
the foxbury institute

@thefoxburyinstitute / thefoxburyinstitute.tumblr.com

sims 4 tutorials




freshman year = absolute beginner level tutorials (mostly photoshop recolours and game tips)

sophomore year = more advanced recolours, tattoos, makeup, advanced tutorials for photoshop. the furthest you can go without going into blender!

junior year = pose making, pose accessory making, object converting (where you open up blender)

senior year = CAS assets (clothing, hair, jewelry, shoes)

extra curricular = program specific tutorials, hard surface modeling, texturing, all that 3d nerd jazz!

i’m still tagging and organizing at the moment so thank you for your patience.



we got one! this isn’t for fly by folk (ie we actually expect you to stay and help others!) so come on down. read more about it here


TS4, DirectX 11, and ReShade

Patch notes today say that finally (finally!) The Sims 4 is moving over to use the DirectX 11 rendering api. Until now TS4 has used DirectX 9, which has given us some limitations when using ReShade.

They're bringing the official rollout sometime in the future, but for now you can opt in to switching to DirectX 11 on a voluntary basis.

You don't need to uninstall your game or install a new version. To switch to using DirectX 11, update your game with today's patch, and then click on Manage > View Properties from the The Sims 4 game page on EA App and enter -dx11 in the advanced launch options box. You can remove this at any time to go back to using DirectX 9.

Note: the game developers have warned in the patch notes that some mods may have visual glitches until they are updated to accommodate dx11, so it may be advisable to wait until your mod authors have confirmed everything works okay

If you have ReShade installed currently for DirectX 9 you can make it start using DirectX 11 instead by finding the d3d9.dll inside your Bin folder and changing its name to dxgi.dll. No need to uninstall and reinstall ReShade, that's all you need to do. If you want to go back to using dx9, just revert the name back to d3d9.dll.

The main benefit of using ReShade under DirectX 11 is that you'll have access to more shaders than usual. You've probably noticed a lot of red errors (also known as compiling errors) -- those are more often than not these days caused by DirectX 9 limitations.


Let's Talk About Posing

A Sims 4 posing tutorial

Providing a written tutorial with images to help you learn basic posing in The Sims 4 and also various mods and tricks you can use to help your posing experience. I know there are more tricks on this out in the wild, so I don’t dare call it a complete tutorial. It will, however, get you started.

Updated: November 2023

Mods I’m going to talk about:

This is a long tutorial, but it should help you with using all of the above mentioned mods to have a better posing experience in The Sims 4.

Read More–

Anonymous asked:

When creating deco sims do you recommend decimating the LOD 0 mesh if the poly count is too high (like 50k or so high)? I understand that decimating the mesh for LOD 1 and 2 is important but do you think it’s also important for LOD 0?

Thank you!

absolutely lol. deco sims are basically high poly clutter so keeping LOD0 (and 1 and 2) low makes for a lag free lot.

you should not be having any deco sim above 50K. i'd decimate pieces of it (ie it's usually hair and clothes that are high) and then joining the pieces back together


A Simple Neon Sign Tutorial [TS4]

By Networksims [Twitter / YT / TSR]

You will need:

  • Sims4Studio
  • Blender 2.9
  • Any image editor

1. Open S4S. Under “Object”, select “Create 3D Mesh” then click “Object”


2. Search for “plank” and select the wall light.

3. Under the meshes tab, click export mesh (make sure LOD 0 is selected in the dropdown).

4. Open the exported file in blender.

5. Select “s4studio_mesh_1″ from the top right menu. Then press TAB to go into edit mode, and then press A to select it all.

6. Press X and select “Vertices” in the menu that appears to delete the object. Do not delete the object from the top right menu.

7. Now press TAB again to go into object mode, and add a text object using the bottom left menu.

8. This will add a generic text object to the mesh. Press TAB again to edit it and enter whatever text you’d like.

9. Now press TAB again and select the font menu from the top right menu.


10. Find these options and press the folder icon next to “Regular”.


11. Navigate to your font folder and select the font you’d like to use. (Windows users: open “Font Settings” from your settings and you can preview all your fonts).


12. Now your text should be in your selected font.

13. Press ALT C and select “Mesh from Curve”

14. Press TAB then CTRL + N, and tick the “Inside” box that should appear in the bottom left.

15. Press TAB again and select the modifiers menu from the bottom right. Then click “Add Modifier” and find “Decimate”. Make sure you’re in object mode, not edit mode.

16. Select the “Planar” option and increase the angle limit as much as you can before the text becomes too distorted. 15o is generally your best bet.


17. I’m now adding a border around my text. If you don’t want to do this skip to step 20. In edit mode, add a “Plane” to your mesh. Drag the edges in till it fits around your text and raise it so it lays flat with the text.

18. Press I and drag your mouse towards the centre of the mesh until you get the desired border width.

19. With face select on, select the centre face, press X and select “Faces”.

20. With all the mesh selected, press R and click wherever. In the bottom left menu, enter 90o as the angle and tick the Y and Z boxes under “Constraint Axis”. Drag it around until it’s fairly centred and lines up with the shadow box.


21. In edit mode, press E and drag forward until the desired depth.

22. In the top right menu, click on “Text” and shift-click on “s4studio_mesh_1″, then press CTRL + J.

23. In edit mode, make sure all your sign is selected, then click “Image” > “New Image” in the far left corner. Click OK. You should get a weird set of lines and the texture on your mesh should look terrible. This is normal.

*This is UV-mapping. Normally faces are selected one-by-one to create a nice clean texture map which can then be used to create beautiful textures. However since our sign will be flat white with no shading, it doesn’t really matter.

24. Press SHIFT + CTRL + S to save your file.

25. In the top left, delete “s4studio_mesh_0″. Then select “s4studio_mesh_1″, open the “Scene” menu and change “Cut” under “S4Studio CAS Tools” to 0. Repeat step 24 but do not override your other mesh.


26. Open S4S again. Under the meshes tab, for each of the non-shadow LODs, import your first mesh. For the shadow LODs, import your second. You may need to make different LODs depending on your mesh’s complexity.

27. In an image editor, make a 64x64 white png.

28. In the “Textures” tab in S4S, import your white square as the texture.

29. And we’re done! Save in S4S, put the package into your mods folder and enjoy your new light :)


Hair Clipping in Cycles

No one asked for this, but I figured I'd share because it's pretty helpful. So, in the pic below, you see Eve's got some fucked up hair. It looked perfectly fine in Eevee, but after switching over to Cycles, a bunch of ugly shadows showed up all over my girl's do.

To fix this, go to Edit mode, select all (press A), then press M. You'll see a menu pop up on the side, go to the last option 'By Distance.'

And there you go, no more shadows. In my case, I didn't have to mess around with the 'Merge Distance.' But sometimes you'll have to because Blender is weird and inconsistent. I'll usually enter 0.001, 0.002, etc. and keep moving up or down until it looks right.


i've been making custom content for almost a year now, so i thought it might be helpful to start sharing little things i've learned to do in blender! i created this step-by-step guide on how to remove seams from a maxis mesh and how to edge split parts of meshes which should appear "crisp." i think they really help to make custom content look neater in-game.

you don't need to do this if you're making recolors, but if you export the mesh from sims 4 studio (i.e. to make something from a pack base game compatible), these seams will appear.

i hope this is helpful for others who are starting off editing maxis meshes themselves! 💪💪

Anonymous asked:

hi! okay so i am having an issue with relight (the newest version as i just subscribed last night) in the 6.1.1 version of reshade. In CAS the light symbol appears but it doesnt emit any light no matter what changes I make. It also doesn't even show the light symbols in game. I did have some errors loading effects (Marty'sMod_LUTMANAGER, Marty'sMods_FFTBLOOM) and i do have the launchpad enabled. Im just not sure what im missing. I would reeeally appreciate your help when you have the time.

Hi anon,

Do other depth effects work? Do you have your depth buffer set up correctly? I go over using the depth buffer in my Understanding ReShade guide.

The two shaders you mentioned won't compile under dx9, you'll have to use dxvk to run the game as Vulkan instead of dx9 if you want to use those.


I've put together a few tips that I've learnt during my pose making escapades. I hope they'll come in handy!

My best piece of advice is just to mess around yourself. You don't even have to make anything useable at first, but you've gotta give yourself time to get used to how Blender feels.. the controls, how stuff moves etc. Give it a chance!


Let's Talk About Posing

A Sims 4 posing tutorial

Providing a written tutorial with images to help you learn basic posing in The Sims 4 and also various mods and tricks you can use to help your posing experience. I know there are more tricks on this out in the wild, so I don’t dare call it a complete tutorial. It will, however, get you started.

Updated: May 2024

Mods I’m going to talk about:

This is a long tutorial, but it should help you with using all of the above mentioned mods to have a better posing experience in The Sims 4.

Read More–


Broken CC + Dresser Issue

hi folks,

just letting you know, adrienpastels' willow shirt can cause an issue where you can't change any of your sims' outfits - using any dresser or MCCC. In my experience, once the savefile is affected it seems to be a permanent issue. I had to remove the shirt and role back my savefile.

Another simmer was recently affected by the same issue and ended up rolling back their savefile too. Which is why I though it might be helpful if I posted about about it here.

I, of course, let adriendpastel know about the issue.

stay safe and remember to back up those save files <3


  • added pic of the willow top below
  • @adelarsims has posted a fixed version of the top here (sfs, free, no ads)
  • @sforzcc explains how the issue can be caused here.

Anonymous asked:

Hi! Thank you for your deco sim tutorial, it was super helpful and I managed to create a couple deco sims! In your tutorial you renamed the UVMap to uv_0 and added another UV map and named it uv_1. Out of curiosity, is it necessary to add another UV map when you’re making a simple deco sim (no accessories or glasses)? What is the purpose of adding that extra UV map?

Thank you for your help!

ah no purpose lol. you can delete the uv_1. that's a CAS thing (it's the uv that makes the sim morph and scale into clothing properly). for deco, it's just uv_0. i'll make that change on the tutorial

Anonymous asked:

Do you know if a tutorial exists for recoloring a default skin to be like, noodles sorbet palette? I want to make some berry sims but I’m very attached to my default/don’t like using full face masks instead

ah you'd have to create a new default skin based on the old one, export out the skin and then recolour it in PS. then your default skin will be in game. i recommend doing just...skin tones like lamatisse and creating a default overlay with all the details you want.

skins are not my specialty unfortunately but i found this tutorial. onlyh thing is that it's ancient so there probably have been some changes


Hello simmers! If you want to see my process and the final result of the 3d model I posted yesterday, please watch this video! The dress turned out amazing! I am so proud of myself! Hope you like it!! 

Source: youtube.com
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