
@notafunkiller / notafunkiller.tumblr.com

Andreea. 24. She/Her. I write and edit most of the time. A huge Bucky Barnes, Sebastian Stan, and Florence Pugh fan.
Anonymous asked:

I can’t remember if you spoke about this or another person on Twitter…but what are your thoughts on the Insta account Atlanta filming? (marvel leaks account) do you think what they’re saying is true or lies?

I personally think they’re doing it for clout and spreading false information

For clout + spreading false info (like they did in 2021 for TFATWS) for sure.

So I do not believe this account (they are right in some cases though) especially when it comes to the plot or characters' fate, just like that Daniel guy who has "spoilers"... how would anyone know things when it comes to Marvel?!

Marvel fools you, films scenes to make you believe false plots, doesn't let the actors have the full scripts, reshoots even half of the film🤣.

The ATL filming guy has a beef with him (and Daniel dislikes Bucky/Sebastian as well just so you know):

Anonymous asked:


There are so many amazing bloggers that I could tag, but here's a few that I 💛: @brairslair @bxckybxrnes24 @breathlesspieceofdeath @qualitygiantshoepsychic @toomanyfanficsbruh @oneofstarkskids @ryomance @imyourbratzdoll


@brairslair thank you so much for the mention, it made my day!!!!

@redwing4life Oh wow, thank you so much!! 🩶

I'm still so incredibly new to this whole thing, but here are some amazing bloggers I've found: @simplyholl @bucks-babe @sergeantbarnessdoll @littlemelanintales @heytheredelulu @lanabuckybarnes @lives-in-midgard @literaryavenger @longlivedelusion @navybrat817

@drabblesandsnippets oh my gosh, thank you for tagging me! 💖

As for 10 bloggers that I think are absolutely wonderful-

can I include you? Because I’m going to include you.


This is so sweet, thank you and back to youuu!

Most people I wanted to tag are previously tagged, so I'll add @marvelouslizzie and @lavenderhaze967 🌸

Anonymous asked:

And after you watch ADM... if you feel like it, let me know what you thought🌸

Sure, I’d be happy to. It’s a month out still, but I’ll be sure to share my thoughts on it & hopefully no spoilers for anyone.

Many hugsss🤗🌸

Anonymous asked:

Does anyone know for sure if A Different Man will have a showing at the Film Festival in Chicago next month?

Update: yes it is & I got tickets to both showings, woohoo. I know the cast most likely won’t be there but it’ll still be cool to see it before it hits theaters in September. Last movie I saw at a film festival like this was when Robert Pattinson played Dali. This should be exciting!

Omg, I am so happy and excited for you!

And woah, you saw Robert's film at the film festival?! Amazing!

And after you watch ADM... if you feel like it, let me know what you thought🌸

Anonymous asked:

Does anyone know for sure if A Different Man will have a showing at the Film Festival in Chicago next month?

Does anyone know? 👀

Anonymous asked:

I can across the discussions about if Sebastian would date someone younger.

Would like ‘judge’ ( might sound too harsh but I’m sure how describe it otherwise ) Sebastian if he were to date a young woman who’s like between 18-20, if she’s like you know someone normal ( behaviour and personality wise ) and suiting for him


Anonymous asked:

I totally agree with what you said about AW performative activism. Especially when she posts about something then something about herself then right back to some sort of cause. Just screams, look I care, look at me, look how much I care. She just wants attention & people to think she cares. She constantly posts about saving animals at shelters but when have you ever seen her volunteer at one? She adopted a dog from a shelter yeah, but would she ever pull over on the side of a road to help a sick/injured animal? Probably not. She’s too busy taking selfies in a mirror

Hellooo, it is performative and self-centered, and I find off and disrepsectful many things she does. But I really hope she would help an injured animal.

We all should🥺🌸

Anonymous asked:

I saw your response (towards the ask about the possibility of Sebastian getting into a relationship with someone younger), and I must say, I loved how well-written and balanced the discussion was on both sides. It was incredibly interesting, especially since I haven't seen this topic discussed in such detail before. Normally, I'm not someone who publicly asks questions or engages in discussions, but the respectful and insightful nature of your response made me feel comfortable doing so.

This brings me to a question regarding what you both talked about: do you think Sebastian would date a woman in the 18-20 age range, assuming she fulfills the values both of you have emphasized?

Given what was discussed and out of my view, I believe it's possible Sebastian could date someone in that age range if she embodies the maturity, emotional intelligence, and deep connection he values. As you mentioned, he does seem to appreciate youthful energy and doesn't judge people by their age. His concern might stem more from public perception and the potential impact on his career rather than the age gap itself. He is, after all, deeply affected by others' opinions and is an overthinker, which could make him cautious about how such a relationship would be perceived in the public eye and its effect on his professional life. ( Like you said, because i completely agree with you and the other person!)

However, if he finds someone who aligns with his emotional depth and life goals, the age difference might become a secondary consideration. As you pointed out, younger individuals can possess significant life experience and emotional intelligence. His previous relationships show that he values genuine connections over societal expectations regarding age.

Ultimately, finding someone who shares his emotional depth and commitment, with whom he forms a genuine connection, is what's most important. Age, while a factor, might not be the defining one if the emotional bond and mutual understanding are strong. So, if he meets someone in the 18-20 age range who fulfills these values, it’s entirely possible that he would embrace such a relationship despite any potential public scrutiny or career implications.

Even though I think for this to happen, it must be the right person and right time, so Sebastian feels secure enough to take the ‘risk’.

This is like genuine curiosity because I have a lot of people around me who have an age gap of 20+ years, and their relationships are literally so beautiful to see. They often have a unique dynamic where the differences in their experiences and perspectives complement each other, creating a rich and fulfilling connection. Observing these relationships has shown me that age gaps can contribute to a deeper understanding and appreciation between partners, defying conventional expectations and demonstrating that love and compatibility are not constrained by age.

(But please note that it’s only my personal view and I hope no one feels attacked by this, since this is not meant to be anything negative!)

Okay this definitely turned out longer than expected, sorry for that💗

Firstly, do not apologize, thank you for the message! You are welcome any time to write as much as you feel!

Secondly, you are really sweet and thoughtful!

I don't personally think he'd go for someone under 20-21, but thebrest of things you wrote wrote? Absolutely perfectly said!

Age, while a factor, might not be the defining one if the emotional bond and mutual understanding are strong.

Totally, and as someone who judged age gaps before and still judges sometimes, getting in my 20s and meeting older people (as in general, not dating) made me realize immature people can be 18, 28 or 57. It is not a rule, and age gaps do not define relationships... I mean, it is one of the factors, but not the only factor.

You can meet the most mature (in a similar life stage with you) person and they can be younger than you by... a decade. Social life, personality, family, connections, hobbies etc they all represent factors that influences this.

This is like genuine curiosity because I have a lot of people around me who have an age gap of 20+ years, and their relationships are literally so beautiful to see. They often have a unique dynamic where the differences in their experiences and perspectives complement each other, creating a rich and fulfilling connection.

This is why I started to change my opinion or at least not judge everyone. Age gaps are tricky because the issue in general for me used to be and is sometimes the power dynamic and life experience difference. Younger people tend to be manipulated and influenced kinda more (ofc it depends on the personality and education too), so this is why I used to be super hesitant.

But I also saw amazing dynamic between couples with a big age gap and the levels of teasing, respect, and understanding? Absolutely amazing and genuinely heart warming!

At the end of the day, it's all about how shítty you are, if you wanna manipulate and hurt or change the person you are with or if you want to build something with that person because you love and respect and are interested them, not just by the idea of them.

Observing these relationships has shown me that age gaps can contribute to a deeper understanding and appreciation between partners, defying conventional expectations and demonstrating that love and compatibility are not constrained by age.

This is beautifully said! I learned not to judge so hard and listen to the story first because as you said: some couples defy the conventional expectations in a very healthy way & love and compatibility are not contrained by age (especially if you have the same/similar emotional maturity, trauma, experiences etc)

And I think Sebastian with his energy, lifestyle, taste in general should be more courageous and try not to think so much about how he is perceived (but I understand how hard this is and in his case it's related to his career too), but it's hard.

Also, as I said, feel free to talk as much as you want and do not apologize🌸

Anonymous asked:

What do you think of AW's "activism", personally I find it disappointing, sometimes she only posts screenshots instead of sharing the direct publication, everyone loves her for that (I'm not saying she has to do it daily) but I feel that when She does it because she is going to upload something about herself or something like that.

It's performative activism... sharing those stories = bare, bare minimum & then ahe posts many other stories of the freebies she got, usually. I find it disrespectful.

I don't care others don' share at all, I won't praise a white, rich woman (who, btw, pused slurs - I hope she learned not to- and praises the Royal family) for this. For literally something normal: being against invasion, genocíde etc.

I remember her first post about Gaza, and it was a neutral kinda pro Israel post, then when people started to dm her and be mad, she switched.

I am not saying she is a bad person or thag people can't educate themselves or that is wrong for them not to want people on both sides to die, but the people (mostly young people!!!) in Gaza... they have been victims for years.

So yeah, totally performative acticism.

Anonymous asked:

Do you think Sebastian would date someone significantly younger than him? I'm not just talking about a few years, but a larger age gap, though of course she would be of legal age. I'm curious about your thoughts on this.

I've had discussions with a few friends, and their opinions are quite varied. Some believe that age might be a significant factor for him, while others think it wouldn't matter as much. Personally, I see Sebastian as someone who is very intense when it comes to forming connections. He strikes me as a person who values deep emotional bonds and would need to be emotionally invested to consider a serious relationship.

Given this perspective, I don't think an age difference would necessarily be a deal-breaker for him. If he meets someone who is mature, emotionally intelligent, and capable of forming a meaningful connection, I believe he would be open to the idea. The key for Sebastian would be finding someone who matches his level of emotional depth and commitment, regardless of age.

Absolutely, yes!

I also think he values maturity, emotional intelligence, and a deep connection, so if someone matches his level of emotional depth and commitment, age wouldn't be a barrier for his heart.

However, he might overthink it. I believe he worries about how others might perceive him, especially regarding the potential negative impact on his career—such as awards (his focus at the moment if you asked me), directors' perspectives, and being seen as unserious due to judgmental views—which is his top priority.

I think he’s an overthinker in general and is deeply affected by others sometimes. He is an artist after all. And very ambitious, may I add.

He might also fear that a younger partner will get bored/change her perspective or that they’re at different life stages, but that's not (always) true. Some people simply have different energy levels or know what they want in life earlier. You can see him being more alive and energetic around younger people, and I think he can sense this as well.

He totally doesn’t judge people by their age; he also knows that younger people can have substantial life experience, be super understanding and open, and be more in touch with their emotions.

He himself has a youthful energy. Looking at his relationship with Ale, who is 10 years younger than him, you wouldn't notice the age difference unless you looked up their ages. The way he makes funny faces, his goofy and nerdy flirting with Daisy, who is 16 years younger than him, all show his youthful spirit and how good a connection can actually get (despite age difference)

Daisy, with her old soul, and he, with his young soul, met in the middle (similar humor, vibes + taste in music, movies etc). They didn’t even realize they were flirting sometimes; he was kind of whipped and just randomly brought up his age at some point. For no reason😂

In another context, I think he'd have at least tried something with her, who was very into him as well. Their chemistry was undeniable, and moments like when she teased him commented about him ordering food well or Sebastian doing anything she asked?! They still get me laughing!

So I hope he'll embrace a relationship that brings him happiness and fulfillment, regardless of the age difference (like I said, younger ≠ immature), and his worries about public perception and career impact.

You only live once, so finding someone who shares your emotional depth and commitment, with whom you form a genuine connection, is important and rare (especially since he is an actor).

Anonymous asked:


Thoughts on the “single”? Part of it?

This made me snort, ngl. I think it's a hint at us believing it's PR. And the fact they mentioned it means they see what we talk about.

But his body language was not convincing in their eyes either, otherwise they would have phrased this whole paragraph differently (like other magazines) and then added something about how people don't believe they are together...

(Also, if you don't publicly acknowledge your relationship properly, others might/will assume you are single/in an open relationship/in a situationship.

Many of the fans were confused with yje Cannes photo(s) and reached out to ask me about who she is. Some thought she was a crew member.

And even before... almost no one knew he was with AW already while he was promoting Fresh with Daisy.)

Anonymous asked:

random ask but what do you think about this whole thing about him having/not having a new assistant? I don't know what to think, because according to her IG, she's a producer and screenwriter, and why would a producer and screenwriter be an actor's assistant? it's so weird, the whole thing smells fishy to me idk

She can be his friend. Idk where the rumors came from tbh.

So I doubt, but you never know in this industry.

(If she wants to associated with Marvel, she might, but I do not think so)

What I hate is how people have started to shít on her already for no reason.

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