
Kaiju Den

@kaiju-den / kaiju-den.tumblr.com

Cera's kaiju art blog, previously an ask blog.

As all good things...

So too does kaiju den's story end. This blog will no longer be functioning as an ask blog, and the current inbox will be cleared.

Thank you everyone for a great couple of years. It truly has been fun, and it's been fun to see so many of you coming back for content. However, I have too much on my plate and answering asks has become a burden in stead of it being a pleasure. Hence why I feel like I need to pull the drapes.

That being said, the blog itself will not be going anywhere. Instead, this will be a space to host my rambles about the kaiju, and any art of them.

So why don't we get that kicked off via a doodle of Burning Goji I did a while ago, just so y'all see I haven't died or anything. :")


Anonymous asked:

can we see what Leo is up too, i miss my favorite Moth boi.

Mothra: Oh Leo? He's currently showing Moshu Infant Island from sky view. Please do be careful, darling! Leo: You know I wouldn't let anything happen to any of my sisters, mom!

Anonymous asked:

Hey Godzilla do u ever think you’re a stuck up fat brat cause I definitely do so is shin in my opinion I think ur both fucking dumb assess that are whiny and I hope u suffer in a hole and slowly die I would probably die from laughter

Goji: ... Dude...

ooc: while the characters of this blog are fictional it's still not cool to send hateful messages to anyone. Spread love, not hate, and all that jazz <3

Anonymous asked:

Gigan, could you please tell us a bit about you ?

Gigan: Of course, that's my favourite subject to talk about! What ya wanna know?

Gigan: I guess to get the basics out first, I live in Seatopia with Megalon who is my partner, and apparently I'm now concidered their second god which is pretty neat. Life here is pretty chill, sometimes me and Megs go up to Pollution Island to hang out with Hedorah and their crew.

Anonymous asked:

Godzilla, who do you have a crush on?

Gojira: I don't have a crush on anyone, stupid human. My family and friends are enough to keep me busy.


Hey Varan when you don’t want peace and quiet who do you usually hang out with?????


Varan: Angiras and Baragon are who I mostly spend time with. Rodan also, and Gojira when he's not being grumpy.

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