

@letme-have-thismoment / letme-have-thismoment.tumblr.com

Ace She/Her  Palestinian-American Call me Moments

Hey y'all why are writers always cold?



They’re always surrounded by drafts!

How many mystery writers does it take to change a lightbulb?

Oh god.

How many?

Two! One to change the bulb, and the other to give it an unexpected twist at the end!

What do writers have for breakfast?


Synonym buns!

Where do all the struggling writers live?

How are you coming up with all these?


Writer’s Block!

What do writers suffer from each spring?

(I’ve heard a lot of them over the years.)

Allergies. Next question.

you were close; A case of allegories

Why are writers always in great shape?

Circular prose

Nope! It’s because we’re always running out of ideas!

Did you hear about the famous writer who turned out to be a fraud?

I did not

His life had it’s prose and cons…

Why is editing a better job than writing?

It’s more rewording?

Correct! I am out of jokes. :(



if i die and leave and get martyred in this war, i will not forgive the Arab leaders who failed us. we lived through difficult days without food or water, and my hair is turning white even though i'm so young. may god never forgive you or give you relief. i swear i will tell the creator about you.

forgive me, mom. i love you so much. please don't be sad when i die.

my message to the people of egypt, yemen, jordan, algeria, libya, lebanon, tunisia, sudan, somalia, malaysia - please don't leave Gaza alone. please, please promise me to take care of her. i love you all, please don't leave us.

if anyone finds my message, please spread it.

the martyr, godwilling, Mohammad Abdulqader Husseini



I think one big reason why we don't consider the stars as important as before (not even pop-astrology anymore cares about the stars or the sky on itself, just the signs deprived of context) is because of light pollution.

For most of human history the sky looked between 1-3, 4 at most. And then all of a sudden with electrification it was gone (I'm lucky if I get 6 in my small city). The first time I saw the Milky Way fully as a kid was a spiritual experience, I was almost scared on how BRIGHT it was, it felt like someone was looking back at me. You don't get that at all with modern light pollution.

When most people talk about stargazing nowadays they think about watching about a couple of bright dots. The stars are really, really not like that. The unpolluted night sky is a festival of fireworks. There is nothing like it.


As Biden tries to distract the world with yet another “possible ceasefire plan,” this is a reminder that Israel is still full force bombarding Rafah, allowing no aid to enter southern and northern Gaza, and routinely raiding cities in the West Bank. Today a 15 year old Palestinian was shot due to a raid near Jericho, while an Israeli attack in central Gaza killed 7 people—including a woman and her infant. Eastern Rafah is being heavily shelled as we speak. There is only one functioning hospital in all of Rafah, and it’s on the verge of collapse. Hundreds of people die every single day

This also literally just broke.

I don’t think words can properly encapsulate how fucked up it is to go not only go after Palestinians’ sacred sites, but to intermittently storm them as though you have a right to desecrate their beliefs. Faith is probably one of the last things that holds these people together through these harrowing conditions. I can’t imagine this happening to any of my family members whose hearts lie in their favorite mosque. This is Day 240.

if you have any amount of money to spare today, please please please consider donating to a gfm. I’ve reblogged a few just now, but if you’re indecisive like me and need someone to make the choice for you, gazafunds.com spotlights a random campaign for you to donate to. I’m literally just a uni student, but even I have a few dollars to spare every night.

Let this give you the push to scrounge up what you could. A few dollars could mean the difference between life and death for an entire family—and things are evidently getting no better.


I know everyone’s talking about how the cast of Danny Phantom is full of gay and trans characters exclusively to piss of Butch Hartman but let us not forget, Butch’s bread and butter, Fairly Odd Parents…

Timmy’s parents were 100% sure that Timmy was going to be a girl before he was born, as seen in the episode Secret Origin of Denzel Crocker.

Cosmo seems to be the only other one in the know about this, and has baby pictures of Timmy in a dress on hand

Then, in the episode The Boy Who Would Be Queen…

When Wanda does, inevitably, transform Timmy into a girl to teach him a lesson…

Cosmo immediately panics.

AND in the episode “It’s a Wishful LIfe” when Timmy wishes he never existed…

The Turners have a daughter instead.

In conclusion:

Timmy Turner is trans and used the power of one of his fairy godparents to wish that everyone in his life completely forget that he was born and raised female for a portion of his life, including his parents and his other fairy godparent.


Share to make butch hartman mad he accidentally keeps making characters trans


Félix making fun of Adrien is funny but Adrien making fun of Félix is equally as hilarious because like. He’s so quick about it. He doesn’t have to think about it, he knows exactly how to do it like he’s thought about it before.

In the episode ‘Félix’ alone, when he’s pretending to be Félix when the Punishers Trio show up, he immediately acts CARTOONISHLY evil. Does a silly evil cackle and runs off. Then later when he encounters Félix as Chat Noir, he immediately hits him with the, “You don’t have many friends, do you? :)”

Too bad we never got Chat Noir and Argos fighting because you just KNOW Chat would be leaving some devastating blows. Cain Instinct Real.


UPDATE: Sheets for Privacy in North Gaza

Because of the intense bombing of Jabaliya refugee camp in North Gaza, the destroyed homes that people were sheltering continue to lose walls and structure. There is no privacy for Palestinians as they struggle to find safe places to live in the midst of this genocide. To help with this, Mahmoud Abusalama, our friend in North Gaza, distributed sheets for people to put up for privacy.

Thanks to your donations, HelpGazaChildren is able to help people both in the North and South of the Gaza Strip.

Please keep donating to HelpGazaChildren! This grassroots effort is helping so many people in Gaza when the world has abandoned them!

Donate to our GoFundMe which goes directly to Hussam, who manages camps in Rafah, with NO middleman in between! He also sends money to the North!

[ID: Mahmoud AbuSalama speaking to the camera with a car in the background, it's trunk open. There are rolled up sheets in the trunk. Then people come in to help Mahmoud put in more sheets in the trunk.]


Hello, I want to tell you about my story. My name is Mahmoud Helles. I have been a refugee in Belgium for 7 years. I live in a refugee center and do not have residency in Belgium. I left Gaza and left my pregnant wife. I didn't see my baby when he was born and I wasn't there. He is now 6 years old and I have 4 children, the eldest of whom is 13 years old. I have no childhood memories with my children, and I fear I will be deprived of them. My wife suffers from kidney problems, her left kidney was removed, and she now lives with one kidney. Also, due to the war and the lack of treatment, her health has deteriorated, and if I lose his life, my children will remain in Gaza homeless, without their mother and their expatriate father for that. I am collecting donations to save my family and get out of Gaza to Egypt. I appeal to you and to every person who sympathizes with my children💔

In the picture is a medical report for my wife about her health condition. Help me participate and donate. Even if it is small, your donation or participation makes a big difference. Thank you.🌹🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🌹😭😭

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