Fandom Trumps Hate 2025 Calendar
We're back, folks! FTH is back for be our ninth (!) auction, and there's lots of good work to be done. (What is Fandom Trumps Hate?)
In this post you'll find the calendar for the 2025 auction, along with links to some useful information, including this year's list of supported organizations. (All of these same links can be found in our masthead, but since that's not visible on mobile we wanted to make them easy to find elsewhere.) You'll also find dates for our Crafts Bazaar. (wait, the what? Read more at our 2024 Crafts Bazaar page.)
Here is this year's list of supported organizations. We'll be posting more detailed profiles of each of them over the coming weeks. We also encourage you to look at the Auction FAQ (which has lots of useful information for people thinking about signing up as creators, as well as dedicated sections on bidding and on nonprofit orgs.) If you're raring to go, you can look at our bidding policies.
Lastly, in a couple of weeks we'll be kicking off our newly-revived offscreen activism blog @fthaction. Why not give it a follow?
FTH2025 Auction Calendar
Monday, January 20th: creator signups open for both the auction and the crafts bazaar
Sunday, February 2nd: creator signups close
Friday, February 21st: browsing period begins, crafts bazaar announcement goes live
Tuesday, February 25th, 8am ET: bidding opens
Saturday, March 1st, 8pm ET: auction bidding closes
Monday, March 10th: craft stalls close
Wednesday, March 12: proof of donations due
...and if you're thinking the gap between the end of signups and the beginning of browsing period looks long: we have also noticed this! In order to accommodate some back-end changes that will help the auction run more smoothly, we've given ourselves an extra week to get ourselves set up. We've also got some stuff in the works to occupy that time -- we'll say more about that when the time arrives.
Together, we're going to make sure that there is at least one (1) good thing in the world with the number 2025 attached to it.