’t afford it / I don’t live in the right country / It’s on the wrong platform.

That’s alright. I understand. Being Malaysian, I can’t buy my own novel even if I wanted to. And I understand what’s like to be penniless. But not all is lost! Just reblog this post. The more this post circulates, the better. Every reblog helps me a ton in the long way~ Thanks for your time!


Life Goes On

It’s been a long while since I said my farewells to ‘the Golden Future’. The trio consisting of my youngest brother, his best friend, and his fianceé returned to their era to initiate their counterattack.  I hope it all goes well for them. Really. It would be too tragic if they fail at this point. ...Ah, I better not jinx that. To top it off, the gracious princess blessed Rock and Cale too. As thanks for the much-needed reunion. Without them, none of the happy moments would happen. She blessed me too. Said something that goes like this: “If you need my help anytime, use this mark to summon me. I’ll give you any power boost you need!” Considering what I was before, I pretty much can guess what this power would be. I don’t mean the bombs. How can you make bombs more effective without nuking yourself? Yeah. I meant the ‘other’ aspect. Would it be a million times less creepy? Or would it still have a deceptively dark appearance? It’s not important now. I have different priorities to settle. Let’s just say I finally published a book. I wrote it intensively some years back, but I got caught up with the whole trying to save the future thing.

“Oh sis, not you too..! It’s like some kind of god awful plague. Except instead of killin’ people it just makes them really enjoy fictional bodies of work. Which I guess is less a plague an’ more a crazy random happenstance but… whatever you get my point!”


“…Also I already knew you were a nerd Sis, you’re a writer. They’re all nerds.”

Cue a very hearty laughter from her. “Guilty as charged and embraced in full. I was an utter fangirl when I met Shovel Knight face to face.” “It’s all about love for the work, I suppose. For me it’s also half a promotional outreach for my official original IP.” “Well, would anyone be interested? I don’t know. But at least my name would be out there. Instead of being a ‘who’s that’, they’d go ‘Oh this the author for this fanwork! They’re good!’. Then, maybe they might take note of my proper professional stuff.”


Cruise Break

Out on the deck, the breeze blew back Joy’s hair, making it wave around as the wind picked it up. It was, she supposed, sort of like how Stanza maybe felt when she was flying.

The rush of cool air was refreshing against her skin, the ocean roaring its protest as the ship parted the waters at such speed. The engine rumbled far louder, now, and chains clanked, waving back and forth in the wind. Overhead, a flag flapped and furled.

Gardie looked slightly nervous about being up on deck. The thought of being splashed wasn’t a pleasant one. Devra’s dress fluttered in the strong breeze.

Joy laughed softly to Crash, the image rising in her mind of that moment in that one film.

“Maybe not quite the very front tip,” said Joy, raising her voice to be heard, “but you can try it at the railings if you would like!”


// Here’s an audio approximation of what it might sound like up on deck: http://water-atmosphere.ambient-mixer.com/on-the-ferry. The photo accompanying it is my own – I took it a couple summers back while aboard a ferry, up on deck, on the way back from the Isle of Arran.

“Anywhere where I can stand and balance,” Crash replied. “And stretch my arms.” Movie mode, on. While they discussed, Rock leaned far forward over the railing. If he wasn’t a robot it would have been a cause of concern. It’s a risky position for human children. “Hey, Guys! I’m seeing jellyfish!” he exclaimed. “They got these cool crystals--” The ‘jellyfish’ in question was a school of Tentacool and Tentacruel. When they heard his excited yelling, the notorious poison-water pokemon floated out of the water. Rock wasn’t so excited anymore. He gulped and backpaddled behind the safety of the ship’s railings. those were scary eyes and the Tentacruel had beaks so massive, it looked like it could rip through steel. “C-C-C-Crash...? Did I offend them or something?” When it comes to Pokemon communication, that’s Stanza’s speciality. Crash stretched out her hand for the bird to comfortably launch herself for flight. She flew over and cawed a greeting. The lead Tentacruel waved back with its tentacles. After a brief chat, Stanza circled back towards the ship. As for the school of jellyfish themselves, they continued floating away in the ocean’s currents. Perched on the railing next to Rock, Stanza explained: “They’re just concerned about you~~. They’re no strangers to humans because the cruise ship passes along their path~~. And it’s because of that, they’ve seen a fair share of accidents involving children~~~ It’s very hard to help if your tentacles are poisonous, that’s what they told me~~” “Sir Rock, despite your senior age compared to my master, you look like a child. I know you’re a strong robot~~ But the people and pokemon of this world don’t.” It’s so simple. Crash tried to stifle her chuckle with a pout. “A-ah...” The boy sheepishly rubbed the back of his head. “Please send them my apologies.” “Already done that in advance~~” Stanza replied.  Up ahead was a different group of underwater creatures. They’re round, blue, and much cuter than the intimidating jellyfishes. Wailmers. An entire pod of them. Both robots squeal from the sheer cuteness at the rotundness. Whales are already cute enough in their original home. Now, they’re even more adorable! “Ohmigosh, Crash!” Rock said. “They so round, like Beat! Uh, some to think of it they’re the same colour too.” The orange bot replied, “Hah! They really do have the same shading as Beat! How’s he doing by the way?” “Good. Helping out Roll mostly.” Then, they’re blessed with a rare sighting. A massive Wailord emerged from the deeper ends of the ocean. Its sheer size slammed against the water surface and sent a massive splash far above the surface. Rock dropped his jaw. “Whoa. Whoaaaaa. That is their version of a blue whale right there.” “Believe it or not, humans do make friends with those creatures,” Crash explained. “Trainers are allowed to catch and raise those whales. I... have no idea how they could fit in a Pokecenter. You got to ask Nurse Joy about that.” Ask, he did. Rock locked a curious stare at Nurse Joy.

How could you know… about that??

There was more to this one than met the eyes, that was sure. A robot wouldn’t have casual knowledge of such a thing, this had to have been hands-on, or specialised.

Then there was the matter of her make-up. He had never seen upgrades of this calibre before. Observing while she did her work, the movements were slick. He hadn’t seen quite a dash since watching Rock do his slide moves.

Either way, there was no time for guesses. The other had her hands full, and Plant was struggling at the newly-formed bonds in a wild fury, grinding inside them as the thorn grip tightened.

Would an organic anaesthetic knock him down from a state like this..? There was only one way to find out.

Hurriedly rummaging through the botanical stores, Toad grappled for a cumbersome ether bottle kept in Plant’s wares. Filled up one of the smaller, more pressurised irrigation capsules he kept, and returned in urgency.

Heaven help this bot, he sighed, as he launched it.

The plan worked. The ether had sedated Plant enough to receive assistance from Toad. She looked down on her own hands. As expected, there were a fair number of cuts. It’s still rather surface-level. None of her skeletal or key motor wires suffered damage. For a person who’s no stranger to losing entire limbs, this was a small matter. “I’m fine, thanks.” She replied. “About your question, yes. An episode happened once in my home before. So happen my family watched a science video about plants and ether the few days before. We had both the supplies and medical expertise in-house, so that’s how I know what to do.” It’s a bit of a mouthful to explain in hindsight. Crash glanced at Plant, then back to Toad. “Should I go home first? Or, it’s okay if I wait for the repairs.” I guess Plant have his temper thresholds. The news about reprogramming in the name of love is quite... sickening. Though, I wonder how is it different from myself? From the way toad addressed me, he doesn’t recognize my real identity.


For some reason a bird speaking Japanese is mildly off putting.

> Literal translation
Bird:” ‘Uhm Hello, this is the Ono family.”
Bird: “What’s wrong?”
Owner: “Abe-chan, you’re a little too early. Once the phone’s picked up, then properly say hello.”
Bird: “Okay, understood.”
Owner: “Do you really understand? I’m counting on you. Hello, this is the Ono family residence in Gifu.”]
Bird: “Okay, I understand!”
Owner: “Got it.”
> That’s clearly some sort of Pokemon.
> Off-putting? It’s like birds were meant to speak Japanese!
> For some reason it’s never occurred to me that birds can mimic languages other than English. It’s so cool, though!

@crashadventure – RL Stanza? ^__^

Confirmed. Damn this is awesome


Shoot for the Moon....

“Of course,” Cale bleats. 

“Sure thing, sis.” 

Rock crosses his arms, but he’s ready to move at a moment’s notice. He doubted this would escalate however. They’d been careful, and even Envoi was pretty damn calm, they hadn’t really shown up during this conversation so far.


”Hello again Rock. We are happy to see you.” One of the orbs reached out a tiny, perfectly formed fairy hand to pat Rock’s finger. It’s a far cry from their former misshapen selves. ‘Things are going to be fine.’ It’s so unbelievable, yet the results were right in front of her. “H-hang on a moment,” Crash said. She’s already smiling though she’s still nervous. “Princess Iris. You don’t believe in a full Reploid world because you’ve read my writing?” Iris nodded. “That’s also why I ran away from my nation. I came to realise X and Zero are right: peace doesn’t come from maintaining a single race. It’s all about people’s hearts and their intentions.” The orange robot covered her face and started to squirm in absolute embarrassment. A happy one, but embarrassed nonetheless. ”Oh em gee Rock Cale you have no idea what this means it I don’t know how to say this it’s all inspired by my travels and all those thinking pondering aaaaaaahhh!” Meanwhile X and Zero laughed their butts off at the other room. Their voices attracted Envoi’s attention. The entire swarm glued themselves along that side of the wall.

“Shoutout to titaniumthamnophid. For having amazing Snake Mna blog. The mun puts her heart into the muse and makes me want to play the game again. She is such a fun person and I like seeing the post she makes on my dash. Such a lovely person and should be followed by others.”

Toad tilted his head a bit at the orange lady, while struggling with Plant’s back vines. He was surprisingly sturdy, and well grounded, for what people assumed to be a ‘slippery’ bot.

Was this person a witness to the glitched mess this robot became? 

If she was close enough to be on his contacts, most definitely. 

He nodded. For some reason, the lady’s helm brought the faintest recollection, but he pushed it aside with a gusto. A far greater issue was afoot.

With a yank, Toad pulled him back, gesturing to the newcomer.

“About the size of it. It started with that fool and his reprogra- ribbit- JEEZ!

Plant swung, carelessly knocking pots to the ground wet with the remnants of a Rain Flush. His eyes were glowing eerily, wildly. 

It was as if a fiery sun burned within his optics.

“They’ll disable on sight if they see him like this!”

There’s no time to worry about herself. Crash’s eyes darted around for anything that she could use to protect Plant from himself. The vines. She grabbed one of the vines and curled it around her hand. The spikes dug into the surface, but there were no punctures. Yet. I don’t have Envoi, but I still have my skills! Dash boots, activate. A gust of hot air propelled her towards Plant. She circled around him and coiled the vines around plant. My knotting skills are too terribad for this. I’ll have to tangle him up with a few more extra vines. Grab. Dash. Jump off the walls if that’s what she needed to make the vines loop around themselves. The plan was a success. But they’re not out of the jungle yet. Plant may instinctively attempt to unwind himself the moment she lets go of the bundle of thorns in her hand. “Toadman!” she said, “Do you have ether? If yes, fill that up in your Rain Capsule and shower them on Plant! Anything that can sedate organic plants will work on him too!”

Anonymous asked:

it's Towel Day! Always know where your towel is and carry it with you today

Blink. Blink.“I can’t believe such a day even exists.”


It didn’t take long for the circumstance to escalate. Though the immediate sickness wore off, a new one had taken its place.

One Rain Flush after another, but there was no getting through to him. Even the sensitivities in his system wouldn’t make him relent.

He was.. gone.

A message buzzed. In the contacts, a drawing that looked to have been sketched in ink arose. Of course, MediBang was one of the apps the bot regularly had open.

It depicted a robot with a blank expression. Appeared female.

Was this someone he knew..? In any event, he had no means to flag Doctor Cossack, so he had to improvise.

The bottom line was, if he knew this woman, she must be trusted. Plant knew decidedly few people personally, and Bright, well.. he had bailed. He didn’t like things that were outside of his clear, bright comprehension, and had left the toady one to it.

Thus, he responded.

[Text] I don’t know who you are, but I need assistance. Rather urgently. [Text] My name is Toad Man of the Cossack line. [Text] As it would happen, I’m not in Russia, so you’re in luck. [Text] Sending coordinates now for ease of access. If you are a robot, teleport at will. I’ll be ready.

Toady. In her world, he’s Matilda’s favourite friend. The frog struck a bond on the first meeting. Now, she’s going to meet a different version. Will he recognize me? I hope not. It’s going to be complicated if he realises I’m Wily. Nonetheless, Crash teleported to the designated coordinates. As Toad said, he’s there. The air had the scent of fresh rain. She approached the frog Robot Master. “Toad Man, I got here as fast as I can. Is Plant having another episode of illness?” ...It’s my fault here. There’s no denying it. Eff em ell. This is what happens with unauthorized medication.

The amount of goodies in this bag was astounding.  The fact he was licking his lips showed just how pleasing the sight was.  “Oh, I’ll take good care of all of this.  And don’t worry, I’ll do what I can for her.  Gravs has the best chance of earning her affections and he’s doing it as a proper gentleman.  No tricks, no reprogramming nonsense, just genuinely getting to know her and spending time with her.  Honestly, with the way the other two with interest are acting, Gravity deserves her more than they do.  Perhaps with this stuff I can just disable him and not outright gut him like I was thinking before…. though, if he keeps going at it, that’s an option I’ll have to entertain.”  He saved those special daggers for occasions like that.  “I hope all goes well for you.  Maybe on some days I can drop by, visit, tell some stories of how things have been going.  Nothing beats a good tale.”

“Wait, you’re telling me this is all about love?” Forced affection. Slavery. Or worse. A figurative flare ignited in her eyes. “Twinnie. Please give hell in my stead. Disable. Then gut him.” As for her retirement, “Ah, thanks. Though to be honest, nothing much will happen. I won’t be leaving the house much. And, I’d end up writing a story instead of experiencing one. If you get what I mean.” “I better not keep you from working out your plan. Goodbye and good luck, Twinnie.”

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