
I'm like the joker but a muppet


It's Kermit all the way down Baby ((All Muppet, All Hole, All Pro Noun))
Greetings Homosapians.

Is there anyone there? Is anyone left on Tumblr? Tumb er dot com. Webbed site, hashtag! I am the JOKER! I AM THE JOKER! I AM THE JOKER! Hi Ho, Kermit the Frog, here! Muppet the Hole, here! Don't be so coy. You can call me Croaker! You can call me! Don't be so coy.

Kermit. Joker. Bro Strider. Adam. Vriska. Dark Eve. Jesus is sleeping. Applejack is awake.


  • The Muppet Joker. I am scared of what I have created and will close my eyes when posting from now on so I am not harmed by my own hubris
  • Emos and those who indulge in the Chemical Romance. You people are sick
  • Minors, people over 30, and people who are 25. That is the age of arrogance
  • People who have a gemini moon in their astrological chart. You people are sick
  • People who were raised Lutheran
  • Twitter users
  • Tumblr users
  • Testosterone users. Just kidding love you Trans Genders OwO glomps you :3
  • People who identify with either binary gender. It's 2025 grow up and be Nonby (Short for Non Binary)
  • Those of you who do not understand the intellectual depths of Homestuck or misunderstand its themes... looking at you Karkat x John shippers
  • Mr. Strange. You may look at my blog but only when I am offline. If I catch you being online at the same time as me... *I evil smile and you get scared* I'LL MUPPING KICK YOUR ASS!!!!!!!!

Are you scared? Are you scared? Are you scared? Are you scared? Are you scared? Are you scared? Heh.

Run while you can.
Anonymous asked:

i like your new poem, kermit. i hope marsha likes it too. have you tried making friends with her?

Landlords are Leeches. You're telling me to befriend a member of the leeching class? Educate yourself before ever looking me in the eyes again, Bootlicker!

Streaks of Grey running through her hair

Like fingers wearing

Too many rings; I pick up the phone to her

Shrill voice. Like a bird,

I think, as she tells me my rent is

Long Overdue.

I tell her the birds on the tree outside my apartment are not as pretty as they think they are.

She tells me she does not understand.

People have left her before, gone too soon

Broken her heart

Broken their lease

She pinches her lips together whenever she looks at you

Like she is disgusted with what she sees

You are such a cunt, Marsha.

I tell her I will pay rent whenever I damn well please and that she should be happy to have it late

At least then, she can have somebody to call on the phone

And bother with her horrible voice

She tells me I am her worst tenant.

I tell her I wish she were dead.

Neither of us have anyone else to talk to, so we stay on the line.


Have you ever seen Gonzo sucking off Kermit? No? Then you weren’t one of the 80 people I was hanging out with tonight.

Gods this would be such a guilty pleasure of mine to witness...
Marsha my Landlord is such a Total Bitch. Today she called me requesting I stop kicking the trees on the property. I said Well then how am I supposed to train? She said she Did not know what I meant by that and did not care. I said she Better watch her tone because I am a well renowned writer and I am not afraid to write an expert level poem about how much I hate her and show it to the whole world. She said Oh I Did Not Know You Wrote Poetry and got all quiet. She said her late husband wrote poems. She said she would not mind if I wrote a poem about how much I hate her. It had been a long time since someone had written about her. I said Okay I Will Put The Poem In Your Mailbox. She said Fine just please stop kicking the trees. I said Okay I Guess. What a CUNT!

Virtual DashCon… And A Duel For The Ages

We'll see you in the pit

We’ve got a whole host of announcements for you, but first, we need your help.

Virtual DashCon 2

Plenty of people weren’t able to get tickets to DashCon 2, but we’re looking to expand the convention into a hybrid model with live streams of DashCon 2 events, online-only panels, and a virtual convention hall in a private Discord server!

We are currently in communication with a professional livestream service in Toronto to have panels - and our upcoming announcement - streamed to the public. However, for this investment to be worthwhile, we have to get a good estimation of numbers. Please answer this poll to let us know!

While we can’t be 100% sure yet, we estimate tickets being ½ the price of in-person admission ($17.50 CAD; ~$12.50 USD or ~11.20 € at time of writing).

If you’d like to give us some more input, you can fill out this Google Form. We’d really appreciate it!

The Duel

You’ve been waiting for this day… DashCon 2 is not for the faint of heart. Two forces of darkness will walk into a ball pit, diametrically opposed… foes.

@strangeaeons and @the-muppet-joker have been at odds for ages, but we have reached the boiling point. Lines have been crossed, and scores must be settled.

Introducing, The Duel.

Before you ask: yes, this event will be livestreamed by a professional videographer at Virtual DashCon 2.

There will be merch.

We’ll see you in the pit.

P.S. Volunteering Announcements Coming Next Friday! :)

By the way So What I inhaled all that asbestos no need to belittle me I thought there was a Secret Surprise in there but No turns out just more Asbestos

I’ve wanted to draw the Joker in a dress ever since I saw this excerpt from the script for ‘Arkham Asylum’ by Grant Morrison:

"Pale and emaciated, he should look simply grotesque, but standing there, hand on out-thrust hip, he project an absolute confidence that comes upon him a bizarre kind of attractiveness and sexuality". Edited: I added boobs.


the asbestos is just a front. something sinister is going on behind there

I think so too... tonight I will go into the so-called "Asbestos Zone" to see what Marsha Landlord is really hiding!
Marsha my Landlord has been sending me very nasty emails falsely accusing me of breaking into the basement of our apartment complex. Apparently my "blatant disregard" for the Authorized Personnel Only signs have contaminated the entire apartment with asbestos. Not my fault the seal keeping it contained was so easy to tear!!!!!!!!
As it turns out, the mystery basement surprise was just Asbestos. Sad!
"Authorized Personnel Only?"
Nice try... little do you know I am something of a Joker...
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