
Normal about that old man

@garlic-the-gnome / garlic-the-gnome.tumblr.com

You can call me Garlic. 18. They/them. I'm autistic.🪱

Hiya everyone I'm garlic! 🧄

This is just a lil content warning for my blog. Most of the stuff on here is pretty tame but I do reblog sex related stuff tagged #☢️

I also reblog puppy play stuff so if that isn't your cup of tea #puppygirl

I also love horror but I try to tag the media (mainly the walking dead) so it should be easy to filter.


being moderately proficient with computers in the early 2010s was casting a hex on your family to call you sheldon

i got a big bang theory box set and a bazinga t shirt for christmas when i was 16


my dad wanted to get me a psych eval so i could say "im not crazy. my father had me tested." like sheldon did and after the psych eval they diagnosed me with paranoid schizophrenia


this could be the funniest thing that has happened to anyone ever. my condolences king


I’m having VERY vivid memories of finding a DS stylus that was the pokemon Mew with a GIANT cock that had the stylus tip coming out of it and I’m not sure if its real



Nothing gives the same kind of random ego boost like managing to finally clean up your home and making it nice. Like ooh look at me, I'm living like people do, I made myself iced tea and I am eating my snack from a real plate. I got floors and shit.


It’s called ‘being able to see the corpse’

So if I put you in an L-shaped swimming pool, and you knew there was a corpse around the corner, you'd be fine?


loving the implication that I'm a little animal and you're a scientist putting me into various bodies of water to test my corpse:water ratio tolerance

[ID: An r/ShowerThoughts post by JollyTraveler, reading: People will swim in the ocean, even though there are definitely many corpses in it. People will not swim in a pool with a corpse in it. Humans all have a corpse:water ratio that is acceptable for them to swim in. /end ID]


I’ve pondered what games the nublar six would play and here are my conclusions (of course if you would like to add on to this post with your own ideas please feel free to do so!)

Darius: As my lovely mutual @albino-parakeet pointed out, Darius would be addicted to tycoon style games and I couldn’t agree more. I feel that while he was into more action oriented games when he was younger, but he gained a strong love for management sims as he grew older…has played YouTubers life and Zoo tycoon for more hours than he would like to admit.

Ben: Man this one was kind of hard, but I lowkey think he would love resident evil. Don’t even ask me why, he would he just would okay. Don’t ask him to describe the plot of resident evil to you, he will info dump all the lore to you (is this me projecting because I also know a lot of the resident evil lore…no…). (His favorite character is probably Chris Redfield.) Other than that he probably occasionally dips his toes into life sim games like the sims (Yaz put him on to it).

Kenji: I lowkey think he would be a Candy Crush god. I don’t really have a solid idea on what kind of games he would play, but I just know he loves mobile games, probably like geometry dash or something. Whenever he’s waiting for his next lesson to arrive he’ll just open whatever mobile game he’s addicted to that week and play it.

Edit: HE DEF PLAYS THE PAPA’S PIZZERIA STYLE GAMES. Wingeria is his go to game

Yaz: She loves life sims. She’s extremely knowledgeable when it comes to the sims and has played every single mainline sims game. I think she would also love animal crossing and stardew valley (stardew reminds her of Sammy), but she also dips her toes in indie games whenever she finds one that interests her.

Sammy: To be honest, I don’t really know. I don’t think she would be a huge gamer, but she would probably play Stardew Valley per Yaz’s request (they have a farm together). Oh and she probably loves the cooking mama series!

Brooklynn: Ace attorney. That’s it. Ace attorney. She has played every single game in the series (again is this me projecting…no…). Loves the investigation and courtroom aspects, but grew to love the world and characters. I can also see her playing some of the Nancy Drew games as well as older point and click investigative games.

HELP THAT LITERALLY WOULD HAPPEN. Ben just explaining all of resident evil’s mechanics and why he has to lock in.

Darius: “Whats a permadeath run and why aren’t you saving? I think I would have a heart attack if all my tycoon data got erased”

Ben: “D…that is way to much to explain right now and I’m about to enter Claire’s final boss with very limited ammo. Also this isn’t a tycoon game- Kenji I swear to god if you don’t turn down the volume on your stupid mobile game.”

Kenji: “It’s not a stupid mobile game, Ben. For you information I’m learning useful life skills in Papa’s wingeria.”

Darius peeks at Kenji’s phone to see these so called “useful life skills” in action.

And it’s just him placing as much mayo as possible on a burger.


forever haunted by the fact that no slime girl drawing i do will ever be better than the one my boyfriend drew of her in a hot tub

how can i compete with this

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