

@mrfilippa / mrfilippa.tumblr.com

She/He | 🇮🇹 | 22 yrs | multifandom | memer and (shy) artist | married to nyo!england | ig profile: mrfilippa76342 | maybe this blog can have saturated colours!!!


I just added my ig profile on the description!

Howdy, I'm Filippa!

Just a silly person who likes memes :D

I like a lot stuff from the 2000s!!!

I am here on Tumblr since January 2021 (I think lol)

You can find me in many fandoms!

  • Hetalia (my fav one, since August 2015)
  • Astérix (since childhood!!!)
  • Winx Club (same as above)
  • Animal Crossing (since 30 july 2013💘)
  • Minecraft (since elementary school 😭)
  • MLP (I don't remember really, before middle school I am sure)
  • Keroro or Sgt Frog (same as above)
  • Vocaloid (since middle school!)
  • Kirby (same as Vocaloid)
  • Super Mario (Since childhood)
  • Countryballs (since 2015 circa)
  • Soul Eater (summer 2015 circa)
  • JJBA (since 23 December 2016)
  • Team Fortress 2 (since 23 September 2018 but I knew it since 2016 somehow)
  • Red Dead Redemption 2 (since 2018)
  • Yazuka 0 (since 2020 and 2021)
  • Popee The performer (since 7 May 2021)
  • Punch-Out!! (Since 14 May 2021 but I knew PO in 2019)

I started to watch South Park, Lego Ninjago and Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters lol (and I want to play Pikmin)

If you want to add one of my memes in your edits or something like that, just credit this Tumblr account or even my Instagram, np.

Please don't credit my stuff as yours (have mercy plz)

I have some sideblogs

silly tags I use!!!


  • If you don't like my stuff = just block me
  • If you don't like a particular fandom = just block the tag(s)

The end✨


“this anime we’ve been watching together is very amusing, light. who’s your favorite character?”

“hm. i’m not sure.”

“damn it. he’s using our shared interest in this funny anime about a frog failing to take over the world to see if i’m kira. i have to be careful. i could always say i like keroro, which would be a safe bet, since he’s the main character. however-”

“keroro’s entire goal is to end the world and enslave the human race. despite his silly antics he’s a very powerful character with a temper and is sneaky enough to fly under the radar, just like kira.”

“who would be a safe bet? i can’t say kururu, his entire thing is being sociopathic. i could try to throw him off by saying tamama, but light yagami would never pick such a pathetic suck up as his favorite character. maybe i should just say a human character. yeah, in fact, i know exactly who to say.”

“i like koyuki. she’s a very admirable character.”

“i see. her devotion to her friends and sweet personality are nice to see in a character. i personally like dororo.”

“what game are you playing at, L? we both know that dororo is a seeker of peace and justice, but that he and koyuki’s allyship has the constant of butting heads. are you trying to say that your and my allyship is temporary, that you’re willing to throw me to the wolves if i prove to be a serious threat? that’s what dororo would do.”

“i like angol mois! she’s cute!”

“misa, what are you doing?! angol mois’ entire existence is for the purpose of ending the world! she’s far more powerful than meets the eye, and while bubbly she seeks out the universe’s destruction! are you trying to reveal yourself as kira? you’re hopeless at this.”

“i like giroro’s guns”

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