
retail etiquette

alternatively titled, “how to be a decent human being to people who are suffering enough as it is to help your supposedly entitled ass”

1. get off your cell phone.         - cashiers ( not to mention the people patiently waiting in line ) don’t need to hear about how little Kelsey’s doing on the soccer team, or how your mother-in-law is coming into town for her birthday and you’re just SO INCONVENIENCED by having to purchase paper plates and cheap napkins before her arrival.  just tell them you’ll call them back when you’re done.       - if you can’t be assed to think about other people, at least acknowledge the cashier with a smile or a wave.  if they speak to you or ask you a question, don’t shush them.  tell your BFF Tanisha to hold on for what might be a total of four seconds. 

2.  when an item doesn’t immediately scan, please say anything but “oh, it must be free!”  please, dear god, anything but that.  you’re not being funny.  or clever.  or original.  they hear this at least ten times a day.  

3.  the number of items listed on the express lane is not a suggestion.  if you know that you have more items, don’t go there.  it’s that simple.  the express lanes have to be kept open for people who have small orders, so they’re not stuck behind someone with a cart piled high with what’s maybe a week’s worth of food and clothes you’ll inevitably be returning. 

4.  while unloading your cart, put the big items ( i.e., packages of toilet paper, crates of water bottles ) last.  there’s very little room for the cashiers to work with.  when you’re done unloading your cart, pull it up to the loading space and start putting the bags and other items into your cart instead of standing there and staring off into space or fiddling with your phone. 

5.  when you ask a cashier a store-related question ( i.e., how many coupons are allowed per order, whether or not you’re getting the right BOGO deal, etc. ), and they answer you politely and confidently, don’t challenge them.  they work there.  you don’t.  they know the way the store works.  you don’t.  if they’ve forgotten something or made a mistake, by all means, ask them about it – but do it politely.  we all make mistakes.  

6.  do not – i repeat, do not – put your money down on the counter or conveyor belt, especially if the cashier is visibly ready to take it.  hand it over to them.  if you need to count out some change, tell them so they can wait.  oh, and if they’ve already cashed you out, don’t hand over some random amount of change after the drawer’s open.  

7.  if your card’s declined, it’s not their fault.  don’t ask them why it wasn’t accepted.  they don’t know.  and don’t get angry or impatient with them, or insist you have money because you just deposited a check – they do not care.  they cannot help you with problems that are clearly on your end.  

8.  do not yell at a cashier.  once again, for the people in the back:  do not yell at a cashier, especially someone who’s clearly new to the job.  would you appreciate being yelled at for something beyond your control, or a simple, fixable mistake?  no.  so don’t do it to them.  

9.  if you get an answer you don’t like from a cashier and ask to speak to a manager, guess what?  you’re most likely gonna get the same answer from them.  here’s a news flash: the customer is not always right, the company will not always pander to your temper tantrums, and making a scene in front of a line of people with quickly-diminishing patience will not change their minds. 

10.  overall, please just be polite.  these people are working their asses off to help their customers, most of which don’t appreciate their efforts at all.  they’re constantly ignored, mistreated, questioned and degraded, and over time, it really does a number on their emotional state.  just be kind and courteous.  they’re human beings, not mindless drones.  smiles and nice conversations go a long way.  

if anyone else has anything to add, feel free.  floor associates, back room / production workers – go crazy.  share your woes and pet peeves.  


So how long will it be before I see that Hitchhiker’s quote about the people electing the lizards


“On its world, the people are people. The leaders are lizards. The people hate the lizards and the lizards rule the people.”

“Odd,” said Arthur, “I thought you said it was a democracy.”

“I did,” said Ford. “It is.”

“So,” said Arthur, hoping he wasn’t sounding ridiculously obtuse, “why don’t the people get rid of the lizards?”

“It honestly doesn’t occur to them,” said Ford. “They’ve all got the vote, so they all pretty much assume that the government they’ve voted in more or less approximates to the government they want.”

“You mean they actually vote for the lizards?”

“Oh yes,” said Ford with a shrug, “of course.”

“But,” said Arthur, going for the big one again, “why?”

“Because if they didn’t vote for a lizard,” said Ford, “the wrong lizard might get in.”

*shoots finger guns* Thank you so very much.




Yesterday a terrorist killed 41 people in a stadium in Al-Asriya, a few miles from Baghdad. It was a football tournament. Seventeen aged between 10 and 16 died. Had it happened in Europe, the entire world would be weeping; our politicians would spend hours saying how Islam hates the West and how we should ‘close the borders’ to refugees. But these boys died in Iraq, and some bombs are not as loud as others. May they rest in peace. 


People laugh when I try to explain Canada’s vast climate and geography:

Like how in Manitoba, we have sand dunes in the Spruce Woods Provincial park

They just kind of hang out in the middle of the prairies.

Then there’s the desert in Drumheller, Alberta, complete with wild cacti:

And then there are the rain forests in British Columbia:

…where you can find cute little fluffies like the Spirit Bear.

And then of course we have the tundra we’re so famous for.  It looks a little different in the summer though:

but  in the winter it looks just like you think it would

Then, of course, the Rockies and all their many, many lakes

There’s the fjords in Newfoundland

Our boreal forests look particularly stunning in the fall

We even have beaches…really nice ones too!

…anyway…I think it’s really cool. It’s not all igloos and snow drifts, you know!

Will trade soul for citizenship

Wow. I will trade my soul as well.


Proud to be a canadien ☺️☺️



  • wait until it gets dark and make tea or coffee or hot chocolate, or if it’s too hot outside make yourself a healthy smoothie with your favorite things in it at any point during the day
  • put on your favorite underwear, it helps, trust me, it’s an old family secret (i’m not kidding)
  • if you have a pet, play the “how many things can i stick on you until you move or get mad” game (bonus points if they fall asleep, extra bonus points if a family member sees you and tells you to quit it, extra double ultra points if they join in)
  • rip a peice of paper into as many little pieces as you can
  • go to animeseason.com and click “random anime” until you see one that looks completely ridiculous (or actually good) and watch the first episode. repeat if it sucked or if you get bored halfway through
  • spend at least an hour making a music playlist for how you feel right now and save it for now or when you feel a bad mood rise again
  • curl up in bed and cover yourself with blankets and pillows and put in music and just lay there for a while (sleeping is also good)
  • eat everything
  • drink lots of water
  • it’s okay bad moods don’t last forever!!!!!! i promise!!! you will be yourself soon and there are people who love you very much, don’t be afraid to reach out to them
  • you are lovely
  • eat lots of bananas

here are some more friends

  • i bet there is still a box of crayons in your house somewhere (if not you can get them cheap during back-to-school sales); find them and use them (maybe while watching ridiculous anime)
  • sunshine if you can manage it or just a sun lamp trust me it matters more than you think especially in winter
  • hugs even if they are stuffed animals or your pet or your pillow whatever is on hand
  • if you’ve got a favorite lotion/soap/thing that is scented use it liberally
  • cry if you need, if it doesn’t start by itself or if you don’t want to attract attention put on a sad movie so you have an excuse
  • write this down to pull out on future bad days:
  • it is okay to have a day where you don’t get things done
  • it is okay not to have a reason for feeling bad
  • taking care of yourself is a worthwhile use of time
  • if you still don’t feel better it is not your fault (and it is okay to ask for help)

nobody on this website knows what communism is

its the service of christian worship at which bread and wine are shared

No that’s communion communism was a show on nbc about a community college

you’re thinking of community. communism is a form of birth control that goes over a penis


youre thinking of a condom. communism is the travel to a place on a daily basis to go to work

youre thinking about commute. communism is when you share/exchange ideas,information, or news with someone.

you’re thinking of communication. communism is an electronic device used from storing and processing data.

you’re thinking of a computer. communism is a form of symbiosis where one organism benefits and the other has no effect.


you’re thinking of commensalism. communism is a ceremony in which degrees or diplomas are conferred on graduating students.


youre thinking of commencement. communism is the state in which something has been finished.

You’re thinking of completion, communism is an actively deforming region when two or more tectonic plates move toward each other and collide

you’re thinking of a convergent boundary, communism is the process of burning

you’re thinking of combustion. communism is sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others

You’re thinking of compassion. Communism is a punctuation mark used mainly to separate parts of sentences


You’re thinking of a comma. Communism is a direct order.


You’re thinking of a command. Communism is when you express sympathy or pity.

You’re thinking of commiseration. Communism is when you give the different forms of a verb.

You’re thinking of conjugation. Communism is a chemical bond that involves the sharing of electron pairs between atoms.

you’re thinking of Covalent bond. Communism is an icy body in the solar system that develops a long, bright tail when it passes near the sun.

You’re thinking of comet. Communism is the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, etc.

you’re thinking of commitment. communism is a person who purchases goods and services for personal use


you’re thinking of consumer. communism is the state of being bewildered or unclear in one’s mind about something.

you’re thinking of confusion. communism is the prevention of excessive or wasteful use of a resource


you’re thinking of conservation. communism kills.


Watch the HD version on my Youtube channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYUrtPaE_OrVICVqli5zxjw

Camellias painted with Dr Ph Martin’s Hydrus Liquid watercolours on Hahnemühle watercolour paper. I used a variety of  Escoda Perla, Princeton and Da Vinci brushes.

Special thanks to Lorne Chance for letting me use the track “Panama - Guitar Mix” in this video - Check out more of Lorne Chance’s music on Soundcloud! https://soundcloud.com/musicman2-1

Follow me on instagram @sancrone


Bernie Sanders is fed up with racism directed toward President Obama

Thank you Bernie!

i wish i could vote for him twice


Earlier i was watching old scooby doo cartoons and velma fucking picked up the entire gang and ran off with them wher is this velma now cartoon network

WHERE is the velma we deserve



I heard that Velma has an eight pack. that Velma is shredded

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