
Kirk's Tycho IV Trauma

@obrienpolycule / obrienpolycule.tumblr.com

prev gaygentkatz. Jules/Tam. queer. they/them. 20s. black. (feel free to ask me to tag things)

i had a dream recently that i posted on tumblr about me speeding and then the cops found it and used it to get me a speeding ticket and then i contested the ticket by pulling up another tumblr post where i claimed i did 9/11 and my point was that i make shit up on tumblr all the time and as such all of my tumblr posts should be inadmissible and this case should be dismissed but it had the opposite effect and the judge sentenced me to over 3000 life sentences for the people.i killed when i did 9/11


So we never see any of them eat or drink and they outsource the ability to tell if they need to pee or not. We don't know how their bodies work but we know they aren't human (green blood) but I think this has to do with how sanitized and disconnected from nature their lives are that they have disconnected their bodies from the icky process of body waste because it's "a waste of time"


The fact that this is the second time I've been watching something and part of the point of the ep was that there were not people of color present but i didn't notice because im so used to not seeing people like me represented in the kinds of shows and movies i love because that's how it's been for a good portion of my life


[guy who genuinely fucking loathes himself voice] well on account of my charming and endearing nature. Of course


leela letting andred pin her down and draw blood with her knife juuust a little and he’s so enthralled with what he’s doing that he doesn’t notice her taking his staser off his belt <3 but they love playing games like this with each other it turns them both on so bad so neither of them backs down until she’s bleeding everywhere and he’s taken a few (light) stun shots. then they fuck like crazy 🫶


“old man writes about gen z on their damn phones” ?????? no?????? old man writes about the dangers of staying in your own bubble and prejudice and privilege to the point where you’d rather die than let a black man save you????? old man writes about useless influencer-types who are so dependent on their bubble that they dont know when they need a piss???????? old man writes about white people desperately trying to make their own aryan society and staying in their racist BUBBLE ????????

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